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>be animal >Live your life in a Zoo as entertainment for
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>be animal
>Live your life in a Zoo as entertainment for humans.
>This goes well, you get fed and taken care off.
>One day some nigger child falls into your habitat.
>Look at it cause you look alike.
>Realise your in America.
>Get shot.
It literally dindu nuffin.
The gorilla behaved more responsibly than the kid's mother
gorilla lives are worth more than nigger lives.
nigger lives aren't human lives.
the gorilla will contribute more to society than the nigger will.
It's actually not implausible that the gorilla had a higher IQ than the child's parent.

Koko the gorilla had an IQ somewhere between 70 and 95, which is around the average for niggers too.
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>kill gorilla, pay to set up better barriers and have to do with PETA people Noone likes anyway

>Let kid get killed by gorilla and lose the Zoo in a lawsuit, be forever labeled as that racist who chose a gorilla over a black kid

Tough decision there tbqh
Unbelievable. Can you find out for me how it's figured out?
Another unarmed black man shot in America for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

What a tragedy. These senseless killings have got to stop.
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the kid wasnt black
>be animal
>Live your life as burden to humans
>This goes well, you get fed and taken care of by white people's taxes
>One day some nigger child you don't remember spawning falls into your habitat
>Look at it cause you look alike.
>Go out for cigarettes
>Get shot by other nigger
yeah, he was.
This link seems to have some reliable info/analysis: http://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/32155/does-the-gorilla-koko-have-an-iq-in-the-range-70-95
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no, he isnt
Or you could argue in a court of law that the rights of the animal are the same rights as the child, that the area allotted off are those of the animal's, and that people are allowed to protect their homes against trespassers who are up to the discretion of the territory's owner to assume the role of categorizing threats.
That we give illegals rights in America, but we don't consider the rights of the gorilla.
That "hat all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator" can not justify subjugation of non-humans because there is a separation of church and state, and that the gorilla is a paid worker who is a contributor to the American economy, and as such, should be given fair treatment accordingly.
Blind and deaf.
Listen to the boy's mama if nothing else.
Yes he is mother fucker
yeah, he is.
So Koko has 95 iq but that was with a child test. She was never given an adult test. I suspect that she would flunk that test.
I'm not claiming the gorilla is as smart as a human, just that there's not much difference between it and a typical ghetto nigger.
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M8 the video has already been released, the kid is clearly black.
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Kid was just trying to find his daddy.
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