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This is an absolute disgrace. How can you stand for this?
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I just watched this on Netflix and I feel sick. How could the United States do this? It is a war crime, unequivocally a war crime. They get away from it because they "won". It is disgusting, the suffering and death they inflicted in an instant against an innocent population of hundreds of thousands. I saw now that Obama is visiting Hiroshima, the first president to do so since 1945 and he won't even apologise for it, completely pathetic and cowardly quite frankly.
The gooks had it coming. Don't commit warcrimes if you're going to lose the war.
>hey guys the time you bombed those 2 cities is a war crime
>ignore the fact most of the bombers in dresden that night were british

Please go on
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Cry more.
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Cry more.
>Land invasion would have killed more (including US soldiers)
>If defeat was likely Jap civs would have been armed, still leading to civ casualties.
>Land invasion would have led to more battles and overall more death

I disagree with the bombing, but it was the best thing to do. I'll accept it's a warcrime if us Brits finally accept the bombing of Germany was also a warcrime.

>Japanese in WW2

Lol. No.
Did it put it into perspective with the conventional firebombing happening all over Japan at the time?

If it didn't it's propaganda.
Regular bombing of military and industrial targets that missed due to inaccuracy of WW2 era bombs? No. Deliberate targeting of civilian populations? Yes, absolutely a war crime.
in 40s convention weapon much better than atomic this nuclear strike useless only see how we can no more
Carpet bombing civilian areas knowing full well that civs lived there? Yes, absolutely a war crime.
ok u autistic retard ill true to simplify the reason wh we did for ur austic mind
if the usa invaded japan. we would have had a another d-day.
thousands of american lives would have been lost if we did not drop the atomic bomb
Why would I apologize for the sins of my father?
Not a valid excuse for warcrimes, mate.
would you rather of had the ruskies, brits, chinks, etc. getting their fair share of japan?

yea if we hadnt dropped the nuke this board wouldnt even exist
I just said that but Ok.
so ur saying it would haev been better if thousands more being dead would have made it better
2 nukes were not enough infact you shouldn't have nuked them instead a full scale land invasion where the americans systematically wipe every slanted eyed gook from the face earth would have been their proper punishment
>war crime

No such thing op
>he thinks nuclear bombs are real
oh shit I thought you meant Hiroshima and shiet in the second part, my bad.
lol man before nuclear strike they burn tokyo before it destroy drezden and other and other.
if we start lurk it oh man....
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Allow me to demonstrate the most efficient way of fighting those kinds of accusation.
>Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings never happened.
Easy, ain't it?
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Oh shit! Based Mexicunt.
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look up unit 731. Oh the poor, poor japanese, they didnt deserve it
Well maybe the japs should have thought twice before bringing us into the war~
This. War is hell kid. Welcome to planet earth.
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thank u biased russians
u are forgiven for
>pic related
your get your daily douse of american cartoon pony porn soon
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Did the rape of berlin happe, my russian friend? My grandfather said it didn't.
When did I say that, you drunken retard?


I guess we can thank all those liberal college professors for lying to students and claiming dropping an a bomb against an enemy that refused to submit is a war crime
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pony is fine too
No worries mate, operations like the bombing of Dresden were war crimes and a complete mess. I'm ashamed the government still hasn't apologised for it.
What about Tokyo?
Japs deserved to be slapped.
Fascist propaganda, of course.
Dresden was a town. There was no military functions in the city.

