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Well at least I can still fap to their feet. I don't need
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Well at least I can still fap to their feet. I don't need to worry about Sharia Law. Unlike you normalfags. Feels good to have best fetish.
Degenerate fuck
I have a fat fetish. And unlike your fetish; I can see every fold on any type of clothing and her stomach and ass.
I find women wearing clothing sexually attractive anyway so Muslim girls turn me on.
>having foot fetish
>being that much trash tier that will fap to a woman's unpainted toes
might as well fap to manly feet you fucking faggot, jeez.
I have a feederism and burp fetish. Literally all I have to do is hang around fast food places and I fulfill both of them.

Isn't the point of that burka shit to make the women not look visually attractive and to make sure no one touches their hair because that's a no no?

Seems like if wearing something like that is ok, why wouldn't it also be ok for women to just wear normal pants/long sleeved shirts instead of the black robes? It's still technically covering them.
women feet are small, petite and cute

men feet are big and hairy and disgusting you faggot
there's nothing feminine about unpainted toenails. If a woman has hairy legs I don't find the legs sexy because she doesn't take care of them. Same goes for the toes, if they are not painted and taken good care of they look bad and not feminine idiot
Nah, I'm a guy and my feet are small, petite (same thing), and cute.
>not degenerate

You get to pick one. Only one
Everyone has a fetish. Some are worse than others. If you like tits, or ass, or hips, or chests, or biceps, or abs, it's all fetish. You're rationalizing.

might as well kill yourself kurwa pierdole
>implying any girl wouldn't be down be worshipped or give a footjob, as opposed to tranny fetish, urine fetish, scat fetish or anything other ridiculous shit that you can't find on the internet.
Truth is that it's one of the lightest fetishes out there, if not the lightest, and probably the most acceptable if you think about how Tarantino movies are known because of it yet have so many fans
>American genetics
Jew detected. Stop trying to push your degeneracy, you Khazar scumfuck
>Point out that they're unpainted
>tfw paying debnts renders your women unable to paint toes
>painted toes are a status symbol in Neo-Greek culture.
If it really rendered our women unable to paint their toes, unpainted toes would be the normal and I wouldn't point it out, don't you think burger? It's actually most tourists that have disgusting feet hygiene and don't paint their toes, not our girls
Yes, I do. Unpainted toes would be pleb tier, and everyone on /pol/ is a STEM major who makes 300k a year while also hailing master race status.

That said, I have no retorts concerning tourists. Anybody who travels abroad in flip flops or sandals is undeniably pleb tier
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