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Is Britain really leaving the EU or is it just a meme like Ron
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Is Britain really leaving the EU or is it just a meme like Ron Paul for President?
I fucking hope they have the balls for it.
If they take the first step, I'm fairly certain Denmark will follow almost immidietly, and a bunch of other countries as well, hopefully.
we could be

older people vote more, and they're more likely to go for the whole national sovereignty thing

One can only hope.

Fingers crossed for those faggots.
Way more than a meme, most polls put the remain and leave sides within the margin of error
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> everything's going exactly according to the plan
> Allahu akbar
Those snaggletoothed sons of bitches better or I'll be PISSED.
Will never happen. It would plunge the country into recession and raise food prices astronomically
Its a meme. But like Ron Paul for President, we all hope it comes true

Not sure, there is a lot of support for leaving, but the government/media/big business have been using 'project fear' to propagandize the public from leaving. A lot of people actually take the fear bait and behave like good little sheep and will vote in.

My own father isn't too clued up on the specifics of the EU, but he says stuff like 'I will vote to stay for the good of the economy', which is just based on silly propaganda from this fear campaign.

You also have all the people coming out of academia who have been propagandized to be pro EU, not too mention the EU funded pro EU propaganda in the schools.

It truly has been an open conspiracy to propagandize the public, but they think that it is ok because they have the correct conclusion of staying in.

For another example it looks like Turkey will join the EU (http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/672563/Turkey-EU-Britain-exclusive-poll-crime-figures-Turks). Now Cameron knows that this is inevitable, and even his team have said Britain won't be able to do anything to stop this, but he will say Britain will have a say just so we don't get scared of staying in.
There's a chance but we've been demographically savaged by people with no ethnic or cultural ties to the nation and who as such probably don't give a fuck about who governs the nation.
I want to leave but think we will vote to stay.
Only choice after that is war.

>Project fear
>Actually believing it

Yeah, and the Muslims are surprisingly organized voters for example. Though they are a relatively small demographic, they are a solid block of pro EU.
it's even less likely than Scotland leaving the UK.
Yes goyim, it will also start WW3 and cause giant insects to attack London
It doesn't look likely at the moment.

Betting odds are 1:6.
Online polls are still roughly 50/50.

It depends on turnout: old people are more likely to vote than young people, so in a way, the less coverage it gets, the fewer young people are reminded to go and vote to remain, and the more likely the UK is to leave. So that should be factored into it when reading polls. But this effect may just be cancelled out by the wanting-the-status-quo effect amongst pleb voters.

Still, there is a lot that can happen until June 23.
If coverage of the migration crisis sparks up again, or Greeks start rioting or something, the chances for Brexit could get much better.
Boris hasnt done much yet, either. People love Boris, so him getting lots of media attention in the week of the referendum could be key. Trump would know how to play this, but I am not sure that Boris does.
Unlike with Scotland more than one poll has put leave ahead
Amazing how easily people will just sign away their democracy for "the economy."

The end game is federalization. It isn't even a secret. They talk about it in the treaties openly. Maybe the eurocrats are right. People don't deserve a vote and should be ruled by people who know better.
>implying the eternal kikes in Brussels will allow us to leave

It will be rigged and we'll remain in.
Not really. Polls for Brexit have been much tighter than polls for Scottish independence were at the same time.

In fact Scottish independence didn't really look at all likely until the last couple of weeks.
They want to recreate the middle east on an island, how are they going to do that without being as divisive like the Egyptians, Syrians and all the other heebs were since the Caliphate blew up?

>Ron Paul for president
>just a meme

Take that back you stupid kike.
I get the feeling that if we vote to leave, there will then be a forced recount where it is found that actually we didn't vote to leave after all.

Know what I mean..
britain should leave the world, they're a waste of space and contributed nothing of value to the world ever
If we vote to leave with an incredibly narrow margin they'll find some "lost ballots" in tower hamlets or something
Says the Norwegian.