I'm sorry we won the war and saved the planet you faggot
We warned them. We warned the government and the cities. They refused to surrender. We drop one bomb.They still don't surrender even though the government knows we can obliterate them. We drop another. They finally surrender and even then there was nearly a coup to keep the war going. The death of the Japanese in those bombings are on their heads, they did not care about their own people. They openly declared they were arming civilians to use as part of the war effort, after using literal suicide attacks. The civilians were being turned into weapons, so they stopped being civilians. Everything that happened to Japan is its own damn fault
man if u want remember our crime ask about katyn
crime is crime everytime no exeptions
Nagasaki I agree. But Hiroshima was a necessity. Without this nuke, US would have had to invade Japan, and well, the Japs were so fanatised they would probably have thrown their entire people under the Sherman's wheels... Consider Hiroshima as the lesser of two evils. Or cry more like an underage teenage rwho doesnt undersand how humanity works.
Here's the problem, OP. The Japanese ethos was warped forever by the atomic bomb attacks during WWII. Millions of Japanese men, women, and children were forced to come to terms with the idea of an overwhelmingly powerful entity outside of their control that could wipe them out of existence without warning using unspeakable weapons. They did this, for the most part, by exploring the idea in fiction.
Godzilla is one example. Anime is another.
If the United States of America were to deploy nuclear weaponry against Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and France, chances are the same thing would happen again:
More Godzillas, and more anime.
Do you think the world can really handle six animes? In the 1980's, United States President Ronald Reagan developed an idea known as "Mutually-Assured Destruction" (MAD). This philosophy stated that war with Russia would not happen, because there was no way to wage it without both countries being destroyed. I see this same situation today. We cannot nuke more countries for fear of mutually assured destruction because they create more anime.
Thank you for your time.
The whole problem with this situation is not whether it was a war crime or not. The problem is that there is no fucking reason to make rules if you aren't going to play by the rules. It doesn't really make much sense to me to have rules in war like it's some game, but whatever. If you make up rules, you should at the very least play by them.
Stop being such a cuck. This is hoe you put mad dogs in their fucking place. Go protest at a UKIP conference you soft wanker.
japan could have surrendered sooner.
>you're now realizing less people died in 9/11 than children were groomed raped in Rotterdam and other sex gangs
Yeah same, the government can always pull the 'they wuz nazis nd sheit' card which to most people means we don't have to apologise, but it's the least we can do.
Who the fuck is going to charge the United States with a war crime?
Nah, those polish officers were already dead.
War crimes don't exist.
Lol fucking Igor.
Dresden: hundred thousands of civilians dead while the city had litteraly no strategic value and wasnt even defended, just civilians fleeing the frontlines.

Lorient: entire city reduced to ashes, while the submarine base remained (and still remains)intact. Thousands of civilian casualties
US bombs killed more french civilians than the Wehrmacht. But we got liberated. That's modern war.
Actually Obama has some serious balls not to apologize. I'm surprised about that.

As for why we get away with? It's because we won. And we had just shown the world that we had fucking nukes. Who was going to question us? And on top of that, the allied nations mostly thought the japs had it coming by that point.

And now? As nationalistic and prideful as Japan is, they really aren't the kind to bitch and moan over something that happened before their lifetime. They aren't people demanding reparations for slavery. Despite their family based religion, Japs look to the future now.

Honestly, war is evil. But sometimes it is a necessary evil. The same was with the nukes. Japan's military may have been beaten, but their civilian population never would have stopped fighting. Their honor demanded they throw away their lives for the honor of Japan. But when the enemy has a weapon so powerful that he can vaporize your families without you even being able to touch him? That was probably the only way to get the Japanese to submit.

They submitted to us, and it worked out well because they saw that we would, in time, give their their honor and pride back. We didn't simply subjugate them. We may own them, but their culture is still fiercely independent and they are a very successful nation.

I guess what I'm saying is, you couldn't ask for better results.
It was more humane than what a mainland occupation would have been like.
You wanna talk about war crimes, a conventional invasion would have been infinitely more brutal.
Also the effects of what would happen were not well understood. They only had enough fissionable materiel to make the trinity test, and the two bombs.
>considering the opinions of Nigel and Ahmed
We've all made a horrible mistake
tokyo was burned in 2 hours with conventional
u have only 3 atomic bombs, 1 bomb destroy 1 town => shiiiiiit
now they all dead
Watch "Fog Of War," anon. It's a documentary about Robert McNamara and his time in government, from the Army to the State department.

We don't apologize to the Japanese because we didn't do anything wrong.
I think it was dope as fuck how the allies didn't even need to drop the greatest weapon ever conceived by mankind but we STILL DID IT. rad as fuck. Like t-bagging in Battlefield 4 after a sick double knife. The Japs were begging to surrender but couldn't get the communique out
Why would he apologize if he din du nuthin
>The problem is that there is no fucking reason to make rules if you aren't going to play by the rules

They say that humanitarian law is always one war behind the current juncture. The fact that rules aren't perfectly enforced does not mean they have no effect.
The UN :^)
Nobody but the odd Manhattenite or slack-jawed idiot cries about 9/11, Pedro.
>I'm surprised about that.

