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Crimean Annexation
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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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this shit is going on long enough, and we have seen enough proof that we can say with certainty that russia took crimea with force and still continues to undermine ukrainian sovereignityn in their eastern territories. yet there are loads of people denying it and calling putin a hero. why does pol admire him when in fact hes just a warmongerer that doesnt give a shit about peoples lives?.
> why does pol admire him when in fact hes just a warmongerer that doesnt give a shit about peoples lives?
Kind of answered your own question didn't you hansmed?
well, maybe for some but i hope not for all
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>we have seen enough proof
citation needed.

also Ukraine is not a country


no such sovereignty
true, he's just as bad as Bush or Obama
Are people who say this shit even aware that was a coup and a civil war long before Crimea was annexed, and that eastern Ukraine happens to be chock-full of Russians? What the fuck do you want to do exactly? Intervene and fuck up the entire country?
after yesterday's euromemesion annexation is imminent

USA is doing war in ukraine too, fucking retarded.
There needs to be a final solution for Russkies in Ukraine. When that is done many problems are solved.
> it's a Russiaboos and proxy shills sucking eachother's dicks episode

have some sage
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1.Russias side has Putin and /pol/s top waifu, Ukraine is a country no one gives a shit about.

2. Our media constantly lie, and they were pro-Ukraine from the start, so many /pol/acks probably just side with Russia out of spite.

3. Its also a proof of how weak Europe is; Putin can just take a piece of land and no one really gives a shit. No one feels passion for weak leaders, and while you can hate Putin, he at least has to be respected. European cuck politicians cant compete.

Putin is an alpha asshole, Trump is one, what do we Europeans have? Only politicians that drive our continent into suicide. So /pol/ sides with the alpha, as the facts are unknown or people just dont care about Ukraine.
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