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How did /pol/ start leaking into your real life?
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Post situations where /pol/ influenced your behaviour IRL or you revealed your power level.

>be me
>talking to qt
>she mentions she's jewish
>before /pol/: think nothing of it, forget after 10 minutes
>after /pol/: look for jewish nose and hand rubbing, immediately hear "oy vey" song, have to concentrate not to start humming the tune

song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHgxOXEQaFU
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Heil Führer.
vote VdB
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I told my spanish gf (I'm american) There's a new movement called the alt-right and it's interesting but "i don't agree with it"
I showed her the following list and she agrees 100% with it
Remember, you're degenerate if:

>you're a male that can't grow a full beard
>you're a male that doesn't own or want to own a dog
>you're a male that has ever felt guilt for being your ethnicity
>you're a male that doesn't believe in free market capitalism
>you're a male that can't tell the difference between single malt and blended whiskeys
>you're a male that uses violence or the threat of violence before rationality during conflict resolution
>you're a male with an effeminate voice or effeminate mannerisms
>you're a male that has put clothing on animals
>you're a male that has ever described yourself as a 'nice guy'
>you're a male that is unable to build a fire that can last until dawn
>you're a male that primarily uses fires to "roast marshmallows"
>you're a male who has ever made a decision based on emotion rather than logic
>you're a male that uses weight machines rather than free weights
>you're a male that hasn't learned or isn't trying to learn a craft that existed before electricity
>you're a male that has allowed an acquainted female to be physically harmed in your presence
>you're a male that has ever intentionally worn clothing that matches a significant other or another male
>you're a male that calls repairmen before first trying to DIY household problems
>you're a male that doesn't enjoy competition
>you're a male that is not graceful in defeat
>you're a male that has ever called an authority over a noise complaint before first confronting the loud individuals
>you're a male that has had a crush for 90 days without either acting on it or moving on
>you're a male that doesn't pay debts and lost bets

Taught her what redpilled means, and she now uses it as well as degenerate.
She asked me what makes a female degenerate, what do I say /pol/?
sleeping with a loser like you
>talking with a colleague 60yr slovak fem
>name the jew
>yeah all slovaks hate jews

>talk with colleague 30yr polish male
>name the jew
>tells everyone i hate jews
Okay manlet jew
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Whoa, medpack, you're supposed to heal people, not give them burns like this.
Should't you be supporting Hofer on the streets right now? I'm disappointed, Austrianon.
>you're a male that has ever described yourself as a 'nice guy'

and if you've only described yourself as a nice guy in the ironic Han Solo way?
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comrade Stalin say: Sometimes it need a burn or 20 million to show people right way
>you're a male that has allowed an acquainted female to be physically harmed in your presence

White knight cucks.
What makes a female degenerate:
>sleeping around
>slutty makeup and clothes

Your list is pretty stupid though.
I have a pretty sweet beard, but not being able to grow a beard is not degeneracy. Degeneracy is something you partake in voluntarily.
Making emotional decisions once in a while is okay too. It makes you human, you fucking autist.
This website is satire

Daily reminder that if you take this stuff into real life you are an autist with zero self awareness

>le /pol/ is satire maymay

It's actually a pretty clever scheme, even regulars can be forced to doubt themselves with this phrase. It's irrelevant though, as if at least two people take it seriously; the website is no longer satire.

Shoo Shoo Shlomo Sheckleberg
Daily reminder that shills are on this board full force.
/pol/ is 75% serious, 25% satire.
nice satire, goys
I just recognize jews and call them out. Sometimes I pretend to be jewish myself if I think my new acquaintances can be of use in the future.
>you're a male that has ever described yourself as a 'nice guy'

Because fuck being kind topkek
pls fuck my wife
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hey fuck you, i put a fedora on my dog
Thread replies: 22
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