Has the U.S. ever apologized? Don't think so.
I agree. Most of Japan cities would have been obliterated (made of woods), and the country was already overcrowded. It would have been a series of Stalingrads all along.
Underrated post

I bet they're more insulted from having their porn taken away. That's just going balls first in a fight, u dun do dat.
Hundreds of thousands or millions in the planned invasion
it literally wasn't a war crime when it happened
Dresden was a tactical bombing. They wanted to help the Soviets using bombing raids and decided that if they bomb cities like Dresden then the Germans would be confused, believing that they'd be attacked in the west.
absolute nighmare battle millions deads
Are you kidding? Mainstream American culture is liberal now. All you see on TV in America is evil America is. Liberals think you constantly have to apologize for existing. You get a pass if you're a minority though. And if you're a woman, you can get a pass by claiming to be a victim.
NY got what was coming to them.
Don't you have a wall payment to make?
>All you see on TV in America
muh ebil russia muh putin dictator
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Check out WHITE LIGHT BLACK RAIN. Excellent documentary.
Jesus OP stop making this thread every other week, it's word for word the same as all the others. Are you also behind the constant reposting of Sean King's rocket/white-phallus comparison image too? I hope you choke on your tea.
>tactical bombing

This is objectively wrong. You don't do tactical bombing with 1,200 heavy bombers you fucking idiot. By definition that is strategic bombing.
Only because Russia is the only white country more right wing than we are.
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that thumbnail. that image.

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I think that's the problem with us. We are too soft. Why native americans don't cry about muh genocide? Because they are all dead. Why Poles and others talk shit about Russia? Because they are all alive.
I have no idea.
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>Only because Russia is the only white country more right wing than we are.

yea except for literally every arab country
I think it actually could have been worse than Stalingrad.
And that's saying something because I believe Stalingrad to be the most horrific battle/time/place in human history.
But that propaganda machine rolling, those gooks would have had to take 30 30.06 rounds to drop before they'd even think about letting the American take their home islands. And then there's the civilian resistance, I don't doubt for a second that we would have seen the most suicides at one place ever. They government told them all sorts of horror stories about what we do to them. One third would kill themselves in suicide attacks, one third would do it for honor purposes, and the rest would do it out of fear, like the Germans waiting for the the Soviet offense.
It would have been hell on earth. One of the most fanatical nation states ever, fight for their eternal home islands? 10 nukes would have been a mercy compared to what that would have been, on both sides.
Mate, Dresden is in East Germany... The only reason was that the Allies thought the Wehrmacht was about to move more units on the easter front, and that Dresden would be crowded with german troops. But they didnt check. There were 0 german soldiers inside or around the city when the bombers shat their fury over Dresden. Its literally a bombing run at random, without any real strategic purpose, just good old bloodthirst.
This wasn't some pussy ass modern engagement. It was a life or death struggle for both Japan and the United States. If the Japanese had captured Hawaii and threatened the west coast our nation and the western world would have been irreparably crippled.

We had to do it. We showed tremendous restaint by doing it only twice.
Welcome to 4chan newfags. It's a bug that occurs every now and then.
Ah yes. I'd love to see the United Nations gather in New York. Who knows, there might be another "Terrorist Attack"
51 74006348
problem in europe is too much left and if u have another normal opinion they start blame u NAZI HITLER FACHIST
i totally can't understand it we last age eat left propaganda and not so crazy
You're a fucking idiot. Liberals LOVE Muslim countries despite them being contrary to every they claim to believe.

Liberals exclusively portray all Muslim nations as nothing but peaceful victims and the U.S. as the evil monster.
>You don't spend 90 hours a weak on a bolivian mosaic forum

OP is a cuck. You have a naive and uninformed perspective if you think bombing civilian targets was not common in WW2. The a bombs saved lives on all sides. UHHH MUH WARCRIMES
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No. You're just a newfag.
this thread again?
whats it been? five seconds?
you realize the firebombing of tokyo was WAAAAY more destructive and fatal right?
but no because thats not the naritive of the media, is it?
>tfw no jap posters ITT
Listen Russia, I'm rootin' for Putin. He may be an asshole, but I think he's doing well for Russia. As long as he doesn't try to start a new Soviet Union, I think he's more reasonable than any of the leaders in the West right now.
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You must be an ignorant paki because the Japs deserved it and more.

>he still believes the "nukes saved lives" meme

The peace negotiations were already going and the fighting had stopped. Japan wanted to surrender but keep the emperer while US wanted unconditional surrender. Meanwhile soviets started moving. US got scared that soviets might get japan clay, so they threw the bombs, forced japan into unconditional surrender and the bombs showed the soviets "fuck off our clay".

