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> Russian election is rigged so Putin wins nobody on /pol/
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> Russian election is rigged so Putin wins
nobody on /pol/ gives a shit
> Austrian election rigged so the leftist candidate wins
everybody on /pol freaks out about how unfair it is
just wow, the level of retardation on here never fails to amaze me
>the level of retardation on here never fails to amaze me
>as he posts with a fonny meme faice from 2009
It's okay to suppress leftism desu.
nice refutation
>on mobile
>uses le meme face
>i'm so cool because i go on 4chan and nobody else at my middle school does
>hurr durr why are you ok with retarded liberals being suppressed
Excellent counterargument sir

Putin doesnt genocide his own ethnic population and he doesnt sell out his countrymen to Wall Street jews either
It's a good thing to supress liberals. If Trump did the same thing to win, I'd be celebrating it.
> Russian election is rigged so Putin wins
>every poll ever showed that Putin had 60%+ approval rating
>election is rigged

You wear glasses and a stupid hat to divert attentiion from your fat.
Putin actually wins. He destroyed all opposition, though, so it's a one man race.
You meant the parliament and many local elections
Then why were thee thousands of people protesting? Prokhorov said he rigged the election too.
>thousands of people protesting in contrast with millions voting
why haven't you killed yourself?
Prokhorov is a damn commie, Putin was commie too, but after that Putin was member of Our Home-Russia, a right wing party, Prokhorov to this day is left-leaning commie he was proud he was from the Communist Party, Putin wasn't

You're a fucking faggot.

Leave because no one wants to argue points with an under-aged cock slut.
The Russian election was not rigged and was not close. Putin is massively and sincerely popular.
I wanted to make a post about them being a vocal minority and Prokhorov being a shitstain who finished destroying my hometown, but...
Just fuck you.
Thread replies: 19
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