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COUP REVEALED in Brazil. /pol/ supported it
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It is happening.

Do you remember the impeachment of brazilian communist president, Dilma Rousseff? Do you remember that she says it is a putsch and illegal every damn week?

It actually was!

There was a systematic effort led by senator Romero Jucá, parliament president Eduardo Cunha, the army and senate's president Renan Calheiros to take down Dilma so they could somehow start a national pact after to shield them from Lava-Jato (the unveiling of a corruption scheme involving all the higher ranks of brazilian politics).

Don't believe me? Read for youself:


/pol/ BTFO supporting conspiracy.
Dilma did nothing wrong and you took her away from presidency. /pol/ is in the wrong side of history again.

Nobody cares, nigger.
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Based Bolsomito
I bet my ass USA has everything to do with this too.

Hillary probably is pulling the strings.

How do you feel having supported a coup?
It's not illegal, it's just politics. People complai about legality but no one has never read the fucking constitution.

Our laws are a joke, it's really as simple as that.

No coup, no ilegality. All politicians are corrupt in Brazil and most of the population is also corrupt.

Truth be told: the overwhelming majority of Brazilians deserve to be fucked in the ass on a daily basis.
Wait I didn't write keked there, I wrote cucked as well. Is this kek showing itself to me ?Choosing me as a prophet, perhaps?
So basically everyone in brazil is a corrupt nigger?
>country wants you out

>n-no I gotta serve my t-term cus this paper said so

I knew spics weren't human but pussys too? c'mon senpai.
No question.
Almost everyone, specially the whites and half breeds.

The Brazilian nigger is actually quite hard working, they were well trained in the past.
>All politicians are corrupt in Brazil
still, can't you say some are more corrupt than others?
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Feels great, faggot. I'd rather go back to a fucking military government than having to tolerate that insufferable leftist piece of shit you losers called "presidenta"

Mad nigger
Cry more gommies.
Definitly there are some worst than others, but they are friends and conspire together to be better corrupts.

The problem is not the players, it's the game itself.
Bolsonaro supports Israel, Jews and loves Netanyahu.
The procedure was still both legal and constitutional so fuck you.

But still, IMHO, the current government shoudl step down and there should be new elections.
>How do you feel having supported a coup?

I'm sure it makes many on /pol/ happy. Hopes are running high, I'm sure, that this coup will feature some Pinochet Helicopter Tours.

I don't understand, why are you upset? didn't dilma ruin your country
I'm actually a half breed, but if you don't live in a bubble you can sure see how the brazilian negro is, generally, very hard working.

It's literally impossible to deny it.
She wasn't the best president.

But she was elected.

She can't be taken down because of law.
No one cares, mate. Take this back to 55.
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this is a right-wing board, not a pro-democracy one. I am 100% ok with taking power through whatever means necessary.
I am always amused the shit hole countries like Brazil always have people that think the they are so important that the US Government is plotting against them. I know this will be a shock to your system but nobody and I mean nobody gives a shit about you or your country. Sure it would be nice to take a trip up the Amazon and see the wild life but the down side of that is having to deal with the locals Anyway, I hope you die of sexually transmitted Zika virus
isn't it win/win for the whole world if leftists get deselected, no matter the circumstnces?
Being elected is not a free pass to do shit and commit crimes you nigger.

Post your face when you remember that fucking michel temer was also elected
There is no such thing as perfection, I suppose.
Still, hundreds of times better than any other politician in the entire country. Aécio and Dilma are equally shitty and Aécio is also a fucking crackhead cuck. Bolsomito is the only solution. The Final solution, if you will.
>dilma did nothing wrong
fuck off
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Can i move there and only speak german?

Nope. If both houses vote to impeach, that is that. It is no different for Barack Obama.
No, we don't want muslims. Fuck you sandnigger.

German refugees have freaking replaced the population in three of our states.

But german degenerates embraced Brazil for the gibsmedat and nobody speaks german anymore.