In the end, the emperor stayed though kek.
Many more killed at Dresden. Why is nuclear so spooky?
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Get over it weeb.
>war crime
Someone doesn't know what that means or what war is about or what every country does during war.
he sometime doing good sometimes bad, but he have not ideology, only real politic.
ideology is total shit commi or muh democracy values
It was something that had to be done. No other option.
we destroy kwantung army after 2 weeks
They don't want an apology
They don't want an apology
They don't want an apology
Please do your research before you post shit like this. Watching a movie isn't research.
It's quite possible that Obama offered to apologize but was told just being there and talking about nuclear disarmament is enough.
Would you have preferred a large scale land invasion with tons of more casualties on both sides? Or how about the Soviets joining in on that, and Stalin wants Japan divided up like Germany? Japan could have ended up like Korea would later.
The Japanese high command would have coup'd had there been a genuine attempt to surrender. They were preparing children to fight with sticks. Japan had literally never been successfully invaded. Show of force (the nukes) or actual force (a full scale invasion) was the only way the pacific front was going to close. You need some seriously willful ignorance to believe otherwise.
>tfw could have North/South Japan war instead of Korea
>fighting in cherry blossoms under Mount Fuji
>instead we got frozen to death on the Chosin
Maybe we fucked up
I've been to Japan and bunch and no one cares about that shit anymore. As usually it's whites being upset about something that is really not their thing to be upset about. The assholes we keep stationing on our military bases there are more of a problem in modern times.
More civilians died in normal bombings and you don't seem to care.
dropping the bomb saved millions of lives that would have been wasted on invasion...also its war so anything flies, also fuck the japs for pearl harbor
The wall just got 10 feet taller.
The nukes weren't the war crime.

The month long firebombing that killed between 80-200000 civilians was.
>Indiscriminately murdering 150000 people because of a "what if"

This is why utilitarian morals make you a genocidal maniac.
There is no such thing as a "war crime." There is only war.
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>talking about war crimes
Obama is a pathetic coward.

Who could guess
>subpen cucks crying about morals with no alternatives
>What is Unit 731
>what is nanking

The Japs had it coming, trust me.
>with no alternatives

Oh, you mean the firebombing that had taken place for several weeks prior to the nuking that killed between 80-200k people?

>no alternatives
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and look how based Japan is now.
without them bombs they would be no better off than North Korea right now, instead we have got so much technology from them, schoolgirl panties in vending machines, loli-anime waifus, robot girlfriends, Nintendo and all the amazing games that came thereafter, etc etc.
Your alternative to the nukes is firebombing?
We would have had to caused significantly more damage that way then we did with the nukes. We had been routinely firebombing Toyko at that point, and it didn't work.
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Quite hypocritical coming from you, your troops bombed Berlin to the ground.
Well it was either nukes or a ground invasion that would have resulted millions more dying and the continuation of a xenophobic Japanese empire. It was terrible, but the alternative was worse.
And blitzkrieg was a thing before that. There's no hypocrisy, you're just a dumb faggot.

This is why I stopped telling people I'm Albanian. You assholes are so fucking stupid.
You can not expect moral decisions in the immoral setting of war.
>talking shit
The Japanese would not surrender unconditionally without compete demoralization and unquestionable defeat.

200k casualties for a swift end vs. an estumated 500k casualties for a risky landing invasion is being good at war. Not a war crime.
>mudslimes ram a plane into a building packed with kikes, killing both groups

Is this supposed to upset me?
"Bombing thousands of civilians is fine because they attacked first"

Yeah, it doesn't work like that faggot.
We warned them big time. They had full intentions of chemical and biological warfare. They warranted the nukes.
Says who? Are you supposed to let your people get demolished or do you stand up and protect yourself?

There's a reason why Kosova is majority Albanian and not Serbian. You have every right to protect yourself.

>moral high ground meme
You only don't fight when you can't. That's the difference between Rugova and a dumbass shit poster like you.
>How could the United States do this?
Several billion dollars, the best American physicist to ever live, and a whole bunch of stolen Austrian intellectual properties via that cunt hack Einstein
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They should be thankful they only got 2
The nips were not known for fighting clean. Really you Eurotards are still obsessed with the gentlemen's war. Enjoy living under Sharia in 10 years.
American planes dropped pamphlets telling the Japanese citizens to leave the cities they were planning on dropping the bomb on.

