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Are they causing white men to sit inside and miss out on experiences?
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Are they causing white men to sit inside and miss out on experiences? To literally sit by while the world goes to shit? Weak and underdeveloped? Are we being cucked by a screen?
yep, which is kinda funny since all new games are shit
but i cant act all high and mighty, i just play old games and watch anime when i get home from work
possibly makes us worse since we are aware of what is happening. you think?
You are weak to begin with if you end up and can't stop being a slave to entertainment.
I can get rid of mine, but what will I do with my time?
Without the internet youd never even know you were a slave.
Yup - White males are cowards and cucks these days. Fucking makes me sad. Especially when they try to act hard and you know they'd just suck a niggers dick if one told them to.
>weak and undeveloped

videogames have nothing to do with this so much as the bullshit products in the environment that fuck mens bodies up so they dont get enough testosterone

theres a reason girls are hotter than they've ever been and guys look like children till they're 30
Interesting... Proofs?
self improvement
wife and kids
what did people do with there time 50 years ago?
Girls look hotter because of better nutrition, and improved makeup and hair products.
I don't know about that but I do know men aren't using their bodies. That's why they have the muscle mass of a child, combine that with unhealthy diets and they have the body of a fat toddler.
look up 'xenoestrogens'

basically the byproducts of almost fucking everything we manufacture from plastic to ink has these molecules in them nowadays, it gets into the water and makes bodies produce more estrogen

there's a reason men 50 years ago looked like men and most ""men"" today look like high schoolers even in college

we are enslaved quicker, but also get to know it, if you take the red pill
I just got done getting rid of all my video games. I'm too addicted to them. Now to limit my time on the internet unless its for learning.
It's a moot point. Thanks internet, I guess.

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and here is some more proofs

look at the average testosterone levels for men throughout the decades

men aren't men without testosterone
i love american logic sometimes, if everything isn't going your way, fuck everything and go complete lockdown, start fucking shit up
Currently our governments, or at least the department of fish and wildlife in the US, is trying to get everyone off of self-sustaining lifestyles and into a more urban living. Helplessly suckling the teat of society, unable to feed yourself unless you can get to a grocery store. They force people who own large plots of land to sell it to their wildlife reserves. They make baseless claims, like this Finch is endangered, or that salmon is endangered. They do shit like redirect water to flood areas that people won't sell on. They harass them, just like that incident in Oregon where they were blamed for a fire and ended with one dead.
Doesn't physical activity effect testosterone levels? Men used to develop bodies from physical labor daily life required of them. This is no longer the case.
its a 2 way street. if you're low test you can work out all you want you aren't going to have a good body.
I don't think that's completely true. Sure, most women can't develop muscle like men. And I admit I'm not sure why, whether it be low testosterone, high estrogen, or both (or perhaps neither) But men's hormone levels would have to be on par with women for that to be true
testosterone is what allows you to develop muscles

there was a study, can't find it now but basically it measured muscle mass gain between men who did not exercise and received testosterone, men who exercised and received testosterone, men who didn't exercise and didn't receive test, and men who didn't get test but exercised

the men who got test and DIDN'T exercise gained more muscle than the men who didn't get test but exercised

the men who did both got the most gains of all
Yes they are, where i grew up the only intellectual competition you could get that was socially accepted was videogames, else you were a nerd.
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