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What is going on in these countries?
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What is going on in these countries?

I believe watching something about one of those countries being very closed to the outside like a 2nd NK but really have no idea.
There was a war between two of them recently I think. I dunno. Such a group of non-countries

islamic communism, literally

it's filled with dictators who place themselves as father of the nation and start banning random shit on a whim

on the other hand there is significantly less hurka-durka bullshit there
>Haalo this is Borat

When the old commies leader will die they will be islamic revolution in all these country.
Kazakhstan: Borat and astronaut landings
Others: literally no idea
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Kebab and lots of body odor
You know those kids that used to fight each other in high school but when the teachers dragged them into the office or called the cops they would all bite their tongues and keep quiet? That's them.
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astana kazakhstan.jpg
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cool architecture
There is oil and muslims but USA doesn't know about it

Looks the back of American 1$ bill.
Basically it's completely identical to the stuff you see in Russian dash cam footage, except they're Mongolic in appearance and Muslim.
I dunno but we should bomb them.
Uzbekistan is a dictatorship worse than North Korea, but for some reason nobody talks about it.

Otherwise, Islam, but they're being oppressed which prevents them from durka durkaing.

But if the current leaders die, who knows what'll happen...
Worst in what terms? I think you don't know much about both countries to compare.
You are thinking of Turkmenistan
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>being this redpilled
>legend of zelda triforce
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cute volleyball girls
I should also point out that I'm Turkmenistan theor equivalent of Kim il-sung (I forgot his name) already died and basically nothing in the country changed other than a very slight relaxing of some policies. But it's still. basically north Korea 2.0
And note that they are mostly peaceful muslims who don't want sharia laws. They just want to live simple and hidden life without ambitions of world dominance. Thats why you don't hear about Uzbekistan wanting to have nuclear weapon or some else shit.
>in Turkmenistan their

Fuck I am typing from my phone while sick in the bed :(
Old former Communist God-Kings.
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greatest potassium
This as well. Stalin anally raped the Islamism out of them.
Islamism as a political ideology was not a thing in times of Stalin i think.
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Islamism is the basis upon which Islam was founded
It was just getting going at that point. After the Ottomans fell the Islamists started coming around. Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Sauds in Arabia etc. They were in Central Asia as well but they lost to the Soviets, originally Lenin gave them concessions such as sharia law in their areas. Then Stalin got rid of it all and killed the Islamists.
I knew an Uzbek I used to work with. It's a puzzling situation.

Apparently Uzbekistan was actually utilizing USSR gibmedats to modernize and have somewhat of a "modern" economy. When the USSR tanked, they tanked harder.

They do have a dictatorship, and shit is really corrupt. Uzbekbro told me state militia will harass the fuck out of you at checkpoints until you pay them.

The government is polarizing though, because for some reason they don't really get along with Russia. Something to do with gold and gas trade.

Despite being Muslim, they're pretty secular. They let us have an airbase for invading Afghanistan because they're afraid of border radicals coming in and influencing things.

I know Uzbekbro said he was Muslim, but I saw him buy bacon at the store and he thinks women covering themselves is wrong. He's also older. Served in the USSR army in the 80's.

He was pretty redpilled on most things and really kept up with global politics through broken English.
Looks decadent.
The white house thingy with the blue/gold thing on top looks sorta decent if you take away the blue/gold thing on top

The rest looks awfull
in those countries there is problem...
And that problem is the Jew.
throw the jew down the well
so my country can be free
[so my country can be free]
Ylvis, the Fox guys, wondered the same thing, so they went over there are tried to mockingly become famous.


Their weird, annoying guide was later driven out of the country for political reasons.
>What is going on in these countries?

knife fights
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Ashkabat - Turkmenistan.jpg
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Turkmenistan looks nice.
By the way, one thing most people here don't know is that all these countries are Turkic.
Considering the populations are a mix of Russians, Asians and turks, I seriously doubt that.
Lowkey ISIS activity. And lots of Khajiits.
Turkan-Mongol Khanate's
Why does Kazakhstan have a hard on for russia? Also the people of Kazakhstan hate the Ukrainians for bitching about the famine
I know that one of them that borders China has most marriages occur from women being abducted off the streets, even if they're already in a relationship with the abductor..

