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Why SJWs are actually less tolerable than the "alt-right"
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There are at least media out there that pay lipservice to the absurdity of SJW thought. Portlandia is a perfect example, with their 'feminist bookstore' spiel, and with the two hosts switching genders in the obviously least passable way.

But there are no mainstream shows that do this against the right, besides the obvious Comedy Central Anti-White Hour with Noah and that other guy. That's why these leftists take to anonymous message boards: they simply can't make their point without the internet backing them up.
We're more tolerant, no joke
I'll explain this.

The people who are more ""tolerant"" are college students, who, no surprise, just got off and are posting in full numbers.

Fred and Carrie are both Jews and are both strong adherents to SJW ideology.

They are making fun of the PEOPLE who hold SJW beliefs not the ideas themselves.
The liberal, Shillary voters BTFO!
You're a piece of shit. They may be Jewish in their family makeup, but they absolutely BTFO all of the SJW shit.
Where do you draw the line, you nationalistic fags? Clearly these jews on this show are willing to make themselves and their beliefs retarded.
When I mean we're more tolerant I mean that we're more tolerant of others people belief.

When you're talking with someone and he tell you he's leftist, gay, muslim we're almost all like "yeah whatever" (just don't try to push it on me).

We don't especially hate on the people but on the ideas and the scheme that has bring people to think this (or just bring those people here for migrants).

Leftists are literally full of hatred and will start to shake and scream if you tell them you're ok with far right ideas
You're missing my point, and quite frankly, your English makes me barf.
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tolerance and apathy.jpg
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Fuck off, you nihilist Leaf.

Agreed, the modern left wants everyone to think like them, if you have a diverse opinion they try to stamp it out

>feminist punk band member
>snl cast member
>not SJWs
Carrie is great i loved her since sleater kinney days. Fred is funny on that show but he is a total douche everywhere else. The mayor is probably my favorite character.
>So what?
>So what?
>Strawman, you mongoloid. I'm saying they DON'T care about gender rolls

>So what?


>So what?

ever watched it?

>Strawman, you mongoloid. I'm saying they DON'T care about gender rolls

Exactly, SJWs want gender roles to disappear.


>those guys weren't bus drivers just because they were wearing a bus driver uniform and driving a city bus on the city payroll
Fred is not Jewish, anon.
Thread replies: 19
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