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What do you think would happen if we gave reparations to blacks?
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What do you think would happen if we gave reparations to blacks?
we should start a go fund me to send all the niggers back to Africa, I'd gladly pitch in 20$
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Pic related.
they'd say it isn't enough. We've already paid reparations (welfare) but it has never been enough. Give them nothing and watch them starve
Dave Chappelle covered it well.


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Beat me too it.
They waste it on booze and drugs.

If you look at almost every single lottery winner, they end up wasting all the money they got and end up poorer than before.

Yea lets give out a bunch of money to people who have no education or proper motivation sense birth to try to succeed in society a shitton of cash, I know that they will use it to invest in education and other important things and not blow it.

Yea, lets waste a shitton of cash so that some dindus can buy Cadillacs instead of using it to fix our roads or some other important public service need.

Affirmative Action isn't reparations?

Fuck niggers.


Ta-Nehisi Coates, the award-winning journalist and author specializing in racial justice and black poverty, has cancelled plans to move into the posh Brooklyn brownstone he recently purchased for $2.1 million, citing personal safety concerns amid a storm of unwanted media attention.

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The New York Post was first to report on the purchase, which was conducted through a limited-liability corporation established by Coates and his wife in an effort to conceal their identity.

Coates has become a prominent thought-leader in part due to the success of his 2015 memoir, “Between the World and Me,” a letter to his son about the history of racial injustice in America. It was one of the most discussed books in the country among university faculty members and New York Times subscribers, and won the National Book Award for non-fiction.


Nigger gets rich screaming about how niggers are poor.
Getting shipped to America was the best thing that ever happened to those niggers and they know it. Without us they'd still be getting raped as newborns in Africa to cure some nigger's AIDS.
The jews didn't turn retarded after centuries of slavery, expulsion, theft, and murder. The slavs may have, but even they can build functioning cities and societies.
I don't want your pity white money I want justice I want vengeance I want whites to suffer in a mass genocide
We've already sunk literally trillions of dollars worth of investment into black communities in the last 60 years.

Besides, everyone knows blacks fail because they're low-IQ, not because of century old slavery.
Look at black communities in other parts of the world. Hell, look at all-black COUNTRIES that are comepletely untouched by whites.
>My ancestor are responsible for all of this
No they're not. They come over in the late 1800s, after slavery had ended.
Infact, you can't prove that most white American's ancestors were involved in slavery or other racist activity. So they have to pay anyway? What about all of the white immigrants who were treated worse than blacks? Native Americans were known to keep black slaves, are they going to have pay too?

But really, if we tried to pay them, we'd go fucking bankrupt.
I saw a lot of smug who liberals reading or carrying that book like some bullshit prop in San Francisco. I considered giving it a read, but figured it was more of the same. The solution is jobs, but niggas don't want to work after multiple generations on the dole...
nice triple doubles to go with the bait
*who= white
Lets pay them an equal amount they would have made living in Africa for all those generations.

0.0001$ each
fucking niggers are so stupid I honestly wish we could just enslave them again.

all they do is destroy, rape and kill. when you think about it, it's almost uncommon to see outliers who actually contribute to society, the rest are always some level of ghetto no matter what they do.
>Chinese railroad workers considered less valuable than slaves
>Make a life for themselves anyway
>Each generation does better and better for themselves

Do you think it hurts the black man to realize this?
It's not bait it's truth we don't want money we want vengeance
Don't expect reparations to work if it's just giving people money. Any money given will just be spent in a year tops and then leave blacks poor again.

