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>so many surgeons
>so many engineers

italy is blessed
Wow. Italy will be a world exporter of those lawyers and doctors. Good job Shitaly
Italy made biggest mistake by reuniting nigger south with rich north.
Those poor Syrian children have turned black from fear!
I dont fucking get it. I Do. Not. Understand how as a man, as a fucking guy you don't feel an instinctive / defensive "that's a lot of men and they aren't bringing a whole lot of women" tick and immediately just feel all the problems an imbalanced male / female radio will be. Do white people not have instinct or some shit? All those men not getting laid are natrually going to get agressive, just the idea that there aren't enough women to go around should make you a little panicky and depressed if you're a refugee. Fuck even besides that i dont get how Eurofags dont feel insulted that these fucking men are just fucking waking into your country without bringing women, shit is disrespectful.

Idk tho i might be retarded fuck it. I just dont get how europe is allowing all these fucking men in their country.
>Do white people not have instinct or some shit?
do i detect a kang?

I feel the exact same way a primal animalistic hate.

I don't blame the Jews or anyone else, this is all on us.
You act like there's something to ruin there.
and race war even is not going to start because EU people live in comfort.
You have no idea how hard the system is geared towards suppressing these responses.
On to Germany they go.
don't be so pessimistc, ivan.
they might have relative comfort at home. but once they go out in the city and see fallujah mixed with mogadishu then they might pick up a copy of my struggle.
no im a spic mexican mate

Its like watching a big guy get bullied by a fucking nerd, he can easily fuck him up but he rather just take it like a bitch, i want white people to fight back just because i hate fucking having to see them get cucked like this but shit, they just dont wanna fight back, wtf? Women wont fuck refugees until a few generations when they consider them the "main population" because their disloyal and have to be tamed so like you said its all on the fucking men who are taking this. I dont like watching white people get cucked like this, it fucking makes me uncomfortable. idk tho, i think only reason why i sympathize with white people is because i have a white wife and i admire aryan beauty
>i'm a weak beta faggot
the post

those austrian nazi fucks blocked the route up north towards germanistan
nope, the fine kangz will stay in italy and become aspiring rappers
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dear romale, they will just run away, but it will be too late. When churkas become majority they become more agressive, so they will just make their own governments. Like in London kek.
I just don't understand did real englishmen vote for this muzzy?
>no im a spic mexican

So basically white?
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Spongebob no but really.jpg
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Wow look at all those black Middle Easterners, it's a shame that the media never shows you just how many black people live in the Middle East.

In all honesty I think people just accept this because they know fuckall about demographics. You'd be shocked at how often I had to bring up demographic information about Syria to show people that the black "refugees" weren't actually Syrian. Of course this is the States, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Euros were just as ignorant about the actual demographic makeup of the Middle East.
And our government just agreed to keep the border open...
to be fair, the bbc never claimed that the kangz were from syria.
they said the kangz were from the west of africa and are economic migrants.
which is bullshit given the fact that a kang among men can never be an economic migrant.

that's a smart move. who's gonna take care of you when you will be old? the animals in the forest?
nope, the gentle kang people.
>Its like watching a big guy get bullied by a fucking nerd, he can easily fuck him up but he rather just take it like a bitch
That reminds me of something
The migrants are not going to stay in Italy.
>All those men not getting laid are natrually going to get agressive
You are a nigger, right?
He's not exactly right, but he's thinking in the right direction.

>For men in particular, the intensive demands of parenting can come as such a shock that a built-in biological mechanism has evolved to help cope with the change. A new study shows that becoming a father leads to a sharp decline in testosterone, suggesting that although high levels of the hormone may help men win a mate, testosterone-fueled traits such as aggression and competition are less useful when it comes to raising children.
>I Do. Not. Understand how as a man, as a fucking guy you don't feel an instinctive / defensive "that's a lot of men and they aren't bringing a whole lot of women"
The media hides the fact that the so called refugees are all men
They also hide the fact that they come from countries where there is no war
Full black niggers are so ugly and evil-looking. I wish I could time-travel to right before the slave trade began and nuke all of Africa so the nigger gene wouldn't spread.
They at least make up for it with their bbc :^)
i too. like you believed in the enormous black male penis.
i was very dissapointed in finding out it's just porn propaganda by jewish interests.
what they do is they pick very thin and small blacks.
so their penis to body ratio makes them look bigger. after choosing the right candidate then they go under penile surgery.

what a bummer.

i searched what the biggest penis in the world is and it was some white guy. lol wtf
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