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Transgender insanity
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Am I the last person on earth that believes that just because some dude is delusional and chops off his dick it doesn't make him a woman? I feel like I'm living in crazy town guys.
Being convinced you're something you're not is the definition of mental illness.
Why is it considered a PC answer to not give a fuck about other peoples' lives?
But if you say that it's "hate speech"
Nope. I feel the same way. I don't recognize their mental illness and I don't support their cause for making it acceptable. It's beyond ridiculous. And there's a lot of questions that goes unanswered. But you always get told to just respect their wishes.
>it seems that they always know they're not the right gender based on their childhood
>it seems that they always grew up hanging out with the opposite gender and did things the opposite gender did
>it seems like they always visited a doctor at the age of 6 or more and were told something wasn't right with them
>it seems the diagnosis was made after a few months or perhaps that very same day
>it seems that they'd undergo treatment before puberty or right around, then plan to have private parts fixed before 20.
>it seems that this procedure fixed their illness.

Yeah, getting your cock inverted always be the perfect solution.
A dick doesn't make you a man
That's why I'm afraid to have kids. Doing that to them is blatant child abuse, but the government will probably force me to have my child mutilated out of "tolerance"
No,basic biology does
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90% of people in America are with you dude. Dont worry
The whole bathroom thing is fucking stupid, if you can pass as a girl why does it matter? If you catn why the fuck are you even wallking around dressed like a woman?
I wouldn't be so sure. Even my own gf has hopped on the crazy train
you are a male if you were born with a penis. you can chop it off and get some titties, but you will always be a male
the guy should be black.
If someone wants to be a woman badly enough to chop their dick off, there's no harm in treating them like one. If you're not intact you're not "male" anymore anyway.
It's so wrong and there's been cases where the person later identified as the previous gender. And cases where the person may have raised a family, just to later identify as the opposite gender. I believe it's a slightly more complex mental illness that affects the way the person perceives him/herself. It has nothing to do with gender as such, as they themselves say that genders are fluid and can change but that saying defies the reason for the physical change that they believe is necessary. Thus proves they don't even know how or what makes one a man or woman. They may say that they feel like a man and wish to be regarded as such, but mention that having a dick doesn't make you a man but then again, they don't feel that the transition is complete without that extra part. So, naturally it appears to be a mental illness that just basically affects the way one perceives his own gender and himself. And we're blindly buying into their delusion.

I still believe that if you're born with ovaries, you're a woman.
you are no where near being the last person on earth who thinks the same way
these autistic faggots need to stop living in their fantasy worlds and be normal adults, and if they cant do that, then they shouldn't be treated as adults
Had this argument last night with 2 friends.
They believe that all LGBTs are born that way biologically.

Here's a safe normie-tier argument you can use:

A good analogy is ice-cream.
Most people like vanilla
>straight people
Some people like strawberry

This is their choice, and I don't really care what they choose.

BUT, if somebody hands me a vanilla ice cream cone and says, "THIS IS STRAWBERRY, ADMIT IT" I am going to tell them to fuck off.
>even if they reallllly believe it on the inside, any objective observer would know that they are wrong.
>people who would agree with them are simply playing along with their delusions
Or we should treat there mental illness so they can be fully functioning, healthy, unmutilated individuals. Playing along with their delusion is just cruel.
It's disturbing and I don't wanna think about it.

There's no effective treatment.
We need to look for one. Genital mutilation is not a treatment.
A man with his dick chopped off is still a man with his dick chopped off.
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when you take your cat to the vet and find out it has butthole cancer, you put it to sleep because treating it is too expensive and complicated.

transformers need to be put to sleep, just like a sick pet.
I mean, there is one....
The clear answer is to just start replacing the stick figures on bathrooms with signs that say "XX" and "XY".

You can't argue you're trans-chromosomal.
You're not alone. I've argued this verbatim countless times. We know sex ontologically through biology. It is not a malleable term, only gender as defined on the social level is malleable. Slowly but surely I have convinced nearly my entire friendship circle, as well as my liberal girlfriend, of this aborted mal-identity. A thousand tiny red pill cuts, anon. Stay strong.

As gore Vidal once said, "there is no such thing as a homosexual, only homosexual acts".
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Some people have XXY chromosomes.


XYY exists too.

But we're talking about perfectly biologically normal men/women getting mock up surgery and pretending to be women/men
Why are we so fucking concerned with transgenders and chromosome disorder that are an irrelevant proportion of the population?

It's really quite simple for chromosome disorders. If you have a Y you go in the male bathrooms, if you are X, XX, or XXX, you use the ladies.
Please die. Like, soon.
You have no room to talk, your own women rejected you for shitskins.

it reflects the majority which is, thankfully, still white
Dumb analogy, flavor doesn't correlate with sexual orientation. Faggot.
Thank you. These people are sick and need our support and compassion, not indulgence in their delusion that's only hurting them. We help people who think they are the reincarnation of Napoleon. We don't let them write it on their drivers license.

Nobody gives a fuck which bathroom you use. It has never been a problem ever.
It doesnt, it's a mental illness. But why would you care? Unless they bother you with it, you shouldnt care.
You don't even need to chop off your dick these days to claim you're a woman.
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No shit fatboy, PREFERENCE does.

As in, do you PREFER dicks or cunts?
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You didn't say preference tho, cunt for brains, quit trying to confuse your way to success in a meaningless argument!
There are actually people half of whose somatic cells are xx and the other half xy
I've used an argument like this before.

It works.

It is a dumb analogy, it's meant for dumb people.

My thoughts exactly.

>I live in Washington state. Please send help.
XXY had vagoos as far as I know.
Bad idea desu.
Kek /pol/ is literally upset over trannies getting surgery because they cant make fun of them if trannies have their dick removed and a fake vagina put there.
This is the damn truth. I just don't understand accepting it and never will.

related af
I love how shit that they pretend to consider sexist is empowering when they do it. (fatties and trannies)
Use feminism to fight Transgenderism.
It isn't that hard.

>Transgenderism is misogynistic in that it promotes the idea that women are just men without a penis (i.e. women are missing something)
>Transgenderism is problematic because just dressing up and pretending you're a woman doesn't mean you experience the world and hatred against women as a woman.
>Transgender people are trying to downplay the experiences of women by pretending to be woman and pretending they have it worse
>Transgender people are the most misogynistic of all

I wish that there would be a bigger fight between to two exactly as you have described. It isn't unheard of, but the liberal narrative is heavily in favor of trannies.
>on an american site
>Transgender people use new bathroom rules to take photos and advantage of women and girls

Just use recent news. The push will come eventually.
Remember, feminists etc. hate gay men now because they're too privileged.
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bizzaro world m8
there was a period of maybe a few months when i got too deep too quick into this shit and i was legit convinced i crashed my car and was dreaming in a coma or something
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