You don't need legal precedent for impeachment
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Go fuck yourself commie. Cry more.
She should be executed.
There might be some secluded German speaking comunity in the south somewhere, but most people from Brasil can barely even speak their own language or take regular baths, let alone speak German or even English. You'd have a very hard time here, to say the least.
Brazil is a Shit hole and should be nuked.
Agreed. Please kill me already.
Not nuked, we just need a civil war to create strong principles and a sense of national unity.

Brazil needs a war, we never had one (for real I mean, not those shitty "make believe" wars)
>civil war

Unity and principles go out the fucking window once it is brother against brother. That you are suggesting there is some murderous jackpot solution as opposed to centuries of hard work is because you have the limited mind of a murdering flip-flop monkey.
Still doesn't change the fact that pinkos like Dilma are shit.
>calling brazilians murderous monkeys

Our wars did not kill 16+ million people.
Israel is a country of contention, there is no problem in supporting it, since no one likes them (the Jews). The problem is when they are not in Israel....
Well... I guess.
Europe has been at war with itself since the romans, you are just a subhuman muslim

When civil war happens, one side has to win. Thst brings unity because the winning side inposes his beliefs, in Brazil we got nothing, just third part interests, the commom people never did anything, all reforma and revolutions were caused by elites
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I hope the civil war is whites vs niggers
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I do not think you understand this topic in even the most basic way.
Is this possible?
Whites are hopelessly outnumbered.
Why didn't you enlighten other users sooner? If you knew this information then you only have yourself to blame.
i don't think so. also whites have civilization ending weapons.
cry more

yes blacks are actually better than you lazy mutts here
Every time I see a pic like the OP, I think about the balkanization of Brazil. I feel we're way too diverse in terms of culture and needs.

What do you guys think? Maybe a some kind of union would be needed to maintain our geopolitical power, but more autonomy to the regions/states would be cool.
whites almost 50%
black people 8%
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I know but:

>Whites are better strategists
>Niggers cant shoot straight and tend to turn on each other
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>whites vs niggers

Or BBC(big black cock) vs TPV(tight pink vagina).
>read for yourself
But I don't speak hue damn it
In Brasil, whites are severely outnumbered if you rule out the mixed breed and people that "look white". Actual white people make for a very small part of the population in most of the country. Also, in Brasil the only ones who have guns are thiefs and murderers. It's basically impossible to get a weapon if you're a law abiding citizen. A civil war here would look like a Zulu skirmish, but without the training and organization the Zulu had.
>He supports democracy
>He thinks "elections" make for the will of the people
Point and laugh people.
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This must be a fetish of yours, if you keep such pictures saved.
I'm not racist.
If you think some pardo/mulato asswipe with a inferiority complex that believes saying he is white will actually make him white, then yes, whites are 50% of the population. But it's probably just a lot of wishful thinking.

Nice ID. You got ACCE55 to dem corruptions lmao
I never said you were, you turd. Se você fica salvando uma porrada de fotos de negros com brancas, deve ser fetiche, porra. Se eu salvasse foto de cara musculoso iam me chamar de viado. Você gosta de ver negros fodendo brancas. Nada de racista em dizer isso
>bigger than europe ,still shitty
you have to go back to plebbit
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Every president MUST support Israel or else you'll end up like Libya.

Also this: https://www.radioislam.org/islam/portugues/poder/judeus_brasil.htm

Jews came to Brazil in the Portuguese Caravels, we never had a chance.
>US Government is plotting against them
Operation Condor.
>I hope you die of sexually transmitted Zika virus
American education folks.

At least we don't have a monkey king as president and our country isn't a world joke slowly and painfully taken over by niggers.
Face it fatso, call Brazil a shithole irrelevant, but this is also your future and I'll remind you when the day comes.
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most population is in the south and southeast, and northeast, and northeasterns know that they aren't white

thats not even the real shape of brazil
if you think this is good you are racist against both whites and blacks because you want them both to disappear by doing this
USA in favor/beyond a regime change.
Who would have thought?
Possibly, but then again almost all of Central and South America were in union with the now sovereign states. IIRC Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, and Bolivia? were all 1 country at one point, but also all the central American countries were once aligned (besides Panama.)