At least if we leave, we'll actually be out.

Norway is the smegma hanging off the EU's prick. You have to do everything the EU tells you to and you don't even get a seat at the big boy's table.
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I hope they will. Fuck the EU, we need a real European project, that's actually European (i.e. anti-semitic).
>Dat face on Faisal Islam
As much as I'd like us to leave, in my heart I don't think it will actually happen. There's definitely lots of support for it and it'll be a close vote, but the government is turning up their fear campaign big time at the moment and it'll probably sway the undecided voters who will swing it. Every day we're having news reports of pro-EU politicians and economists who are (surprise, surprise) predicting massive economic crashes if Britain leaves the EU. Bo Jo is popuar and might be able to bring back some votes to Leave, but I don't think it will be enough.
>At least if we leave, we'll actually be out.

Out, and poor and shit compared to Norway.

Yeah some bullshit like that.
I remember my grandparents telling me that they knew nobody who voted for 'in' the first time around.
Yet in we went..
Can't stand Faisal. His shitty Guardian articles show how shitty he is.
they cant even live there without a vitamin D deficiency . why is this even considered?
>Goldman Sachs funds UK to stay
ain't happening, dream is over boys
This is why Merkel and co are shitting thier pants. They will be left with a whole bunch of shit they can no longer afford.

The rallying cry of the Leave campaign is that 'we can be just like Norway!'
Ballot boxes will be stuffed.
"UK has voted 89% to stay! democracy! No recounts"
I don't get why the Leave campaign isn't using this.
Some of the remain campaign's biggest funders are Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan etc and people fucking hate bankers right now.
>The end game is federalization. It isn't even a secret.

Indeed, to undermine nationalism and have a European superstate (where whites may become a minority in a short amount of time).

It isn't a secret either yes, it is what they talk about openly. I know someone who is working to become an EU bureaucrat, and he admits all of the above.
Anyone who says that should be barred from voting on intelligence grounds.
No, it's normally:
Pro EU campaigner: If we leave then X
Brexit: No, because Norway, for example, is out and X doesn't apply to Norway
Pro-EU: Aha! But Norway has Y!
Brexit: That's a different issue.

I've never heard any Brexiteer say we should copy Norway in every detail. As always, it's a strawman put up by the EU side.
>Ron Paul
Ron Paul will always be first in /pol/'s heart. Trump just caught us on the rebound.
It's a meme like Trump for president.

It will happen
everything is a meme

They normally point out that Norway still pay in to the EU despite having no say, which is true. Then the fact that the EU will be extra cunty to us if we leave to stop others doing so. Like how they have no mercy on the Greeks to make sure nobody else gets too lazy. I'm not saying it's a good reason to stay, but that's what it is.
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People need to understand how much potential meme-magic Boris has.

If he can harness his powers of memery at the crucial moment, he could win the referendum.
cant EU mix and destroy european nations without shipping in a bunch of subhuman niggers

I'm alright with this.
memes have power. your memes don't have to be dreams.
We only abide by the "4 freedoms" for the sake of the EEA - which is what this was meant to be, a trade union. At least that's how it was sold. Norway at least had the sense to keep its distance from this political mess that it's become. When it federalizes, I'll still be Norwegian. You may well be European.

I want to see it all collapse so we can go back to having a trade union.
I hope we go through with Brexit.

Staying in will mean we are at the mercy of the EU and will get fucked repeatedly more than we do now.
british exit has no weight

greece exit has weight. The exit that was necessary did not happen
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It's a meme
He looks like the guy from dumb n dumber.
>the EU will be extra cunty to us if we leave

>my husband beats me
>you should stay with him in case he gets worse when you say you're leaving
t. remain campaigners
A bit like death to the apostates. You don't want to be in a club like that.
>>They normally point out that Norway still pay in to the EU despite having no say, which is true.