They had 2 days warning.
It's their fault faggot.
They could just have attacked their army, their camps or their military bases, but no, Churchill specifically wanted the destruction of the German race. I'm not trying to bring in the moral high-ground here, i see beauty in domination, but this is not the way it should be done.
This is what caused anime, you can't deny it
Never said anything about nuclear bombs destroying the entire fucking city.
>Churchill specifically wanted the destruction of the German race.
Source or fuck off.

You need to be ethnically cleansed.
Believe it or not, that's the logic the average America operates with. Terrifying isn't it?

They also believe this having no idea Japan surrendered before the bombs were dropped, and after explaining that they still wouldn't care anyway. Americans don't believe eye for an eye, they are more for genocidal warfare for an eye.
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The War in the Pacific was one of the few wars America should have fought.
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As far as I'm concerned we didn't nuke them enough
>Not convincing Germany they really really lost this time

10 yrs later another shitass autistic corporal with revenge fantasies
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Ah yes, operation Olympic. -glad we didn't go through with it.

>They should be happy we only had two

Don't fuck with us and you'll live. 100% respect to the US gov for doing this. Would gladly support it again if we need to.
Don't worry tea sucker. In 20 years America, in fact the whole world will drop to their knees in fear and submission when the ancient god of everything awakens and manifests itself to deliver vengeance because Japan is its throne and holy land.

Operation: Olympic

Look it up.
No way dumb shit. Read a fucking history book. The Jap military was in power and ready to keep going. They staged a total takeover.
Is Japan really here complaining about killing civilians?

that's actually hilarious
Japan was committing war crimes consisting of considerably greater atrocities pretty much the entire war. Air bursting two nukes and killing a few thousand people was a fucking MERCY, and it's generally agreed upon by people that can breathe through their noses that by invading Japan traditionally, many more lives, innocent or otherwise, would have been lost.
Hey, at least we helped them after we bombed them.

There wasn't really anything else we could do unless we wanted to do a full invasion and kill more Japanese and Americans then the bombs would have.

I do agree we shouldn't have bombed civilian filled places and we should have given them better warning.
No one knew what nukes were
hello britcuck.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH8AsTCigp8
>they killed some POWs
>omg absolutely disgusting war crime
>respond by turning twice as many civilians into nuclear dust
>haha take that you savages you deserved it
Japan isn't the one complaining
They know what explosions are. They know what scale is. If you tell them it's going to be a really fucking huge explosion that will scorch your eyeballs if you look at it and it will destroy the entire city in one explosion, then they would know what a nuke is.

well we're both right.

we only had two at the time but would've had more for the invasion on X-Day
Yeah that's all Japan did, just killed a couple of POWs


read up faggot
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Oh fug
I only have complete respect for America for that, they had balls back then, no half measures. They knew what they had to doto end the war and they did it. Look at the western armed forces now, pussyfooting around, hearts and minds bullshit, they were strong back then, the strongest. Total war is a hell of a thing
The warning was something like "Surrender or hellfire will rain from the skies"

Just seemed like a normal threat to Japan.
your just another cuck in the wall op falling for the jew and not realizing the nip doesn't want an apology for political reasons


We had already fire bombing the ever loving shit out of Tokyo. The Japanese government betrayed the Japanese people, but that's part of their culture.
What kind of a cuckold nation surrenders because of strategic bombing?
They literally would not. Nuclear weapons are on a scale that no one could have fathomed then. A single bomb doing that damage was unimaginable. Even the people who built the bomb weren't sure what would happen, it was all cutting edge physics theory at that point.
That's not even factoring in the propaganda aspect, both sides had been playing psych games with each other and their civilians. At that point in the war, anything coming from the enemy was dismissed as war time propaganda.
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Go watch this you fucking weeb:

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>Attack clearly superior nation
>build military bases in civilian cities
>civilians die

yah ok whatever man, don't build your military base in the center of a goddamned city
Try and do something about it, cuck.
>However, the surrender of American forces rendered the plan unnecessary

So the savages that deserved to have their civilians nuked after surrendering have more compassion than the country that nuked them. USA! USA!

One that realizes it's been beaten. They had absolutely no way to win the war. At that point they were just taking unnecessary casualties.
Considering that firebombings did more damage at the time, that's actually a more severe threat than one of nuclear armageddon.
Negro, the atomic bombings did less damage than the firebombings of Tokyo and Dresden. Fuck off with your faux-emotional nonsense.