The problem with SA is the corruption
From all the countries that got fucked why would you choose mine
We have to go back to 1940
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Because I miss him.
time machine WHEN ?
when people will simply realize that Bolsonaro will be president. trump 2016 bolsonaro 2018
So, corrupt politicians attacking other corrupt politicians?
Wow Brazil, that's some surprising shit eh? Whodathunkit that a country of monkeys is utterly shit in all regards and can't into republic or democracy.
It's in Portuguese you fuck.

Give us an English link
Yah women destroy everything

this OP is a shil just ignore.
Libya is better off without him. He would have made us fight the US and NATO and turn libya into Iraq.

Gold Dinar plan was great but he didn't have anyone to help him enforce it so we would have suffered.

We didn't kick him out cus we hated him. We kicked him out cus he went mad and didn't see the pit he would have led us into
Then what are is everyone doing in this thread?

Is this a free for all thread now?
Who gives a shit about that hag? She still deserved it
> aka 60% mulato vs 40% mulato
are you retarded?
all the Us does is dick around in tiny shit countries and fuck with them. FUCK why are Americans so uninformed about our own nations fucking hell
Are you Mexican?
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hahahah another Junta gonna be running Bra7-1L

>can't you say some are more corrupt than others?

yes, whoever is in power, simply because they get a larger avenue to steal
I can only wish
The retarded commies would already have been shot
Fuck off petralha de merda, the dictatorship was far better than the government of Dilma, you are just delusional.
T. Socialist
She ruined the country
Vai tomar no cu, MAV de merda.
I like your point of view and feel the same here with the government.

The corrupt commies were just fucking up everything while miserably trying to be against global finances.

Now we have those corrupt "right wingers" but at least we don't get fucked in the process.
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>self-proclaimed communist predictably runs country into the ground
>blames USA
>gets thrown out of office
>blames USA


>Dilma did nothing wrong

she systematically destroyed the brazilian economy, from 2013 to 2023 our projected growth will be zero, that's right, a lost decade courtesy of the dumbass mortadelas that only know how to spend money and whine about the evil capital

we'll have to wait for the next commodity boom led by africa around 2030 to be able to grow considerably again, you heard that right, two more generations will have to be educated by our shitty public schools and die in our shitty public hospitals before things get any better, TWO FUCKING GENERATIONS

but then you go "oh the crisis isn't even that bad we just have to spend more to fix it", when the crisis is still far from the apex and it's source is precisely public and private DEBT HOLY FUCK it's mathematics

all because dumbass lula kept raising the minimum wage without gains in productivity (only generates inflation), traded cheap FMI debt for expensive internal debt (muh FMI boogeyman), kept churning out money to billionaires and conglomerates without actually investing in infrastructure (crony capitalism), it's so bad I don't even have space to cover it all in here

the impeachment process btw was legal because the supreme court decided so and (surprise!) that's how you decide if things are legal or not in a democratic country

just because everyone in a position of power teamed up to fuck dilma and PT in the ass doesn't mean it was illegal, it just means she fucked up so bad the entire fucking country had to team up to make her leave office because she's as stubborn as a rock

>31 political parties from across the spectrum
>the entire judiciary system, from the lowest to highest instance, from judges to prosecutors and technicians
>the generals in the military
>the national media, who unlike the international media, actually suffer the effects of a crumbling economy
>70% of the population

even if some political agents stepped in to block lava-jato, it's impossible to do it right now
If the CIA is back to overthrowing communists, I WOULD BE SO HAPPY.

That's their freaking Job, and they have been too busy fabricating terrorism for the last 15 years to do their real job.
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Huehuehuehue-bros, are you going to restore the Monarchy?


>As we switch to his favourite topic — the supposedly imminent downfall of the Brazilian republic — Dom Bertrand cheers up considerably.

