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I need your help /pol/
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Im on a Nazi-monk phase right now.

I didn't fap for 20 days, didn't eat for 20 days, didn't drink, smoked or watched tv shows for 20 days.

I just meditate, working in my garden, and read all day. At the evening im browsing 4chan, just to harden my spirit.

The only connection to this world for me is the Internet.

Now it's getting really hard for me.

As soon as i see a women outside or on the Internet the thoughts of Porn and Fapping come into my mind.
I realise that this is hopefully just a state and that it will go away eventually.

I don't really hear music, but i heard that it can sustain my state of consciousness.

Can you /pol/ recommend me any good music for abstaining degeneracy?

And btw, would you choose my path too for improved meme magic powers?
>didn't eat for 20 days

You are fucking dumb, kys
I did it longer before, 67 days record, it's healthy and prevents cancer. Look it up. But the most important thing about is it hardens the spirit, you will feel much more alpha, motivated and fresh.
I'm actually going monk-mode this week, only 800 calories per day, no fapping and no degenerate behaviour, and basically just spend most of my time reading.
you need a wife
also your biggest mistake was not cutting out the internet and throwing away your PC
>it's healthy and prevents cancer

Gonna need some sources, friend.

Look it up doesn't count
Good choice brother, it will really harden you, and maybe just maybe cure the shitposting cancer.
you're setting yourself up for failure

you don't have the mental fortitude for ascetic lifestyle. people living like monks could only do it because they're living true to the church, and i can guarantee the you're not living true to the church.

enjoy worldly things, or you're going to crash hard.

several documentaries out there too

It basically slows down the degeneracy of the cells in your body.
I've been doing this for quite some time now, actually. It gets immensely easier after the first month or so. What have you been reading, out of curiosity?
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>he meditated and fasted for 20 days
>but he doesn't know how to control his sexual urges through diaphragmic breathing

I'm gonna throw you a bone here, my man. This might sound a little gay since you're trying to avoid sexual degeneracy, but read the first couple of chapters of The Multi-Orgasmic Man. Basically it teaches you that you can "re-channel" your sexual energy throughout different parts of your body for health/energy/spiritual benefits.


I will admit half of it sounds like hippie pseudoscience, but (anecdotally) I have experienced a marked increase in conscious control over my libido/sexual drive simply by deep breathing through my diaphragm/stomach.

>tl;dr: breathe in through your nose, fill your stomach with air. breathe out through your nose, compress your chest cavity.

At first i read alot of /pol/ stuff, now im at eckhart tolle and some tinfoil shit. If i start something i can't stop.
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Thank you man, will give it a try.
>thinking any music of the 20th or 21st century is non-degenerate
Have your forgotten that Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, Wagner, Schumann, Strauss are all German?
ofc i love our classic music, but it just makes me sad most of the time, that's why i don't listen to it.
Yes. Basically the first 2-3 chapters talk about how "ejaculatory orgasm" is responsible for that loss of energy and drive one feels after one, well, ejaculates. The book also goes into more shit like how to "orgasm without ejaculating" which I'm more or less not interested in

But the science and the history behind the idea that ejaculation = a literal "little death" is fascinating.

The Zen buddhists believe that the body harnesses most all of it's "most powerful potent energy" right during procreation (i.e.: before ejaculation), as the creation of a new life form requires the most pure and potent energy possible, so as to give it the best start in life and whatnot.

>tl;dr: Dr Strangelove was basically right
You need to poke your dick with a needle every time you have a sexual thought. Eventually the sexual thoughts will initiate a pavlovian response that will make you reject them. Be sure to poke your dick head since it's the most sensitive.
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Yeah, there is plenty of melancholy to go around in Classical music, but the overall emotions should be far more complex than that. The slow second movements build energy towards aggressive finales.

This one for example should make you feel alive and angry, not sad at all.
You can also try literal 'happy' classical music, like "Jupiter: The Bringer of Jollity" is pretty based
This is a playlist btw, so open the link, don't just click [Embed]


I already read a bit about this topic, but now im going deeper into it, thanks.


yes, thank you christ chan.


Two nice bits you got me there, thank you.
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Ahhh all these redpilled meme magic from you guys arouses me, im feeling alot better now, thank you.
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In a lot of ways you're better off right now than I am, broheim.

My willpower is only so developed where I can meditate for about 15-25min at the most, and I'm still more or less dependent on the herbal jew to get through my day-to-day routine (i.e.: appetite for food). I stopped fapping and watching porn, but I still have a long way to go to get to your level.

We're all gonna make it if we lean on eachother for help
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Once upon a time i started with the herbal jew too my friend.

15-25 mins are pretty good and not fapping or watching the jew porn is a really big step forwards too.

You will do it and help to make the world great again.
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