>Lots of Khajiits.
I don't know what those are.
I wasnt talking about Kazahstan.
North part of are pretty normal.
Other stans are 100% muslims shitholes.
Where you will get jailed for life due refusing to eat one of national dishes.
t. horse dick.
Also huge amount of inbreeding.
pretty nice. but astana is an exception there. the rest of the countries are not that rich

Islamism = Islam

If you don't support jihadism, then you're a filthy kuffar.
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T. Jew
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This is the daughter of the president of Uzbekistan, she's a hottie.
Nothing. Central Asian history involves repeated invasions from Russia, Arabia and East Asia, and they lose every single time.
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There's a door to hades in Turkmenistan.
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can confirm uzbek girls are qt 3.14s
That's where Ghengis Khan came from you dumbasses
Hey look, they gave the same power to some dictator that I was given in Sim City 2000
There is a uszbek family in the house next to us. The mother is hot as fuck
How did you know what Hillary's White House will look like before she even wins?
I don't see what South African racist slurs have to do with Islam
titty fixation
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Why does a thread die as soon as I post in it?
He was born in Mongolia you idiot.
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I bet you think Attila was born in Hungary
steppes. Miles and miles of nothing but steppes. Truly Mongol lebensraum.
Buy a book sometime

Nah, not at all.

My girlfriend is Kazakh and I've been there several times, they aren't as secular as in the West but not far from it either.
Emigration to Russia mostly. Kazakh here, can answer questions
Mongol rape baby
Are you a muslim ?
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Your stance on the soviet union?
Yeah that looks like Elsweyr
more pls, anon.
> The 21 definition of Mongolia is obviously the same as the 12th
No, she's an actual Mongol
The US does know about it, but Mother Russia would take issue if we started fucking shit up in her backyard/economic sphere.

The US really wants to fuck up the stans but Russia won't let it. That's why Cold War 2.0 got started.
No, I was baptized but I don't give a fuck. I am agnostic as most of my country. People there can eat sheep on Ramadan or paint eggs on Easter but they aren't devout.
Soviet union was mostly good for my country as Soviets brought infrastructure, education, European specialists as well as education, but Russians and balts were fucked pretty bad.
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Tajikistan is Persian.
do you think the rest of the muslim world would be more peaceful if it weren't for the US fucking up everything?

I know Kazakhstan has a lot of good boxers.
Gennady Golovkin
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Would Kazakhstan join a union state with russia like Belarus?
True. Persians and Turks are generally quite mixed in the area. Afganistan is another example of a state with major mix of the two hyper-groups.
Islam was always political and world dominating in ambition.

Read the Koran: it is full of orders to conquer and subdue the unbeliever until the whole earth submits to the 'dar al Islam.'
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literally who.gif
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wtf do people even do over here
Yes. Russia and Britain handled things in the East differently, with less shit.
It already did, Eurasian union. That's why I am in Russia, I can travel and work here easily.
You don't wanna know. /pol/ has convinced me South America is worse than Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia combined.
kek'd immensely
Their people do shit jobs in Russia.
Imagine moving a lot of dindus to a state and then let them run it unchecked
oh yeah the pit to hell

man that thing's neat as fuck
commie muslim chinks
This picture was taken in February?

If I recall temperatures in central asia reach -30 degrees in winter, how are those people not dead?

Kazahkstan's capital city is so weird. They basically picked a random spot in the middle of a desert and build cool architecture there. There's nothing around it for miles.
>lots of Khajiits
They have literal cat-people?
Not necessarily -30. And why would you think pic was taken in February?
Illuminati magic
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... who cares?
French Guyana is just niggers living on French money and sending rockets into space once in a while
The most secular places in the Muslim world. Also, where the west meet the east.
We did. It's called Liberia.
We did as well
It's called suriname
Because it's like 20% Russian and is the least fucked up of all of the cental asian countries
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Kazakhstan is simple secular state. Kyrgyzstan also too, but poorer. Turkmenistan, North Korea tier, but with oil. Uzbekistan is somewhere in between. Tajikistan close to Iran and the poorest.

t. knower
Stalin did right by that
Kazahstan is the only ok tier country out of those, populace of the other 4 countries floods Russia for the lowest tiers of work.
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>implying he could be wrong
>that glow
I mean I like that style as much as anyone but come on
suriname is a shithole with a bunch of pooinloos and dindus. the first thing they did when we gave them independence and allowed them to make their own army, was a military takeover of the country and executing the opposition. the army dictator that resulted from this is today president again through democratic means
A bunch of smelly turks.
Venezuela are eternally butthurt about Anglo niggers living in Guyana, they claim 50% of its terrority, Suriname are Dutch niggers, French Guinea are French niggers.
turanism is going on there , only countries that doesnt hate us, love em
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Ближний вocтoк is Middle east, not Near east.
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I wonder...
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also they have UNESCO heritage

