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How do we know that Stephen Hawking is not a braindead monkey
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How do we know that Stephen Hawking is not a braindead monkey being used as a mouthpiece for leftist propaganda? He has also been vocal about keeping Britain in EU and multiculturalism.
this article is stupid

hawking doesnt understand all the workings of the universe. he isn't omniscient
Can he explain why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
>understands the workings of the universe
If he doesn't throw a fit when he hears people say this he's a fucking cuck
Sounds like he's talking about a "rap artist".

stephen hawking has about as much political authority as george clooney

i am looking forward to him being a bond villain though
>asking an autist about anything but their specialty
Give him a month's worth of research and he may find out the secret.
Nerds usually do not understand how real people react. They only think in numbers and logic.
really makes you think..
Scientist who spends all his time on science shit like math and space decides to poke his head out of his lab and talk about politics.
Turns out he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and should just go back to crunching numbers.
For out next story, local Arby's cook instructs scientists that they should be looking into that whole hollow moon and flat earth thing.
More at 11.
should we make a list of all the other things he can't do? I'll start

>steven hawking

Lemme see here...
Ironic that he apparently must appeal to the lowest common denominator, when the financially, logically lowest (and literally most common) denominators are leftists.
He really is though
He can't get an erection
>a physicist doesn't know shit about politics
Wow! What a wonder! That's almost as impressive as a kid's show host with a degree in engineering not knowing shit about environmental science!
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