It's not true that they have no say. They have a say in preliminary discussions about which regulation codes should be adopted by the EU. They have that discussion with the EU itself. They also have a totally independent voice in the creation of regulation at places lke the OECD, the WTO, FOREX, etc. which we lack due to being in the EU.

The total amount they pay for market access and other joint-EU operations has been calculated and compared to what they'd pay in as a member of the EU, too, and it shows that they'd be paying in more to the EU if they were a part of it.

They have no mercy on the Greeks because the rich set to lose out. Just as they do in the case of a sour post-Brexit deal with Britain.
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>4 weeks to go
Literally anything can happen

Just make sure you get as many people as you know to vote LEAVE
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Scaremongering keeps it 50/50. The money grubbing dictators that write all the legislation member states must obey are afraid
that there house of babel will come tumbling down, as it should.
because the normies would see this as a good thing


Vote leave.
I wasn't old enough to vote the first time but I would have voted 'In'.

The EEC was a good idea and It could have been useful but when it mutated into the EU, things got bad.
I'm hopeful simply because of how passionate the leave camp are and more likely to act. UKIP winning the European elections two years ago is an example of this.
>right now
Bankers have been hated since Biblical times.
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And guess who the first bankers were...
But the normies on question time are always
>the bankers the bonuses the bankers the bonuses it's disgusting
I liked what Leave was saying until they started going on about curry and bringing Pakis in instead of Europeans.

I would MUCH rather a white foreigner than a brown one. I am worried leave will actually increase mudslimes and pakis.
In all honesty, I don't really think it matters.
EU and their pocket politicians will simply rig the poll in their favor.
I remember there was a big thing in 92 here, were we had to vote on EU membership or such.
They public voted quite heavily against it.
3 weeks later they just had another vote, and magically won by quite a bit.
Unlike Paul, it's certainly possible.

It's by no means in the bag though, neither is it doomed to fail as turkroaches and medipacks would have you believe
>he doesn't undersatnd they only say it so they don't seem racist
>Implying the EU won't bring brown people into our country
You know Turkey will be joining the EU soon.

If only it was 'Remain' 'Leave' and 'No non-whites' on the ballot.
Look at it this way, immigration is currently 50-50, would you rather have 200k of non euros and 200k euros each year.
Or 20k non-euros and 10k euros each year, all actually skilled workers and not beggers or mcdonalds staff?
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Of course it will do you honestly think the Jew is going to let us out alive? Pic related. No, they have already stated tgey will hunt down every last European man woman and child.

But leaving the EU is the first step to freedom.
I hope so, you guys refused to join without us. It'd be nice to see some friendship as that's one of the main reason we're leaving.
Why do you think they were hated, if not for that reason?
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>those quints
Kek names Jews his enemy
I heard if you vote leave the terrorists win.
Nice quints.

In all seriousness, even if all the bad shit that the remain camp predicted was certain to come true, I would STILL vote to leave.
That's basically the plan though. Leaving won't stop mass immigration because all the major parties want it, even UKIP.

All it'll mean is instead of Poles we'll get more delicious diversity from places like Syria, Pakistan and Somalia and London can finally become majority non-white without all those filthy whites flooding in from eastern Europe with their Christian values and western, right-wing, democratic principles and proping up the White British minority.
>If only it was 'Remain' 'Leave' and 'No non-whites' on the ballot.

Paha. It actually makes more sense as option.
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My mother was gonna vote to stay, but got sick of Cameron sprouting bullshit about ww3, so is now voting to leave haha
this. you can't get out of an empire without some bloodshed.
>Leaving won't stop mass immigration because all the major parties want it, even UKIP.
What a load of bollocks . .. .seriously enjoy your shilling shekels.
>Leaving won't stop mass immigration because all the major parties want it, even UKIP.
Cutting immigration over 90% is a start you shill faggot.
That's what happened here with the Lisbon Treaty as well. Our constitution even forbids holding a second referendum for at least 10 years
So you'd rather have open borders to Arabs who Merkel has let in who will have complete freedom to move throughout the EU over 100% controlled immigration? Leave only says that shit to repel racism accusations.

