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Why don't we genocide the germans? In fact they are mostly
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File: GermansAreFuckingCucks.jpg (206 KB, 1329x747) Image search: [Google]
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Why don't we genocide the germans? In fact they are mostly the main reason why Europe is fucked to death by mudslim and refugees.

Modern Germans are kikes. Fucking shitskins dick lover cunts.

It's always the same faggots that are fucking around.
Fucking please do this. Germany destroys the whole of Europe
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They're doing it themselves.
Good. You should be next, medpack. You and your banks filled with stolen money from the world's most corrupt and powerful people on the planet
File: SwedenYes.jpg (31 KB, 500x306) Image search: [Google]
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Stay quiet buddy. Sweden is right beyond Germany on the list.

>Modern Germans are kikes

fuck off mountain Jew, you're literally only good at storing other peoples money
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i agree, as none-german who leaves soon anyway, this country is a fucking disease and i wish i was never born here, nuke this hellhole into oblivion.
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>born here

Where exactly do you think you can hide, and who in their right mind would take you back?
You should have given Bade-Wurtemberg to glorious Switzerland.
>Why don't we genocide the germans?

Same reason why you couldn't all band together and genocide us for the past 100 years: because the USA wouldn't let you.
because Genocide is a bad thing and germany is the economic engine of EU and a guarantee for peace and saefty in europe
The reason Germany can let in so many refugees without resistance is that Germany committed a genocide and using white guilt always works. So if you would genocide us, the globalists would just use that as a reason why you should let refugees in as well, faggot.
i pretty much already said im moving so noone needs to take me back

and im not hiding, just not being dumb enough to fight for a country i dont give a fuck about,well if a civil war ever happen anyway ,highly doubtfull
>guarantee for peace and saefty in europe
come on now
yeah, we did some naughty things 70 years ago, but we have changed, i promise
dude your current policies are pushing Europe towards the edge.

Nobody wants an immigrant to Germany at this point. Your native land will probably kill & rob you, any western land knows you are a parasite and a criminal.

Look, I was born in the USA and so I actually have a place to go. You have nowhere. You're simply deluding yourself. You'll find out when it's too late.
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m8 now you are just straight up lying to yourself
about what exactly?

You should have listened to Obama, Nigel. Now you're at the back of the queue. How does it feel, O Toothless One?
lol do you even know what you talk about? i literally said two times now that im moving away from germany not going to germany, means i have already a place to go, a job there, all i need is to finish some paperwork and bring my stuff over.then im out of here.

You will be moving only to find out that you're even more hated than where you left. Every second you'll have to watch your back. You're not escaping, only fleeing into more misery.
you mean policies like the deal with turkey that will stop the refugee flow to europe?
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This deal failed and is a horrible substitute for actual border security.
yeah totally, like you have any clue where i even move
how eaxctly are you gonna secure the coasts of greece and italy?
our own choice is to make deals with turkey and african countries, like australia did with south east asia
I'd be all for this, French, Swedes, and Dutch too.
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are you the same edgy cuck who raged in the
>englang should quite the Eu
thread ?
dann verpiss dich türke

Bin selbst ein Ausländer der hier lebt und Abschaum wie du is der Grund warum Deutschland nicht zu 100% toll sein kann
lol, why all this Germany hate?
cause we are de-facto leaders of the EU. And everytime something goes wrong, it is easy to use the leader as a scapegoat

kek nice meme
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