They didn't surrender before we dropped the nukes you absolute moron.
That was how warfare was fought back then, all the atomic bombs did was put the power of a prolonged bombing campaign into one plane. The idea of limited warfare and police actions would come later during the Cold War.
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>They get away from it because they "won".
I guess the japs should have been jewish
Eh those old gook fucks deserved it, nan-king was fucking terrible.
>acktually the previous slaughter of civilians was even worse you uninformed fool, stop crying about the nukes

Bulletproof logic.

Yeah they did read a book other than high school propaganda.
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>firebombings constitute war crimes
And now everybody knows not to take you seriously.
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>I don't have an argument, so here's a pokemon meme lmao

Hang yourself with barbed wire.
Britain can apologize for us in our stead. After all, you still owe us for our stopping the Axis bombings of your cities.
Specifically targeting civilians. That's the problem here. They were aiming to kill as many civilians as possible.
Also, justifying it by pointing out what horrible things the japs did really just makes you look like a kid.
>He did bad things too, therefore I shouldn't be punished
Yea, good one amerifats. There was no reason to drop nuclear bombs, that we did not know the power and effects of at the time, on civilians. Targeting civilians should never be your goal in warfare.
Intentional targeting of non-combatants is against the Geneva convention though. Can't remember if US even signed it.
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can't tell if bait or extreme cuck
There's more to it than raw collateral damage. One single firebomb didn't do that. That was a result of a bombing campaign, something very familiar. A lone bomber dropping a single bomb and doing the damage it did is a whole different ballpark. And there's a big difference between burning shit to the ground and anihiliating something with nuclear fire. Not to mention the radiation and fallout. I never disputed that the firebombings did more damage but that was over a lot more time with a lot more airpower.
Literally what are you talking about.
A nuke is a radically different weapon with much more drastic impact beyond the raw number of buildings leveled and bodies torched. It ended the war, firebombings didn't.
If you don't understand the difference, literally just YouTube what an atom explosion is like verses a bombing campaign.
Of course I had an argument, you just didn't read it. I clearly said that, as you believe that firebombings constitute war crimes, your understanding of the subject is utterly wrong.

But no amount of common sense is going to keep you from pretending that you "Just literally can't even right now" and vacating the thread before you're forced to actually consider the possibility that you're wrong. You vapid cavern-anus bimbo.
your teeth are a war crim
I don't think you used enough buzzwords m8, add a few more cucks next time
In case you haven't noticed, you can't exactly aim bombs. They weren't flying AC-130s over Japan, idiot. It was hard enough for bombers at the time to avoid hospitals, let alone tiny military bunkers. If you actually believe that they were just trying as hard as possible to kill as many innocent people as possible, it's because you're autistic.
You can't intentionally target anything with bombs, ingrate. If the Geneva convention stated that nobody may use heavy bombers on cities, nobody would have signed it. That's like saying "Killing people with guns during war is now illegal".
Fuck off britcuck
Japan did their fair share of warcrimes across many nationalities and I don't see you bitching about it.
The Japanese even SAID they don't even want Obama to apologize because they know it makes him look like a cuck and makes relations worse.
>You can't intentionally target anything with bombs, ingrate.
Yes you can.
>Fly over city
>Drop bombs on residential areas
Tokyo and Dresden are clear examples of this.
Sounds to me like the atomic bomb was fantastic, then. Instead of having to kill half a million people gradually to get your enemy to surrender, you can only kill a few hundred thousand at once and have the same damage done to their morale. You're painting these nukes as miracle cures to the horrors of war, you incompetent fool.
>Dropping a nuclear bomb on a civilian city
>Not trying to kill civilians
Yea, nice try. How is common core treating you?
You're digging your grave even deeper by calling attention to Tokyo and Dresden. You suggest that not only did the bombers control the wind to manipulate where the bombs fell, but also controlled fire itself to ensure that it would only spread to innocents. There is nothing precise about heavy bombings. The technology wasn't there at the time. Even then, why on earth would a country target military installations with strategic bombers? The whole point of strategic bombers is to level cities in order to reduce the industrial strength of the enemy. It's completely foolish to imagine a world war being won by completely ignoring the enemy's means of production.
They were trying to obliterate the industry of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Why would they drop pamphlets of warning if they were really just trying to pointlessly commit as much slaughter as possible? Put yourself in their shoes you autistic loon. Other people don't just wake up, throw a baby onto the roaring money fire, then twiddle their evil mustaches all day.
Dude check my fucking ID. I support the nukes dropping, I'm just not gonna pretend they aren't fucking nukes dropping. They were miracle weapons you idiot. We killed less, did less infrastructal damage, and accomplished a task that two years of firebombing couldn't do. And since those two atom bombs were dropped, war deaths around the world dropped fucking exponentially, out of FEAR of nuclear weapons being used again.
I don't even know what you're trying to argue, that firebombings killed more? I never said they didn't you mong.
>You suggest that not only did the bombers control the wind to manipulate where the bombs fel
Are you suggesting bombs do not fall without wind?
TBF America made multiple attempts to warn the Japanese citizens to evacuate the cities they listed
Have you never heard of the Amritsar massacre?
At least we were at war against a very violent country.
Honestly, I've gotten into the habit of just scrolling to the bottom and looking for weak opinions to argue against. When I saw you going "M-Muh ultimate destruction", I assumed you were trying to embellish the actual power of the nukes. When you responded saying "There's more to it than collateral damage", I thought you were trying to argue that the potential of a prolonged nuclear attack was what was so horrible.

