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How does real estate work in a place like Japan?
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I mean, I assume there is literally no place on the island where new developments/houses can be built so like... how does that work? Do old apartment buildings or whatever get torn down and built from the ground up? Do families live inter-generationally?

Someone explain plox.

PS What do nips think about Trump as a whole?
Buy house, fix house, sell house
An enormous part of the country is empty forests and shit, plus a ton of rural farmland.
There's a lot of room to develop, it's just that their population is concentrated on a handful of cities which just build up instead of out.
My understanding was that a lot of forestation and stuff was left alone because of how mountainous a large portion of the island is.
There's a lot of mountains, but a good portion of it isn't so bad that it can't be worked with. There's just no need to develop places that are considered the boonies. They're usually far (by Japan standards) from major cities and ports, so even if you develop a village into a city, you'll just have a city in the middle of nowhere that no one wants to move to.
It's because Asians are like ants and like to live in a hive (city) with the colony (all the chinaman)

They definitely build out. Tokyo has like 15 boroughs to New York's 5.
Yeah Tokyo doesn't really have high rises, it's all mid rises spread out like crazy they get too many earthquakes to build too tall
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tokyo is pretty comfy desu
I absolutely despite modern architecture, I hate it so much that if I were ever dictator every single piece of modern architecture in Canada would be demolished, but for some reason it works in Tokyo.
You mean a e s t h e t i c.
probably because tokyo is fucking gigantic
I'm assuming to drive from one side to the other it'd take a good hour or two
most north american cities are relatively small
Tokyo is 800 square miles
Sydney is 4000 square miles.
It's actually crazy how widely spread Australian cities are for some reason
>country is literally 90% arid desert
why not build out sprawl?

>be japanese gangster
>buy land
>sell land for more

Those are basically the rules there
This is interesting,
Toronto has a density of 10 thousand people per square mile
Tokyo 16 thousand per square mile
Sydney just 1 thousand.
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Japan had a huge land-price spike in the late-80s and early 90s, much like the US real-estate bubble only worse. People were using houses and land as collateral to borrow and buy land, etc. At the top, the land under the imperial palace in Tokyo was technically worth more than the entire nation of Canada.

People were taking out 100-year "multigenerational mortgages" (where their children would be on the hook to pay) for apartments the size of walk-in closets.

Then the bubble popped and there have been 25 years of stagnation.
This is the correct answer. The good jobs are concentrated in major cities. I live in a rural city and nobody wants to build any chain retailers here because all the young people move to a major city once there of age and most of the people here are self-sustaining farmers. There are no grocery markets that have a consistent stock of quality items and every store is a mom and pop managed business.

If no one wants to live here then no one wants to build their businesses here.
It's funny how whites love living away from cities but in Asia it's the opposite, do you have a country culture there like we do?
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