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God Bless America Post your best Trumps
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Thread replies: 105
Thread images: 72
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God Bless America

Post your best Trumps
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xpost your trumps here pls
I have the best Trumps. Everyone's talking about them.
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I'll dump my shit
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Romhack when?

Looks pretty cool
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who wouldn't want a future like this?
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I know right?
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Crooked Hillary Clinton, do you know where you are? You're in the Trump Jungle Baby!

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Ages on microsoft Paint 1.png
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Senator Trumpstrong.jpg
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A nation of action, not words, ruled by strength, not committee!
>MM7/SNES styled wily and mega man
>MM2/NES styled background/title screen

This hurts my autism
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and thats all i got
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some of my oc
Very nice anon
I mean I like him but that's a retarded assumption to make. He transferred into Wharton in the 60s, much harder today and SATs aren't hard at all. He should be considered a genius based on business acumen.
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>Nod Ameriga :DD
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"We love the blacks, I get along great with the blacks, we win all the time with the blacks"
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Dubbers confirms
Unironically being proud of that last image just shows how retarded Americans are.

>guns blazing/big guns
>corporate slogan
>corporate logos

They're shit you should be ashamed of.
Hahahah holy shit that one is good

good kek right there. Subtle
>telling others to be ashamed
Wew lad

I'm just saying, that shit is what's wrong with America.

If you can't accept it, you're a retarded faggot.
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Why is it that every WWIII Trump set after his second term? Ececutive order?
Dat Barrett m95, HHnnnnngg...
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OP works for "Know your meme" and is collecting trumpmemes for his new article.

Apparently he's gonna get a raise if he manages to do a decent enough anti-trump article. This will be a sensation for him and its a true career day! He He.

BTW OP. enjoy the pixel tracking. And have a good day.
>Trump wants to start another world war
>Republicans actually want this

This is why Republicans are fucking retarded cunts. Being violent cunts is not gonna convince me to join your cause.
Buddy stop being a socialist whore and accept that capitalism and guns provide the basic necessities of freedom
I dont think much can top this

I'm a capitalist, but I support socialized healthcare.

We have guns in Aus, we're just not as gun obsessed like retard Americans.
>implying Trump won't establish a Trump monarchy.
Is that a bad thing?
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no, you Aussies have got absolute shit gun laws. If your govt. decided to enslave you you'd get steamrolled.
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a vote for trump is a vote for zeppelins
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No. After all these years of democracy - what a success that has been - I think the only direction is upwards. The Trump family would be the perfect candidate for a US monarchy: tall and attractive, highly intelligent, and rich. Excellent breeding stock! In which case, I would be more than happy to permit interbreeding with our own royals, and I'm sure other Brit/pol/s would agree.
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lol is this guy at a rave??
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>hurr, let's compare Trump to Hitler
>surely it'll work THIS time
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A meme making fun of the stereotypical image of America is what is wrong with America? Riight. Sorry you wasted your monthly data on posting that reply.
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all right i dont have any left that hasnt been posted already
why the fuck would we want Australia to join our cause when you guys are literally one of the most useless countries on the face of the planet? That isn't even me trying to be edgy, that's a legitimate statement.
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oc pls r8
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Winter is Trumping.jpg
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I can't tell if this is intended to be positive or negative because I wouldn't mind The Brain running the country/world.
I guess so, saved from elsewhere, but that's exactly what it feels like to support Trump especially if you're a young american
now that I think of it, probably a college event, festivals are much more unhinged and pathetic
Thread replies: 105
Thread images: 72

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