I regret my mistake.
Well an eye for an eye would have just been to bomb a harbor and take some islands. War isn't about eye for an eye. It's to make the enemy side suffer horribly and never want to fight you again. Or, simply to conquer the enemy.
>Spread war propaganda
>Drop pamphlets warning people to get out of the city before you bomb it to shit
>Expect people to trust their enemies
Thanks for pointing out how retarded Americans are. You are really helping with proving my point. Good job!
No, friend, I'm suggesting that wind carries bombs to the point that they're incredibly difficult to aim. Even during World War 2, accurate bomb sights were an incredible rarity.
Poor quality bait. You wasted your Tim making this thread.
fuck Mexicans
build wall paco.
how did that work out for those sand niggers paco.
trump says you're next
>on a civilian city
Are there any other kind of city?
I should think that you would trust your enemies to TRY TO KILL YOU. Fuck, Denmark, your lack of war experience is showing. If your enemy is able to fly bombers over your head to drop fucking pamphlets on you, it's common sense that the next time they will be dropping BOMBS instead.

Go on and say that you were only pretending to be retarded. Just do it and get it out of the way. It's not like you have any other option at this point.
Fuck off. We should have nuked the entire island into the ocean.
>one was wartime
>the other wasn't
It's the same thing :^)
we don't have to answer to anyone on the face of this planet for things we do in war.
don't like it? get bad ass like us and do something about it.
Maybe japan shouldn't have fucking committed human rights violations by committing experimentation of POWs in unit 731.
It's okay friend I too pick fights with muh feels types here all the time.
Which is why I got triggered because you called my argument emotional and I fucking hate appeal to ethos. I just think the shock and awe and raw power of a single nuke shouldn't be downplayed. The firebombings were like a rain of a thousand fists that put someone in a coma, whereas the atom bomb is more like a single cross that breaks his jaw and makes him say "ok FUCK THAT you win"
revisionist history. The bombing saved lives you idiot
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Just have to wait it out until the US collapses or goes to war with Russia. All those lovely biochemical weapons that will turn life into a living hell.
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Obama seriously just spit on the graves instead of apologizing?

After all his cuban dick sucking?

After all his Israeli semen swallowing?

After all those Saudi Gangbangs he takes in the ass?

After all those crocodile tears he sheds for the holocaust and false flag sandy hook, he shits on glorious Nippon?
Eh. You're assuming that they knew exactly what the atomic bombs were. My grandfather told me about his experience as a naval man, and he said something like "Then all of a sudden the war was over? They told us there was an atomic bomb, we didn't even know what an atomic bomb was."
>Your enemies will try to kill you
Yea, everyone knows that. It's also commonly accepted that you don't target civilians. They didn't expect the Americans to be so ruthless, to target civilians. That was a mistake. I'm sure some people left the city, but obviously the majority expected Americans to have some decency. I'm sure that wont happen again.
It's never been commonly accepted that you don't target civilians with anything other than rifles. Long ago, besieging a city meant firing mortars at it while starving it into submission. During World War 1, the only thing that stopped the combatants from dropping mustard gas on each other's cities was range limitation. Then during World War 2, the Japanese savagely killed civilians in occupied territories for sport and demonized their enemies as subhuman barbarians. To say that they just "didn't expect" them to bomb cities, after the firebombing of Tokyo, is utterly ludicrous. Your posts make it clear that you have no understanding of World War 2 at all. Which makes sense, considering that your country instantly rolled over for Hitler. But in the future, you should avoid topics that you have no understanding of.
ho boi

