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Brazil will be superpower and dominate the latin america When?
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Brazil will be superpower and dominate the latin america

When? 30yeas after?
holy fuck japan bringing the bants
In shoplifting?
Please nuke us
File: 1463801266307.jpg (164 KB, 499x514) Image search: [Google]
164 KB, 499x514

Stop making threads about this shithole. This country should be razed in fire and wiped off the history books.
Nuke us
It's the only way
Do it before it spreads
in a continent-wide union, Brazil's destiny is to be the industrial core of latin america
political and military leadership has historically been the task of Argentina. we'll resume that path soon

They don't even bother anymore. It's better to just kill the owner and take whatever they want.

Same for robbery, first they stab you and then take your stuff.
Brazil had its chance as the superpower and blew it.
Why the japs suck on Brazil's dick so fucking hard? What's their fucking deal?
Brazil has the largest Japanese population outside of Japan.
>political and military leadership has historically been the task of Argentina. we'll resume that path soon
kek, you wish.
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