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Sexy times.
Why are western woman so salty to Asian woman
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>What is going on in these countries?
Organized crime
Sex slaves and prostitution
money laundering
transit stop for drugs from Afghanistan and elsewhere
oil, gold, and other natural resources
a continued disparity between the "haves" and the have-nots" following the collapse of the Soviet Union
moderate muslims
Political strongmen
Deadly fight clubs
Chillin out, maxin, relaxin, all cool while drinking some shitty slav malt beverage and watching your local football team play against another local shitty football team
lots and lots of cigarette smoking (no really, just ask Phillip Morris)
Mandatory military conscription
Old Soviet military hardware
Periodic saber rattling
Attractive modern looking buildings with hap-hazard interior design and sub standard safety and construction.
bad, bad but catchy music (i.e. Chaje Shukarijie )
exotic young women who are not quite asian and not quite European
terribly aged older women of unknown origin who are closer to 50 but look 60-65

What am I leaving out?
It's Russia with Asians and Russia with Afghanis.
US is already fucking with Kazahstan, I hear you guys are starting to drill oil out there.
I have been to Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan and have fairly good knowledge of the rest.
Fro worst to best:
5. Tahikistan: closeness to Afghanistan made it turn into land of Islamic extremism. But the government is dictatorship and they force men to shave their beards as a way to fight extremism. Poorest of all.

4. Uzbekistan: the state controls everything. Most things are the same as the soviet times. University students, government workers (underdeveloped private sector, almost everyone works either for governmet or is peasant or small shop owner) are forced labor in cotton fields during the picking season. Extremely totalitarian a la North Korea.

3. Turkmenistan - although the second richest, everything is controlled. Who is the greatest Turkmen in history? Current president. Who is the best singer in Turkmen history? Current president.

2. Kyrgyzstan - Freest country in the region. Doesn't have oil and other minerals like Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, therefore poorer.

1.Compared to Uzb., Turk. and Taj. it is has more freedoms. Also richest country among them. Think Kazakhstan is better than Belarus in terms of wealth and freedoms.
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Prep the bull, Ivan. Where coming for your wife
>they force men to shave their beards as a way to fight extremism

makes it even harder to recognize extremists
Women compete with other women, so they will judge and snip at any woman they perceive as a threat to their whoring.

Asians are cuties who white (also divorced) men are more and more willing to pursue thus a threat. All those ugly ass old women are trying to tear down that threat.

You'll notice none of the snippers are young and beautiful: young women don't see asians as a threat so no tearing down.
>islamic communism
That is ISIS, you illiterate retard.
That was a 4 day skirmish between Armenia and Azerbaijan, check your geo
Nam nam nam.
Probably the only thing right he ever did.
look in the bottom right corner
nothing almost , thats why im neutral about them
Tajiks are the Mexicans of Eurasia

t. Russian-American
They were literally saved by communism. It replaced the incredibly toxic ideology of Islam in peoples minds. Women actually have it pretty good in Kazakhstan compared to their neighbors. Unfortunately over time they will slowly go back to the savagery of other islamic nations.
I live in that black circle
In Mashhad?
hello iran
when you will start war against sunnies?
>inb4 chubak
I'm not him
Ask khamenie
Of course he would, dirty turk
they're having a geographical gang bang
It might sound weird, but I ask myself that question all the time.

Why do we hear news out of middle of nowhere Africa but not from the Turkestan region? Obviously you can find some if you look, but outside of the muslim extremists in Xinjiang you never hear anything about them.
I like the people in your country, I just hate the ones who immigrate here. Why are they all such materialistic, vapid whores?
It's pretty simple scientifically. They were never fully infected by the radical islam memeplex.
Iranian american immegirants are different to all other groups of Iranian immegirants

They are well,materialistic as you say,and most of them are rich

Canadian-Iranians are the chill ones,German Iranians are the most educated ones
Tajik pls post
I think that's more Peshmerga
Tajiks don't post on this shitboard,try /int/
Stop fighting
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I'm also on /int/ pham
muslim gommies
/pol/ is the wrost fucking board on this surinamese telephone making building
My grandpa was tajik