I'll take "who is Bomber Harris for $100, Alex"
If you check my ID you'll see me arguing with a Finn about how that even if we warned the civilians (which we did) and they didn't immediately just disregard it as piggu GI lies (which they did), it still wouldn't have matter because it was as new as new gets, literally no one knew what they were.
Fun fact, during the fifties during all the bomb tests in the desert, people would go out on hills and watch them because they were so god damn spiffy, damn the all the radiation we have no idea were absorbing.
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Cry some more
>It's okay because other people did worse
It finally comes out. There you have it.
The only real argument for bombing the cities is that it straight out won the war. Was it moral? Hell no. Should we approve of it? I don't think we should approve of any immoral actions, regardless of the outcome.
Which one of your children and family would you like to give up for that theory? It's kill or be killed.
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Mfw normies don't know that we killed waaaaay more people in all the bombing runs we made on the Japanese mainland.

>Yokohama which is roughly the size of Cleveland was 58% destroyed

>Tokyo which is comparable to NYC was 51% destroyed

>Nagoya which is the equivalent of LA was 40% destroyed

>Osaka which is the size of Chicago was 35% destroyed

There's tons more examples of all of these cities being between 25% and 60% destroyed all comparable to just about every major US city. All destroyed before the atomic bombs were dropped. In Tokyo alone 100k civilians were burned to death in one night using incendiary bombs. Tokyo was a wooden city at the time.
The hell? You insinuated that it was common practice to spare civilians by any means possible. How could I possibly show otherwise without saying "other people did worse"? You're rejecting a certain sentence, no matter whether it's true or not, and then acting like you've proven me wrong by merely rejecting it every time it is the proper retort to your arguments. You're so illogical that it's sad. Take your faux-issues out of here. If you don't understand World War 2, you're a flawed human being. Go watch some snazzy old documentaries. Studying World War 2 gives you insight as to the true characters of nations. Here's a good one to start with:

I disagree. I'm not sure if you know who Rodrigo Duterte, the new president of the Philippines is, but he has a quote. "I don't care if I go to hell as long as the people I serve will live in paradise." I'm of the same philosophy. If you're not willing to get evil for your people there's some, surprisingly often occuring, situations where your morality will be what kills you. Now if it's just you dying for principle, that's noble. But when people, like your sons and wives and daughters relying on you, and you can put your morality aside and do what needs to he done, that's not noble. To me that's cowardly.
*can't put your morality aside
Here are some good sources for you guys:
The World at War
Night Bombers:
Memphis Belle:
The Bomb: The World at War:
You're trying your very best to deny that your nation is pretty much under siege by muslims. You want to concern yourself with the past while you refuse to defend yourself from the politicians who want you dead or under sharia law and the immigrants. You're an embarrassment.

Japs deserved it. End of story.

This. We killing something like 800k-1mil people in the fire bombings. The nukes killed 200k MAX even if you include all the suckers who died of cancer or some shit that may not even have been related.

As for idiots who think this is some kind of war crime. It was WORLD WAR 2 you dumb fucks. No holds barred, the japanese were suicide bombing us mudslime style. Maybe millions including our own guys, the good guys, would have died in an invasion.
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>Enslave women and force them to fuck your soldiers
>Run rampant through China, butchering and raping everything in your way to the point where the local nazi had to be the one to try and save people from you
>Perform cruel human experiments that kill people in the hundreds of thousands, raping and eventually vivisecting them alive; then get off scott free because the US wanted your research material
>victimizing Imperial Japan ever
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I'm writing a paper on this right now
Most important consequence of the nuclear bombing is that we prevented Russia from turning half of Japan into a communist hellhole. Look at how we helped Japan with the post war recovery and compare to how things turned out for East Germany.
Watch Fog of War with Robert McNamara
looks interesting thanks!
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>japan, surrender
>dude....we're literally on the edges of fucking tokyo. its over
>even fucking germany surrendered
>[nukes hiroshima]
>going to give up now?
>[nukes nagasaki]
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>writing paper
>uses physical books as sources
let the 90's go, man...
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This is true. These men are heroes.
>so it's ok to nuke civilians
Oy vey goy are you anti-semitic?

The evil empire killed at least 6 million jews!

They deserved more nukes on their cities not less!
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So what do you guys think of Truman? I think he's severely underrated for the shit he's done. Plus he's one of the few politicians you could call smart and honest.
You goddamn kids have no idea what a credible source is.
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