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>tfw not white >tfw can criticize whitey AND shitskins/niggers
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>tfw not white
>tfw can criticize whitey AND shitskins/niggers
>tfw no white guilt
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i'm brown and i can criticize cumskins, gooks, kikes and niggers equally
>tfw you realize you will always have a small yellow penis
Damn nigga take up jelqing and get that jaundice fixed
I know that feel, but can the faggots who don't even live here stop buying condos? Holy fuck one lot is not worth >1.5mil
t. Zhu Zhao
yeah but you don't have any friends
>tfw your tribe is slowly taking over the city and cumskins scream in impotent rage
Chinks are the fucking FUTURE lads.
I'd like a combo #5 with extra egg rolls
A large shrimp lo mein
A bowl of egg drop soup
And can I have a few extra fortune cookies?
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This should make you laf op
>tfw gypsy
>tfw hated by every demographic
>tfw you are one of the true minorities
>tfw you deal in sales and have dealt with thousands of people from every race

I've seen everything from the niggliest of the niggers to the whitest of the white and I would have to say that from an outside perspective the storm fags on here are the most delusional people in the world.

It all boils down to nature vs nurture, there is nothing inside of anyones DNA that causes them to steal, or adversely causes them to be honest. I've seen white people that are exactly the stereotype of a nigger and blacks that are exactly the stereotype of a jew and arabs that are the stereotype of a white person.
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My dad owns three hotels.
Thanks anon. I'm sure my pet ants will love to read up on this.
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