Gaudy as fuck, but still better than the soulless Brutalism/Modernism you see in the west
There's a place to launch rockets I think
All Tajiks are in Moscow, sorry
Watch this, it's an interesting documentary.
What is that? It looks amazing
He liberated your grandma?
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Grandma was pashto
Kazakhastan is literally chinese muslims
They treat women the same as all muslims (they have no value or say) one tradition is kazakhastan is when the son wants to marry he picks a girl and the family kidnaps her and forces the girl to marry him

its a merkaba

look into the annunaki
sand, etc
Can you speak farsi?
Ey došman
Because how can the white women even compare? :^)
No because my mum is polish.
>one tradition is kazakhastan is when the son wants to marry he picks a girl and the family kidnaps her and forces the girl to marry him
You literally confuse Kazakhs with Chechens and other Caucasus monkeys.
Also, modern day Kazakhs are 90% secular
to norway chikar mikoni?
Sorry, "došman" is the only Farsi word I know
its "farsi dari"
Iranians speak a different version of farsi

btw,if you were arguing with a farsi speaker just say "kose nanat" it'll resolve the situation peacfully

The Uzbek Gov't sounds based as fuck

>bans calls to prayer speakers
>closely monitors mosques
>kills terrorists

mfw Uzbekistan does more to end terrorism than the West.
They are all poor. Trust me, I grew up in one of them.
I'll tell you. These countries are governed by dictators who were in power since Soviet Union. Once they die off (in no more than 10 years), this whole region will be the new middle east, with lots of civil wars, humanitarian nightmare and islamists of all sorts. And we will be in a lot of shit because of that.
They're like 90% jungle so there's barely civilization around the coastline.

Bunch of niggers and people from weird places in oceania + some whites that manage the complicated stuff.

Their existence is a mystery, even though we are close neighbors you just don't hear anything about them.

Will Tsar Putin use the instability as an excuse to reclaim the old territory of the Russian Empire?
I bet he will. The question is what to do with the locals, who are many, violent and tend to like islam. Our image is already too bad, so we can't just put them in a concentration camps or something like that.
His map of Asia is upside down.
Then fuckoff muhammad cocksucker
truly the best flag
I had horse meat in Tashkent a few years ago. Delicious. I think more locals knew Russian than Uzbek. Awesome black market for currency nearly doubles the worth of the dollar.

Other than that, who knows.
>Muhammad cocksucker
Why are you telling us your name here?
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Horse archers waiting for Genghis Khan to return.
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>I had horse meat in Tashkent a few years ago
How was it?Can you describe its taste?
Asian women are a direct competitor. White women can't handle competition from teenage Whites so how could they handle competition from women who directly ignite the White male desire to wear a cool hat and conquer their country?
We had hose meat in lasagne here for years
Very tender. Kind of like a milder beef. Not too gamey. Grey in colour.
Sounds like kidney.
The first time i saw someone eat horse meat was in a western movie,before that i didn't even knew horses are eatable
>polish intellectuals
The hose meat lasagne wasn't on purpose though

Would you eat an Iranian flag?

When will Iran rid itself of Islam? I don't want to go to war with you bros.
Pretty much everything is edible mate. Some things are just tastier than others.
Horses have lots of flesh and mammal flesh is right up there in the high rankings of taste.
WTF why can't I spell horse
Nothing that matters
t. billybob from bumfuck nowhere flyover state
No i rather drown myself in it
in 20 or 30 years ago we we'll be rid of it
I like hoes meat too

Sorry for replying hazy im a little sick an feel a little drowny
Turkmenistan has a complete wacko dictator but it isn't anything close to dprk
keep lying to yourself
God-tier taste in wine, anon-kun.

>Ugly old bitches shit talking about a girl who doesn't even know or care that they exist.

Makes my dick hard, f@m. Is there anything more pathetic than when a woman's jealousy becomes transparent?

Imagine how amazing it would be if we didn't hear about the world crumbling from any nation on earth. Every country just humming along nicely.
He will want to, probably. But Russians hate immigration from those countries, so it will be massive downfall of his popularity.

>[german desire for meat hose intensifies]
안녕하세요, 노란색 똥
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stop pls
WTF I've never even known this kind of place exists. I always thought kazakstan and all the other countrys around it are just mountains with ugly people and donkeys and some people just sometimes go there to make a document out of local lama breeders or something.

BUT this shit! That place looks like the conflux castle out of the HoMM3 fucking unreal. My mind is blown.
If an Iranian flag is drowning you, do you:

B - accept fate
C - overpower Iranian flag
Can't get over that meat hose, eh Hans?
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They are really chimping out with the Symbolism
Where's all the people?
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Thread images: 37

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