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How do I choose a bible translation version?
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How do I choose a bible translation version?
that has been improved upon

even original translators knew their knowledge and work could be, and would be, improved upon
Just learn Latin and read the Vulgate.
>Only the KJV

Read it in the original English version you fucking spic.

lol i make same post over and over


i am not
Obviously a translation isn't going to work for your pedantic self so just go learn Greek and Hebrew and read the original texts.

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wew lad
KJV, the style is masterful and it's culturally significant

that very close to transliteration
which is significantly incomprehensible today
If you value your eternal soul, don't rely on any translations. Learn aramaic or go to hell.
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KVJ for patrician tier
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>he uses written language to communicate
fucking imbecile primate
Then learn to read King Jame's English, Pablo.

you mean aramaic and greek
false dilemma
He means Hebrew and Greek.
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>Not reading it in Aramaic
>Not speaking the language Jesus himself spoke
Step up your faith, anon
It's not false. It's actually a real dilemma you can't read more than one form of English. Pablo, you have to go back.

aramaic is a subset of hebrew

>i have no idea what false dilemma means
Only if you read the 1611 edition.
Hebrew is still the original language and it is needed.

Biblical Scholars learn Hebrew and Greek, not Aramaic.
aramaic is the original



You can't see an obvious word joke. You should work on finding a good Spanish translation.
King James is the least degenerate version. Sola Scriptura, friend.
Back when I was a Christian fundamentalist zealot I used both the KJV and NKJV (New King James). Read both in entirety and never noticed any real difference other than readability.

Get the KJV first. If you find it too arcane, then get ahold of an NKJV.
>subset of hebrew
Are you implying it's derived from the hebrew language? Because that's completely wrong.
They are part of different language subdivisions.
Sorry, your right about Aramaic being original.

I looked and sometimes, but very rarely, do they learn Aramaic. But it is only small portions, they learn Hebrew and Greek thoroughly.
other way around
we heard you the first dozen times

you are not adding anything to the first time you posted that
KJV-Onlyism is pure autism

The ESV is much better translation
I'll tell you again like so many others; KJV
And I'll continue to say KJV because this isn't a political question and belong in either /lit/ or maybe /his/. If you asked why the Jews added and deleted parts of the new "translations" of the Bible that might be applicable to politics.
Until then just go read your KJV, Pablo.
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You don't.

Read it in Hebrew, with correct paragraph breaks, with red nuns etc.

Or else just fuck off and admit you never read it.
false dilemma

Facts. If you read in translation, not only are there all the normal translation problems, you also have massive division problems (the 'chapters and verses' you read barely have more connection to the actual text than if we simply chose breaks randomly) and important parts of the text (red nuns most prominently, but there are several other sorts of text) are simply ignored in translations.

So no, it's not a false dilemma, it's a true one. If you are reading a section of the bible in translation without referencing a proper torah scroll you aren't even touching the text you claim to interpret.
Honest question: Are there any apps / websites that let you read and compare multiple versions in parallel? Seems like that would be the best way to read it, especially for those of us who don't care about the "spiritual" aspect of the Bible and are more interested in the cultural and literary impact etc.
Why did God kill a bunch of kids for laughing at a bald man?
KJV is he worst version in English and leads to MANY MANY misunderstandings of the message. vfuck off.

Kissless Jewish Virgin
>Look mom, I said it again! LOGIKAL FALLISEE!!

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Apparently you don't.

There's really no excuse for it in this day and age. There are plenty of textbooks available online, for free, to anyone that can get here.
You should ask /x/ or /lit/ or fucking anywhere but here, holy shit so many of these dumbass threads all the time.
But you should read KJV
> culturally significant
thats part of the reason it's so shitty, it was more of a adaptation to the culture expectations of the translators then a honest reading.
I'm starting to see why Christianity has gone to shit, I had no idea that version was popular among the faithful today.
It's not even an honest translation.
The KJV 1611 were untrained in Koine Greek.
( King James Version) Hail, "thou that art highly favored,"our Lord is with thee
(Should Be) Hail "full of grace," our Lord is with thee.

(King James Version)"Confess" your "faults,"
(Should Be) Confess," therefore, your "sins" one to another

(King James Version) In the grave, who shall give thee thanks?
(should Be) But in "hell", who shall confess to thee?

(King James Version) "To the grave
(should Be) Unto "hell"

(King James Version)I have left me seven thousand men that have not bowed their knees to "the image of" Baal
(should Be) I have left me seven thousand men that have not bowed their knees to Baal

King James Version) Where in the Holy Ghost hath made you "overseers, to feed the church" of God
(should Be) Take need to yourselves, and to the whole flock, wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you "bishops to rule the church" of God

Parts of KJV were back translasted into greek from Latin, and a lot of the Greek parts were from very recent fo the time txts.
not the received tzts
do you even google.
bible gateway app is pretty good for reading side by side translations
I use biblegateway. It has a bunch of translations and you can have tgem nect to each other like you want. It's pretty sweet.
NT doesnt really matter which version you choose.

OT MUST be the septuagint
>(King James Version) "To the grave
>(should Be) Unto "hell"
KJV has lots of errors - this isn't one.
Hell and grave were synonyms in KJV-era English, and in many dialects long after. For instance in my youth I still heard people speak of placing potatos in hell for the winter. This is the meaning of Sheol. A grave, a pit in the ground in which something may be buried.

Hell as it is understood today is a completely pagan and unbiblical concept. Hell in the bible means nothing more or less than a hole in the ground.
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Go with artscroll.
This should be a bannable offense
Posting a /lit/ question in /pol/ should be a bannable offense.
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KJV 1611 is the only True Bible.
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Ignatius Bible

KJV is just a reddit meme for a reddit heresy
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king jammes all othher books arre the works of satan

he did not fag
oh boy its this thread again
Did you know: Titanic sank as a judgment for the modern corrupt translations.The amount of passengers on titanic was equal to the amount of letters that was cut out or changed from the bible. And the shipping company's name White Star Line was an occult reference to Lucifer, who is the Morning Star.
So unless you want to collide with an iceberg and go to hell: King James Version only.

wait what?

2 Kings 23-25

23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. 25 And he went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria.
no NIV love here? KJV is meme tier, the whole point of Vatican II was that you could experience the divine in vernacular.
Better start learning greek or Aramaic.
The cuckold translation. You can recognize it by the first verse.

"In the beginning, God cucked the heavens and the earth"
oh, the swedish edition

The Jerusalem Bible. The only good, proper catholic bible.

People who read the KJV are nothing short of heretics

>Fist of mr atheist you copied the verse wrong from your atheist site

2 Kings 2:24

“And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.”

>second where does it mention they were torn to dead ?
Hopefully those kids played dead and the bears left them alone.
what other torn is there

it where bears under the command of god they are just fine
>And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two cats out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

changed the verse a bit
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there is 4 other verses in the bible with the word tare, none died
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