>While he insists a reinstated monarchy would be non-partisan, he does not hide his hatred for the party that had ruled Brazil for 13 years up until this month. They are “Marxists” who want to “turn Brazil into a Soviet Republic” and “paralyse agricultural progress because communists like misery”.

I predict you'll get your dick sucked every 500 words uttered.
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there is no such thing as a right wing man against israel, because israel is the most based right wing country on earth, they literally exterminate shitskins and the international community can't say shit to them

having said that, the true cancer are liberal jews from the western world, those who are in control of the media and seek the destruction of the white race
Haitian/Cuban why?
You guys need to elect real socialist not retarded fake commies
The based jews from israel just want you to die for israel, and actually want you to be a dominated, national pride and independence only for them. That's why the international media dominated by jews don't say anything about it.

And I don't give a shit about politicians smiling and waving at them as long as they don't give up the country to them.
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No, Rhodesians were hopelessly outnumbered. And even they held out for a while until their opponents got tons of international assistance.
If the whites were serious, they'd wipe the floor with everyone else.
Blacks are terrible at combat. And you've got almost as many as them.
We need to elect a real not-corrupt statesman, but considering we will only get corrupt lying scheming politicians it's better to get the side that at least pretends to minimizes the influence of the government in the economy and therefore the damage.
It was pretty obvious it was a conspiracy, both sides were absolutely reeking of corruption. How so many people are supporting Dilma instead of asking for fucking elections is beyond me though.
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for what? to put lula in power again?

can the US PLEASE just intervene and create a strong puppet to put us back on track again? who am I kidding, Obama is a cuck
Because the worker's party and other socialist parties burned that bridge when they started a campaign for new elections right before the impeachment opening voting basically so that politicians they were trying to buy could argue "I'm not voting against the impeachment but in favor of new elections".

Except that shortening the mandate of the president is unconstitutional, and you can't alter it through a constitutional amendment without not only major support but there is a good chance that the supreme court would consider it itself unconstitutional since it would be basically a shortcut to take a president out without impeaching (which requires even more votes) and because it hurts fundamental and unchangeable clauses of the constitution. The only chance would be if both Dilma and Temer renounce, and neither has any intention of doing that.

And the process is slow for the annulment of the elections which would end only next year, in which the constitution dictates that it would be indirect voting, so the congress would choose the president and not the population.

Also there is no good candidate anyway, and it might be better wait for car wash to take out some politicians before. Lots of people also believe that there is manipulation on the electronic urns used for voting. And the ones that want the worker's party in power knows the best chance is keeping the mandate because of car wash and the economic crisis being fresh in everyone's memory.
Was this meme magic lads?
you are probably right, the Latin american curse lives on
Maybe a more libertarian government in Brazil is best?

Dilma needs to be publically burned alive at the stake for the good of your country Brazilbro. You know what to do.
Trump and Shillary will be happy to do it
Who cares, lefties got BTFO.
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please end our misery

enslave the fucking mortadelas
Jesus Christ, shit's a mess! You guys might actually need a dictatorship to sort things out at this point. Your constitution seems arcane and has basically no safety valves for situations like this. I wish you the best of luck, guys.
Between socialists and libertarians it'd be better the latter to rebalance the country for decades of different degrees of left.

Everything in the country makes business almost unviable, basically a worker can miss every day with a fake medical certificate and if you fire him you can have your bank account frozen for years while it's being slowly evaluated if it was fair or not (and bandits will avoid that easily though). You have to deal with dozens of different contextual taxes which amount to a high percentage of your operational costs and profits and any mistake will cause fines and more bureaucracy (and the mistakes they catch are just the honest ones, not the deliberate ones). And of course, the companies and sectors that have softened restrictions and costs are those who bribe the politicians.
She was in that too. They all are
It's a good idea actually it will reveal every single traitor and corrupt to put them to the rope, to bad street lamps here are high as fuck!
commies get regd
>more corruption (duh)
Stop being so retarded
isn't libya a lot worse off after? isn't the country destroyed?
you'd know better than i i'm genuinely curious
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