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UN Security Council Moves To End Anonymity On Internet
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>Ending the plague of anonymity on the Internet seems closer to fruition following moves this week by the UN Security Council.

>Surely the first step in any move by the Security Council to combat this “Internet Intifada” is to insist that all member States impose laws in their jurisdictions compelling all Internet providers to insist on the names , addresses and contact phone numbers being provided by all registered users of their websites - including those seeking to post comments.

>These details would be held by the Internet provider and could be subpoenaed in any proceedings brought in a competent court of law by persons claiming to have suffered as a result of any offending publication.

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Oh look another useless proposal by the UN

Kiss my ass
This may send me over the edge if it happens. Literally no reason to live when life is Thought Police:The World
man i don´t want to pay 15€ for vpn fuck this
ironically, this might actually be a good thing, since it would force people like us to stop using the internet all day and actually try to change things in real life
just use someone elses details
these ideas wouldn't exist if mainstream media outlets were dominant and faggots didn't come here to shitpost their angsty philosophy in the first place
The united nations is the seat of Satan.
They will usher in the antichrists beast system.
The next leader of the un will be Satan in the flesh.
How far will we allow them to go
Is this by the same people that let anita in the UN. because I dont care
>Ending the plague of anonymity on the Internet

Public WIFI + Burner email accounts + Chinese aliases
>Not destructive and totalitarian
Fucking finally. This will bring an end to all the hate speech.
Kill all blue helmets
No it wont. All it will do is turn alot of people into people who act. It will bring the hate speech out into the open.

It is correct.
Congratulations, the UN is officially the Orwellian nightmare.
Vpns cost maybe 30-50 bucks a year. It's not that bad. I considered getting one myself.
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one day, lads, we're going to literally kill all of these people :~)

>click the link
>it's just about Daesh
>two mentions of Daesh recruiting through the internet in the whole document, neither of which proposes ending anonymity to stop it

Why u fearmongering, OP? Or crossposting some stupid clickbait fearmongerer, which is just as bad.
Well it would also kill the internet since just googling your name would bring up your entire internet posting history.
One step closer to the UN being thrown out of New York.
Too bad the regulations are already in place for most countries you just lock you up for "being mean"

All this would do is make sure it's much easier for anyone who goes against the globalists narrative to find themselves in prison.

Remember, if you don't want to destroy your culture and country you're racist and support hate speech.
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>click OP's link
>ctrl+f anonymity
>ctrl+f internet

Why are you baiting?
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What article are you quoting?
the irony is that the internet is actually a worse form of propaganda than the MSM and the Jews have realized this, thats why they promote internet "freedom" to the new generation
The UN really does want to censor the internet (it's what the SJW movement is really about). But this paper has nothing to do with it.

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>plague of anonymity

which would make people who actually care stop being addicted to it and get off their asses
next is a fucking brain chip in your head for thoughts
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>We'll ensure people say only the correct things, using the fear of getting doxxed, since all their personal information will be public at all times.
Brilliant. Right up there with the anti-blasphemy laws the Muslim countries pushed in 2014, and the anti-loli stuff Japan completely ignores. Why do we even have a UN again?

Gosh, couldn't get anymore authoritarian?

This will never sell.
lol good fucking luck
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Welp. So if I say n*gger someone could have me prosecuted?
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Anyone know a good vpn or proxy I could use that also browses 4chan? All the ones I tried won't let me.
We'll have to start communicating by letter f.a.m.
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In other news, world postal systems have been overwhelmed with massive volumes of pepe images being sent worldwide
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im going to lose a fortune jesus christ
So... new internet when?
The UN is useless

They cant and wont do shit
Seriously though, this is pretty scary. Our government is orwellian enough and I can't be arsed serving time for failing to explain the irony in enjoying Ben Garrison memes
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you cant use any (like PIA for example)
unless you buy a fucking pass
literally all VPNs are range banned
the only way to fix it is with a pass

and yes, I get mine banned daily
>The united nations is the seat of Satan.

Jewish myths aren't real anon.
In the empire yeh
This is the same UN that appointed a Saudi as head of human rights?

That calls the UK the most sexist nation?

Right? Good luck policing the intertubes you senile old cunts.


fucking cunts
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How long until we're all imprisoned?
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I wont last a day in prison
How about we end anonymity in government first?
Who cares.

theyre powerless
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We Germany now.
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So this is how it ends. I didn't expect that it will come from UN. It was nice knowing you faggots.
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I wouldn't mind being in prison with a couple of polacks. Perhaps we could plan a Shawshanks redemption type escape
Lets hope so. We need to take control of the world.
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Amen to that.

Im geared up and mentally prepared for this battle
How did you not expect it would come from the UN? The UN is the premiere stepping stone for establishing the world jewbanking cartel to rule over the global cartel order to rule over the chattel serfs.
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mind if i snag that cute welsh peep?
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You may save the cute Welsh pepe, he needs love.
theres nothing in that paper about ending anonymity on internet

>1 post by this ID
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All Europeans who use hate speech on /pol/ or are Islamaphobic should be sent to a special EU jail where they will undergo thought training and get raped by enhanced hung Trans police so they can understand how rape victims feel.
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Nyah nyah U.N. Useless waste of oxygen, time and money. Defund. <- said by anon
How much would you like to bet that ISIS will never bomb the UN?

They could just shut it down and shred the budgets. That would save time and ammo.
I stopped taking them seriously since russia was able to veto any resolution as it pertained to ukraine.
Yeah, but what good would that be for the new world order?
We would have to start mailing list
Self published magazines
White nationalist would control the print and publishing business in the future
you ain't even a Country you hohol
you deserve nothing
Does the guy even understand what he is saying. Because doing that totally won´t aggravate or galvanize nationalists, and isn´t limiting the number of ideas that can be discussed as to their impact on society and culture at all. No, siree.
>open link
>ctrl-f "terrorism"
>3 pages
>11 instances

It's a fucking license to subjugate.
I don't recognize any authority the U.N. claims to have.
Thankfully, unlike what the latest Mahvel movie would have you believe, the UN is completely useless.
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They would actually have to decide things for themselves and grow a pair.

> and you know, communicate over the Internet to air a grievance, things like that in the 21st century and drop the 20th Century mentality. Like, you know, everyone else has to.

They can even do that anonymously if they want to.

Also they have no power here.
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Yeah, it would be much better there had been a proper war over your irrelevant shithole.
It would have been better if Victoria Nuland had resigned in shame back when she was still somewhat nice to look at. Or if at least she'd been fired a long time ago for her gross incompetence.
UN is and always was a joke, maybe they should get Saudi Arabia off human rights council before they have any authority to make any policies.
Fuck off traitor Cuck
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