Ha good shit bro, my mother is voting leave also. But my brother and father are voting in.

They made way too much hay out of Boris's comment about the EU's plan being like Hitlers and Napoleon. So much fake outrage. The left have had the monopoly on demonizing the right wing for being authoritarian, they don't like it when the same is done to them, for legitimate reasons as well.
>selling your country's sovereignty for a little cheaper food when you're already obese
I hope they do. Free trade in Europe is a good thing, but the EU has gotten far too much power as it is. If the UK leaves, perhaps it will make the EP a bit more humble lest an exodus from the EU occurs.
>UKIP wants mass immigration
What the fuck is your definition of mass immigration?
>Always winter and never christmas
Legendary banter
Looks like KEK has spoken through me
Yeah, that was the exact same bullshit that happened. Our constitution also explicitely forbids consecutive votes like that
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fucking leaf
If dragons attack London, will Christian Bale come back to sort it out?

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women will fuck it up
The denial is strong with this one. Is there anything worse than a norgecuck?
Tge vast majority of "human achievement" has been British this is an empirical fact you clueless African non-country.
that building will fall.
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there's no hope, prepare yourself accordingly
>drowning old people
top fucking kek
You don't fucking know that, asshole

>t. Keynesian
Kinda hoping isis attacks again so everyone will want to leave
Many Jews want to wipe out a white Europe because it is the only thing that can or will try to stop a Zionist fascist dream of the future.
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The result could be absolutely anything.

The economic angle is dominated by the remain campaign and global interests because they're going to waste billions telling everyone that economic disaster will ensue if we leave. The In campaign's economic arguments are drowned out by this fearmongering. The nuances of world trade are more difficult to understand than memes like "YOUR HOUSE WILL LOSE 5000 GBP IF WE LEAVE".

The out campaign's ace in the hole is immigration, which the remain campaign won't touch, and is a legitimate concern with the ``refugee'' crisis, more than a decade of concern over immigration levels, and Turkey being given visas this very year with full EU membership looking likely soon. It could be a case of the "shy Brexiter" where people are unwilling to show support when questioned because it is implicit support for ``xenophobia'', but they will actually vote truly on the day.

Otherwise there are angles from all over the political specturm both ways which will influence people, for example, the Left voting against David Cameron, a fisherman who has personally seen the effects of EU regulation destroy his industry, or encouraging the mentally ill to vote.

I guess it will be a test of how much influence the MSM and establishment have today and how much pro-immigration is merely virtue signalling, and also how apathetic those voting for the status quo are, especially young people who go berserk leading up to elections, then have terrible voter turn out.

There's also the consideration that the referendum doesn't actually oblige the government to do anything, and leaving take a very long time to complete. At any rate, it isn't the silver bullet; it's the first step in a list of many required to survive the coming century. It won't save Britain alone, but it may put us out of danger for long enough to observe the problems without direct involvement and allow the masses to act accordingly.
I'm sorry, I don't speak sausage.
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>The out campaign's ace in the hole is immigration
Remainers BTFO
Why wouldn't you want to appeal to Muslims? We don't need to care about them once we're out.
If the yes wins, the EU will send someone to tell the Brits to redo the referendum.
Just like what happened with the Lisbon Treaty referendum in Ireland.
I don't think they'd get away with it on this scale

I'd rather have limited numbers of skilled brown people coming to fill specific roles than infinite unskilled whites, desu.

Also unlimited numbers of Middle-Easterners and Africans who are unemployable.
My fucking sides
Good luck britbongs. You have best women in the world with big tits and a cute accent. Cherish it
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Are you gonna build a wall in the Chunnel and have the French pay for it?
>not aiming for every group of people you can
As if Americans can even see their balls
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Yes pls.
Just reminding you all that this Vote is as good as fixed, the UK wont be allowed to leave, the number of people able to vote who should not is ridiculous. THE FUCKING INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC OF IRELAND is allowed to vote for fuck sake and many other foreign territories.

