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Why did Hitler not try to force the German Jewish scientists
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Why did Hitler not try to force the German Jewish scientists to work for him, instead of letting them build the Atomic bomb for the Allies?
Well before the war, Germany was helping the Jews leave the country so why would he forcefully detain people to build something that he didn't want built in the first place?
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He didn't trust them because they are Jews.
Niels Bohr was not a jew.
>Bohr was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 7 October 1885, the second of three children of Christian Bohr, a professor of physiology at the University of Copenhagen, and Ellen Adler Bohr, who came from a wealthy Danish Jewish family prominent in banking and parliamentary circles.
>In September 1943, word reached Bohr and his brother Harald that the Nazis considered their family to be Jewish, since their mother, Ellen Adler Bohr, had been a Jew, and that they were therefore in danger of being arrested. The Danish resistance helped Bohr and his wife escape by sea to Sweden on 29 September.
>The next day, Bohr persuaded King Gustaf V of Sweden to make public Sweden's willingness to provide asylum to Jewish refugees. On 2 October 1943, Swedish radio broadcast that Sweden was ready to offer asylum, and the mass rescue of the Danish Jews by their countrymen followed swiftly thereafter.

Danish Jew.
Feynman the GOAT
Feynman was american retard
Heisenberg, probably one of the greatest german physics was a student and friend of Bohr and Planck
even during the war they still exchanged correspondence
>Feynman was american retard
I didn't claim he wasn't?..

>Heisenberg, probably one of the greatest german physics was a student and friend of Bohr and Planck
>even during the war they still exchanged correspondence
Yes, and?

>After Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, Heisenberg was attacked in the press as a "White Jew"[37] by elements of the Deutsche Physik (German Physics) movement for his insistence on teaching about the roles of Jewish scientists. As a result, he came under investigation by the SS. This was over an attempt to appoint Heisenberg as successor to Arnold Sommerfeld at the University of Munich. The issue was resolved in 1938 by Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS. While Heisenberg was not chosen as Sommerfeld's successor, he was rehabilitated to the physics community during the Third Reich. Nevertheless, supporters of Deutsche Physik launched vicious attacks against leading theoretical physicists, including Arnold Sommerfeld and Heisenberg. On 29 June 1936, a National Socialist Party newspaper published a column attacking Heisenberg. On 15 July 1937, he was attacked in a journal of the SS. This was the beginning of what is called the Heisenberg Affair.[22]
While Heisenberg himself wasn't a Jew, the worthless "Deutsche Physik" tried disparaging him as a Jew because he accepted "Jewish" (modern) physics.

Nazi anti-semitism deeply hindered scientific progress in the 3rd Reich.

actually lol
Heisenberg almost single handedly got to the a-bomb design for the germans even before americans had one
Hes one of the greatest physicist of all times
>Heisenberg almost single handedly got to the a-bomb design for the germans even before americans had one
He didn't. He figured out many of the basic underlying concepts, but the actual work of putting together the bomb was a great feat of engineering and applied science, not just figuring out how a chain reaction could work.

Also, as you just read, the Nazi ideology made it very hard for Heisenberg to do proper research. If he had been able to freely cooperate with mainstream physicists, he would have achieved much more in that time.
The quote is obviously made up
but Feynman was quite a character
I read during the trinity test he didn't even put on protective goggles instead watched the explosion from a windshield kek
And don't forget people like Lise Meitner or Otto Frisch ...
And the guy who actually discovered nuclear fission, I dont remember his name, Otto something
Ah, and while Strassmann was not a Jew, there is this:
>In 1933 he resigned from the Society of German Chemists when it became part of a Nazi-controlled public corporation. He was blacklisted. Hahn and Meitner found an assistantship for him at half pay. Strassmann considered himself fortunate, for "despite my affinity for chemistry, I value my personal freedom so highly that to preserve it I would break stones for a living." During the war he and his wife Maria Heckter Strassmann concealed a Jewish friend in their apartment for months, putting themselves and their three-year-old son at risk.

Otto Hahn.

The discovery of nuclear fission is usually attributed to the collaboration of Lise Meitner, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann. Of these, Lise Meitner was a Jew, while Hahn and Strassmann (see above) risked their careers and lives to protect Jews (first and foremost Meitner, who had to flew in 1938) from the Nazis.
Atomic bombs don't exist. Take the red pill.
because the studies started, but these jews let NAZIS think they were going to get the big bomb instead they were delaying while contacting the US for a jewish flee from a chaos-ridden REICH.

große bombe:
Possibly should add to the list Rudolf Peierls and Otto Frisch.

No idea what you're trying to say here.
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Don't forget this guy

>the new american retard
shit like this
and the flat theory

are just CIA propaganda
for making honest discussions turn into shit

now get gassed
The list is nowhere close to complete, of course. Teller, but not Ulam, Frankel, Felix Bloch, ...

And if you go beyond just the nuke, there is Haber, but not Max Born, ...
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