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Can somebody explain the whole email scandal to me, and why it's
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Can somebody explain the whole email scandal to me, and why it's such a big deal what her account was on?
Gov't account private server- is a no no
No oversight of operation
You should not delete official docs
If you get TS clearance documents on a non official server, you screwed the pooch
Most likely has official government and top secret/secure files and information, which is why the FBI is investigating.
It is on an unsecured server where any random Chinese college student can hack into it and gain government and agency information.

Top secret and secure information belongs on secure servers, not one in her basement. She also possibly told her workers to devalue the security status of information in an email.
private email server - not allowed
kept public documents from the public - seriously not allowed
magically claimed "oh the server crashed and its all gone" - fucking liar thats not how computers work
FBI gets a hold of the server and starts ripping it apart.
discovers thousands of emails with sensitive information and shit
So is having the emails on an unsecured server something illegal that she can get in real trouble for, or is it just something people are attacking her for?
Its treason
It would seem so. She was hacked by a Slav. Sooooo pretty ez
She left the cake for the bake sale out in the rain.
Yes, any ordinary citizen would be in prison already. It's not just a matter of sending business emails with a private address, she had top secret documents stripped of their headers and sent via her email, which was insecure and in the hands of questionable people like Huma Abedin.
Yes. Government emails that are secure or top secret cannot be placed on non-secured servers.

Think of it as Spongebob and the krabby patty secret formula. Mr. Krabs has that shit under lockdown and may possibly not even be in the establishment because it's secure as fuck. Meanwhile, Hillary is taking that formula and putting it in her desk drawer.

It is also treason to release top secret information in any manner. Her supposed negligence, if not her purposefully making it all out in the open, can cause a LOT of shit.
But also there's the big deal that if it were literally anyone else besides Obama and Bill, the person would be in jail already or on death row.
She compromised classified state documents. If she wasn't a Clinton she'd be in federal prison, and I'm not being hyperbolic.

He didn't hack it. He guessed her security question after learning about her life from a biography.
To put it into terms
If I pulled exactly what she pulled when I was doing Intel in the Marines
You'd never hear from me and I'd be rotting away in the brig indefinitely probably on some treason charge
This bitch believes to be above American citizens and in turn above the laws that apply to us which is why she's so nonchalant about the whole scandal
It shows how arrogant she is that she thinks she can circumvent the FOIA. Also she did this knowing that senior officials said she shouldn't and couldn't do it. Worst part is that with all her emails being on a private server, it's much easier to obtain classified info. See: Gucifer
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maximum kek
[citation needed]

If that is true this whole thing just got 10x funnier.

That's hacking. And also fucking pathetic for a 21st century Secretary of State and her staff.
social engineering
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Search spooky terms from the emails. Bring it back here.


Last paragraph.

It's true, Hillary is a fucking moron and probably did what old people do and had a password like "Chelsea" or some shit.
It isn't just the fact that she did something illegal and treasonous, it's that she sees herself as being above the law, like Nixon's statement about it not being illegal if the president does it. And Hill ain't president yet, think what she could do if she held the highest office in the land.
The time has come!
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consider this.png
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Clinton - Gore had ties to the Chinese military in the 90s.
China - Walmart accelerated it's rise during this time
Clinton - Walmart are from Arkansas.
Hillary holds sensitive emails on her private server.
China is known to be actively hacking vulnerable computers.

Perhaps Clinton was keeping emails in a place where the CHICOMs could more easily acquire them?
She had an email server installed at her home, correct?

Was it really a time saver/convenience for a VIP, or was she trying to fly under the radar
Hard to prove, this whole things' hard to measure.

Yes she done goofed.

Handling classified information that was is definitely a real crime, and her server had classified information on it.

Currently she is excusing it by saying she didn't know it was classified
It shows very poor judgement and decision making skills on the part of someone seeking to be one of the most powerful people on the planet.
Yeah I work for a government agency and our email protection is serious business.

And we're not even allowed to send identifiable/confidential data through email, we have to send the location of the file on our shared drive and open documents there.
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