Glad my old man got the fuck outta there and brought me with him

>implying France won't leave to hope Britain-sempai notices her
Jokes on you, we have no money left.
>the vast majority of "human achievement" has been British

That's a strange way of saying American
Sure, if they want to lose their jobs and the arse to fall out of the economy.

Perhaps if you have reading difficulties
Why is it always a leaf?
Im all for giving the finger to the UE but GB is locking the door when the enemy is already inside.

Nothing will change for them because they cucked themselves.
Only if Marine gets in, which I hope will happen. At the moment even our lefties anti-fa are protesting the socialist government.
It's beyond ridiculous here.
Please show us the way and leave the EU.
The referendum is right around my birthday too, it'd be a lovely present if you could just vote to leave.

I want to see the EU crash and burn.
I hope you guys get out. I hope we fast-track some workable trade deals under god-emperor Trump to support our friends who chose self-determination and FREEDOM over being german cuckslaves.
It's more like locking the door and unlocking the axe cabinet. We will have more tools to deal with these people
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Any citizen from the Republic of Ireland or citizen from a country with the queen as their head of state can vote in British elections if they live in Britain and its always been like this and it's like this in every British election

We could go to the uk right now and vote if we wanted
Only if they've lived here over a year

>writing by William Schomberg
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You can't spell C.U.C.K without U.K.
Polan your flag is fell over.
In all honesty currybro . .. . it will be tough to start with, Britain may take a a dip but long term prospects are better.
I hope they tell EU to fuck off so they go back to buy Australian and New Zealand agriculture like they did before the EU

UK Aus NZ Canada trade and migration Union when
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>a Treasury report
Ah yes, the infallible, completely unbiased treasury.

You imply they have any plans to leave via that door.
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Usually they try to deny the obesity claim but I guess you've accepted it
Tell my man, what other territories were there...Just the whole thing looks like a sham to me. The UK is fucked by the looks of things, why do you stay? whats it like where you live, have you seen the changes?
>tfw the Imperial federation never happened.
Imagine it, a nation of 125 million people and by far the largest land area on earth, just with UK, Canada, Australia and NZ
It's a meme, democracy doesn't real.
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You can't spell KEKS without US
If you kill the EU, the EU wins
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Booo! Boooo this man.

Excuse me if I don't want thousands of poos in the loo.
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I can.
>Le queuque.
But celebrities told me they shouldn't!
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Then what's your solution? To stay in the EU as it becomes overriden with browns and outwith our control?
Considering we've been paying for those fences in Calais, it's only fair famalam
>implying UKIP wouldn't cut both down to below 30k immigration total
Also, want to stay in the EU when the 5 million rapefugees all become german and the turks get in?
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You want refugees and Turks instead?
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>Excuse me if I don't want thousands of poos in the loo.

Would you rather have millions of these instead?
If you took your migrants instead of leaving them here they wouldn't be wrecking the place.
They're your trash, technically. We're just holding on to it while we grow our balls back.
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But that will take decades anon. It will be the ayatollahs problem :^)
Holy shit, 12 million? That would be like 18% of your population being Turkish. You guys gotta get out of there.
You're pathetic.
So you'd take 300k pakis and 300k romanians over 20k pakis
It's retarded to make this debate about Immigration because since records began MOST IMMIGRANTS COME FROM OUTSIDE THE EU








t. Belgium.
Says Belgium.
they'll leave, and the EU will dissolve, and within 20 years Europe will be aflame yet again because you dumbshits care so goddamn much about >muh heritage that you're willing to burn it all down instead of working together for a common goal
t. the wandering salesman
War is better than continent-scale cuckoldry.
Nobody is saying leaving the EU will solve all our problems but what reason is there to stay?
>American would sell his soul for more shekels
YOU are the cancer of the modern age
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>you're willing to burn it all down
Wrong way round American, that's what the EU is doing and we want to GTFO.