A lot of black-dominated communities are cesspools full of crime, shitty schools, and few jobs. And they never get better because any smart blacks GTFO of these communities the moment they get the chance. Nobody wants to stay in Detroit if they can help it. The only solution I can see working is flooding these shitty communities with cops in order to crack down on crime. Give the cops body cameras so people don't mistrust them. End the drug war, and make the schools not shit somehow, and maybe people will actually want to stay there.
come at me bro
two of those events are the same thing

>state-sanctioned redlining

whatever the fuck that means


it's called WELFARE
I owe them 1,000,000 lashes for being uppity niggers
We will get our revenge we will never forgive or forget
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something like this

This is what would happen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZFHG8wWC5s
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no because they are too stupid to realize that they're stupid and think bad things happen to them because of racism and not their own stupidity
Send em back to Africa. Not even joking. We took them away from their homes, so we should return. Send em to Zimbabwe, a true utopia.
It does. It's why they resent Latinos that work. Dindus got butthurt when former Mexican president Vicente Fox said Mexican immigrants do the work blacks won't do.

This social justice faggotry is such a con-man scam like evangelism. Every one of these social justice icon faggots are major hypocrites in reality.
They would spend it on lotto tickets and malt liquor. Some would invest in education and self improvement, but the welfare system has taught them that staying poor and making short sighted decisions will result in more government handouts. It's not like money is going to expunge racism and they will just say that it's not enough and they'll want more
Food stamps?
Section 8?
I don't think the Africans would want them either. Lol
>13% of the population wants to start a race war with the other 87%

bring it on you'll get your shit pushed in

das raycis
>Implying you don't
You're keeping them alive. The majority of tax-payers are white, the majority of welfare-dependent are niggers.
they're statistically more likely to be in a lower income group. lots of them would spend it within a few weeks, local business will have a temporary increase in turnover

the whole argument is dubious, blacks today have benefited from slavery and even if living in a ghetto in the US they have a better life than the average west african

most african americans have european dna - most of them are descended from slave owners themselves, it is their own ancestor's actions they're demanding reparations for - however plenty of white americans descend from people who moved there only a few generations ago - Italians, Irish, British, Germans etc.. have steadily trickled over there... tis quite possible that some Irish American in Boston has no ancestors who were involved in the slave trade, why should he be paying for compensation for blacks who are actually descended from the slave owners too and who have benefited from slavery
Only the first 250 years were a bad thing, and even that was only bad for the blacks. The people who actually matter were mostly fine with it.
As for your question, they'd just demand more. Your own pic shows what appeasement has accomplished. Slavery ended, Jim Crow ended, seperate but equal ended, and still they're not happy. Once you pay the Danegeld, you never get rid of the Dane.
for giving you better quality of life?
Well i think it's impossible since all the people that were mistreated are dead. They have been dead for a long time.
>. tis quite possible that some Irish American in Boston has no ancestors who were involved in the slave trade, why should he be paying for compensation for blacks who are actually descended from the slave owners too and who have benefited from slavery

>tis quite possible
understatement of the year
actually its more like highly likely
I'd say probably 90% or more of white americans have no connections to slavery whatsoever
only the rich owned slaves i.e. the 1%
most of these rich people were anglos
most people are not ancestors of the 1%
most people's ancestors immigrated here after the civil war

the whole idea of reparations is fucking retarded it's like they think every white person is descended from rich anglo plantation owners
I've always wondered what people who argue this want.

We already have affirmative action. We have quotes in the private and public sectors.

What more do they want?
my great great great great grandpa was a slave, i may look white but i am 2% black
repirations dont work

the more money we throw at our aboriginals the more pitiful they become looking to cash in on more pity money

Why would we? If we're going to blame entire races for things, they would be in the hole many times over simply for destroying our urban areas, to name one thing.
they would spend it all in a month on jordons and rims and everything would go back to normal
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After they waste it all on gold teeth, crack and bling, this.
Dayum. That shit wouldn't fly today.
my Iberian ancestors had to fight off African invaders who raped and enslaved them for seven centuries
Eh. We force Zimbabwe to take em. Say we'll pay off some of the stuff or something. These blacks we have are so hard working right? They'll fit right into Zimbabwe.
The solution is simple. Give every black American (even those who just SAY they're black for the cash) $5,000 dollars, collectable from any bank on the continent of Africa once they've handed in their U.S. passport.

You get reparations.

It's called welfare.
Nigerians are trying. Send them to Zimbabwe.
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