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>elected mayor of city with about 8.5 million people on a island with a population about 64 million

why the fuck
does anyone care
what he has to say
and why is he on every fucking news channel?

jesus christ he gets more coverage than governers and senators in the states and i've seen his face all damn day
well I believe being a mayor is not a nationwide thing, its just london people who went voting

They need to show the white girls which races are charge now.
When non-whites accomplish something it's earth-shattering news
conquering a city without anyone fighting you is quite an accomplishment.
> why is he on every fucking news channel?

He's Labour and the actual leader of the Labour is a total embarassement and completely useless. BBC are far left as fuck socially so they love this guy.

In reality, he has next to no power. He can make transport decisions and has some power over the policing in London.The BBC is very, very London centric so they think he commands the Royal Navy or some shit
problem is, I'm not watching BBC. He is on my local news as well as the big news channels here

>far left as fuck

Don't you mean desperately toeing the government line as they always do? How even the day before the polls opened they were actively predicting Labour to lose over 150 council seats across the country as Corbyn and the anti-semitism 'storm' would weaken support?
Because he is a mudslime and the jew media constantly promotes the destruction of the white race
No, they are progressive lefty cunts. Blue Labour or Red Labour makes no difference.

They are on social issues. When it comes to economics they toe the line. Everyone predicted Labour to get stomped.
>which races are charge now.
>earth-shattering news

>He is on my local news

Media is desperate to show a currynigger that won something.
They probably think he's the mayor of one of the most important financial center of the world when in fact this guy doesn't have any power over the City of London, which is different from London.

I think most white girls are aware the average Pakistani has a penis only slighter larger than the average Chinese person. They watch porn too, you know.
Why the fuck are you watching news all day? You have a bigger problem.
BBC are far left as fuck mate that's why leftist people have been piss n whinging about based Laura Kuenssbergs lack of bias to the left with that failed petition.
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