If we leave there's at least hope we can one day have border controls.

If we stay in, then it's only going to be more and more, especially with muh refugees and Turkey.
A trade agreement would be fine, we just don't want this political union.
Imagine if an unelected body in Nicaragua or Brazil had power to over-rule the US congress.
>If you leave, they win
>all the rich countries leave
>germoney is left as sole payer for all the gibsmedats
>hard working germans taxed to shit
>race war begins
>5th Reich emerges
>World War 3
Getting comfy already, desu.
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>tfw America would still be vastly more powerful

You posted an anime reaction though so you're basically a eunuch.
>no country will leave
>germany will turn other European countries into Islamic states
>everyone taxed to shit
>no war will start
>Europe is turned into Islamic reich
>Trump loses
There, fixed it to be more realistic
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Nice proxy Dave, havent you got some more scaremongering to do?

You'd get civil war before Islamic control.
>Britain declares independence from EU on July 4th
>EU declares war
>USA helps Britain fight for its independence
>Both nations now celebrate Independence day on the same date


It's just a meme like Trump becoming the Republican nominee.
the EU does not declare, they only talk endlessly about maybe an happening.
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Scotland will really fuck this up for the rest of us.

It's the most cucked part of the UK. They literally watch what England and Wales do, and vote against it.

Source: my wife is Scottish and told me this shit. I told her mam that I vote UKIP and the reaction was very negative, lol.
My mrs. hates this shit, and aside from calling me a "murdering English bastard" when we were getting comfy and watching fucking 'braveheart' - BIG mistake. (I didn't even get my hole that evening), she knows that the Scots will do anything to fuck with the English.

I love Scotland, but for fuck's sake, anti Union, but pro EU????? That takes some serious mental mind bending gymnastics until you understand that it's anti English shite. Fuck knows about Northern Ireland. I imagine it will be 50/50.
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Norn Iron here. You can pretty much guarentee that our general attitude is to be as independant as possible (as long as we get lots of delicious English money, nom)
Saved. Was asking for someone to make that kinda picture last night during the brexit thread.
>tfw from the East mids

We don't wanna get cucked no more.
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>lots of delicious English money, nom

That's a bit cheeky, m8. I might have to swim over there and have a quiet word.
But I'd probably get tarred and feathered or kneecapped or some shit as some cunt screeches 'proddy' or 'taig' at me. Or something.
Just vote leave and any unpleasantness will be avoided.
We should be for the Eu because because it provides stability and leaving the eu is an unknown but we will definitely Lose jobs if we go
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Probably they will vote to stay. Although, for Britain it would be better to leave.
>We should be for the Eu because because it provides stability

Stabilizes the rate of destruction of our countries at a constantly accelerating rate.
I thought it was the other way around
Ask yourself 'what do the bankers want?' and you'll have a good idea of what the outcome will be.
>Actually marrying a Scot who hates your heritage.
>Actually marrying in general.

Good lord anon.
File: duel.jpg (23 KB, 600x221) Image search: [Google]
23 KB, 600x221
Er, wut? Explain yourself, Paco.

I'm not too certain that I like your tone dear chap.
Should you wish to resolve any disagreement with fisticuffs, then meet me under the bridge at Plaza Cinco de Mayo under the bridge with the headless flayed hanging corpses and we may be able to come to some 'gentlemanly' agreement.
One pistol and a rapier each and no cartels.
The people should not be able to choose about such important matters when there are important economic factors in play, since the majority of people, like me, don't know shit about economics and politics.

Just my opinion.
>inb4 jew
netherlands i want you to come with us when we crash this union with no survivors

1000x this.

You're not going anywhere.
we'll finally play darts in peace senpai
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