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unpopular /pol/ opinions
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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Thread replies: 28
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>iran is worse than isis
>the destruction of the family and traditional values are ultimately a much bigger problem than illegal immigrants because it can't be reversed or undone and has permanent effects on the moral fiber of a society
>Trump is not the boogeyman that the left makes him out to be and has nearly the same halfassed policies as kasich besides immigration
>there was nothing redeeming about JFK and nobody would have cared about him had he not been assassinated
>9/11 'truthers' are unpatriotic and insulting
>the US won Vietnam
>Bush actually wasn't that bad

reddit, you mean
>although I don't believe that we need to fund israel, it is only because of the tax burden. I have no problem at all with israel or what they do but I don't believe in giving other countries welfare
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>US won vietnam

oh anon
I'm talking about opinions that are unpopular on pol that you have

I'm just tired of this hive mind shit.
Take your leftist propaganda out of here.

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South Americans seem to be pretty white imo
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So they're pretty white

But they hate whites?
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>this sign says white pride
>I'm just tired of this hive mind shit.
so you attempt to foment another hivemind

the best part is you don't even try to back up your shit opinions, you just state them like a fart
Ditto. I don't hate the Jews or Israel, actually love Israel, just don't think the taxpayers should buy missiles for a country that could easily look after itself.
>iran is worse than isis


Lol, no.
The Jews don't run the world.
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Hey white middle class America!

Pay for my "pretty white" anchor babies.

They just need the hospital birth fee, vaccines, emergency medical care, Doctor check ups in order to be allowed in public school, school supplies, school food, all while not paying taxes for the school/teachers/building.

Also after you're done paying for that, I hope it's alright if they take your children's jobs
Did I say mexicans were white

I'm talking about Paraguay and argentina and shit
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>US won the Vietnam War

Kek! This meme will never die
>good goy, the psot
>eating liberal propaganda our of the feed bag
Cruz would have actually been a good president.

i don't remember American women getting raped and liberated.

1:0 for the liberators, m8
>sucking kike dick instead

Your nose is showing, Mordechai.
> Gun control works
> Binning that knife does indeed save a life
> There is nothing wrong with Cuckoldry
You're saying Vietnam didn't end a commie shithole?
Nice one m8
I think there isn't one ideal type of government. Some people (muddies and darkies) probably fare best under strict, secular military dictatorship while a nation of hard working whites would thrive under a combination of classic liberalism and social democracy that promotes private enterprise but ensures education, healthcare etc for it's citizens. There are barely any such countries left anyway, so whatever
>race-mixing is okay
>blacks are predisposed to aggression but can turn out alright if raised in the proper environment
>/pol/ is an echo chamber
>The Holocaust happened but it shouldn't be considered worse than any other event in the war
>people who believe in a Zionist conspiracy have an overly simplistic view of the world
>its okay to be in love and marry someone who's not of your race
>social services are worthwhile for those unable to legit provide for themselves, minus the scumbag cheating NEETs and niggers who claim to have severe depression or can't work no moar but are actually lazy shitbag fucks
>communism is a cool idea that will never work because humanity are stupid, however this also mainly includes the left wingers who propagate the idea and morph it into Cultural Marxism
>national socialism isn't perfect, however some aspects should be morphed and mixed with capitalism to make a more fair system that benefits the nation
Thread replies: 28
Thread images: 7

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