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Are Abbos even human? https://youtu.be/1zMf7EF1b9o?t=110
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Are Abbos even human?

Sort of. Don't piss them off, though, they'll cut off your ground harness and you know what happens next.
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>she tries to steal the busking money
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nope. they are a close relative. yet somehow race is not real. dont take the leftie bait m8. Those are not people.
your grandfather would agree Im sure.
I donĀ“t understand a single word she is saying. Even my leftist ex told me that abos are subhuman after she has been to australia. Wow.

Hang in there until 1:40
Hahaha, gets me everytime

Didn't know Portugal had the bantz in them
We really need to resurrect Neardenthals / Erectus / Denisovans and compare them to primitive tribes

I didn't understand a word of what she said, but I liked her rhythm.
Are there any videos that illustrate how these abbos or any other group are a sub-species? Shit's interesting, but so not PC that I can't find anything good.
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