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>He thinks Britain will actually vote out
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>He thinks Britain will actually vote out
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>tfw they don't
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they will tho

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>He's a fucking leaf.
Here have a superior flag for your time.
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>TFW I don't, but will vote out for Queen and country

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>tfw the British Empire will never rise again



BREAKING: EU one step closer to becoming the USEU!

Say goodbye to any semblance of sovereignty if you have a national army. Hope there's no conscription.
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>mfw they think their votes will actually count.
>Thinking the UK ignores democratic process like the USA's 'choose your dictator' scheme.
this was the goal from the start, a one world government
>People try to resist the EU
>EU army is sent in, composed almost entirely of muslims and africans
>They rape, slaughter, torture, and burn everything
>The EU Soros News Network shows a few select cut footages and says "Anti-EU zealots commit war crimes"
>New sweeping "anti-terrorist" measures
>Whites put in concentration camps, no girl over the age of 2 reaches them with their virginity in tact
>Eurocucks on /pol/ get angry at Americans who are pointing out that this is happening "b-but, your border wall was built by legal immigrants, you hypocrit! you are way worse than us!", before they are tracked down and sent to camps for posting on /pol/

Ibn knows what's up
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>Thinking they do not have a dictator already.
>Thinking Merkel has any influence in the UK.
Remember that migrant crisis? The crisis in the UK isn't Middle East and Africans but rather Europeans and Pakis. When the continental pale niggers and Rajlites go home it will be a good day.
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