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/pol/ BTFO
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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>the Berlin attacker is white

A white muslim...
Probably from Sweden
islam is a toxic religion, fagpie. race doesnt make a difference if the attacker was a muslim.

>Thinking white just requires skin colour
>Not even having that
FPBP, attacker was probably a degenerate
Thread has concluded.
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> German white supremacists launch false flag "Islamic" attack on white commuters...... /pol/ falls for it.
Photo or off you go.
It was Munich you idiot and there was nothing white about him


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This is just more reason for people to distrust Islam, which is a good thing
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>name is german
Is this bait or are the left literally blaming Islamic extremism on the white right wingers now?
"White German suspect apparently had psychological problems and drug issues."

Probably a chantard
I'm really gonna need a picture of this dude
still a muslim
though i cant find a pic just some vague stuff about a german sounding name. im sure germany thinks ahmed is german now

>white Muslim

Jesus, Germany really is cucked isn't it?
Of course they say that. It's bullshit. He was screaming Allahu Akbar.
They don't even try to cover it up intelligently, they just straight up lie when the evidence is right in front of them.
Swede trying to justify his uncuck.

>the Berlin attacker is white

Lol Germany
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Thread replies: 19
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