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holy shit it's fucking true. this is the best movie I've
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File: angry.jpg (81 KB, 960x960) Image search: [Google]
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holy shit it's fucking true. this is the best movie I've seen in years.
My favorite was transformer r desu..

So much action.
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Then why is it rated below 50% on Rotten Tomatoes?
Have you heard about the
Superconducting Super Collider
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harmless triangles.png
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I'm so excited! I've got a date tomorrow and we're going to see it!

>pol is obsessed with a kids movie and convinced it has subliminal anti refugee messages designed to red pill children

never change pol lel
Even liberals admit it's anti-refugee right wing propaganda.
It was great. The bird and pig puns were great. The anti-immigrant thing was great too.
only the people making the movie can confirm anything like that. Liberals cry nazi propaganda at everything, so that proves nothing
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Sounds like a great cover story. No wonder it got made into a movie
Jews and leftist trash

I don't think whoever made this realizes how long it takes to produce computer animation.
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im not even antisemitic but that gif was lol-able
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The producer and writer were both Jews, as was the studio that distributed it
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