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LIVE: "Far-right" protest Angela Merkel’s refugee
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when do they start to bring the tinfoil-hat speakers in like last time?
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Poor fuckers, unless you get someone in with balls in the 2017 election, Merkels policies will continue and you'll a Islamic nation in a generation or two, good luck with that
what qualifies as far right in germany? someone who refuses to prep their wifes bull?
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Chance of chimpout?
That's pretty good mohammed!

But if you understand german its pretty funny.
He just siad openly
>Iam a Nazi
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There are people unironically waving the DDR flag. What a bunch of fucktards.
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>that speaker
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Why do they always talk like dumb wannabe Hitlers?

All they accomplish is making us look bad and making young people/teenagers wanting to keep distance to us when it should be our goal to redpill them.

Disgusting subhumans.
President Trump will assassinate Merkel and help us send her followers camping. No way the first German-American President will let Germany die on his watch.
wieviele sind denn da?
This guy doesn't even speak proper German.

Man, fuck those cringe-worthy protesters. They're hurting us so much.
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>Disgusting subhumans.
Stop looking into the mirror
Ja this guy is really trying to sound like Hitler.
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do these people really exist?
Makes me happy.

Shouldn't you be out conducting a sharia patrol?
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I'm not seeing them holding up signs saying "let's try to conquer the whole world again and gas all subhumans"

But holding up signs with "Merkel has to go" because she is a globalist nation wrecking hairy cunt is obviously far-right nowadays.
>Get mad when somebody says they'll kill trump.
>Say trump'll kill Merkel
Heil Hitler meinen Arsch lel
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Why is this in quotation marks? It's 100% true you fucking retard.

You want to oppose gays, non-whites, and still think you aren't' an extremist? What fucking planet are you living on?
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>police just announced to end the demonstration violently
>a fucking leaf
counter argument unnecessary
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>no critical thinking necessary

/pol/ in a nutshell, enjoy your far right hugbox

The idea of muslim skulls being crushed under the wheels of german tanks. Its enough to make me skip to and fro for the rest of the weekend.

Step it the fuck up Germany. This is more like it.
We will.

Now fuck off back to plebit, fagit.
>he wants to preserve his current standard of living
I can remember the times when this was called 'conservative'.
some translate pls. what did he say about Hungarians and Poland?
Thank you. Enjoy your AIDS.

Merkel is a leftist Saddam Hussein and Germany needs regime change.
how can they be far right if they suck russian dick?
>Liberate Flanders

literally what

But you fail to see that the current situation requires this level of blow back.

What the fuck do you think? That you are going to fight this from an internet message board? What are you gunna do? Throw memes at these muslims?

Give me a fucking break. At least these people are out spreading this message and standing up.

his standard of living isn't being threatened fuck off you alarmist retard


hi /pol/mblr
Verpiss dich, Kanake
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Anyone watching the stream?
critical tinfoil tipping right now
have a bump

>implying Russia is still leftwing

Fuck off cuck.
can't find that bit but

>marine le pen has a good chance of becoming the next president of france

he is literally irl shitposting
All these kike shills.

Enjoy it while you can, Kristallnacht soon.
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You are a fucking retard.

Of course it's not extremist to oppose non-whites when they oppose you.

When you oppose a thief who broke into your house and tries to rape your wife and kill you, than that doesn't make you an extremist.

>inb4 not all muslims
I don't give a shit about those who are moderate, because with them come also the extremist. If there would be a way to ONLY let moderates in small manageable numbers in than there wouldn't be a problem BUT there is no way to do that.
We either have to chose to live WITH Islam and therefore withm moderates AND extremists who will try to destroy our culture and nation or we chose NOT to and can live without all that SHIT. The last choice is the favorable.

>You want to oppose gays
>thinks that Islam isn't against homosexuality
This is PEGIDA: Patriotic Europeans against the ISLAMISATION of the West.
What the hell does this have to do with gays you little dipshit? Also if you care so much about gays than you should support PEGIDA since Islam has a much much worse view on Homosexuality.

Jesus Christ, you leftists shit's really do live in another world right? Stop taking so much drugs and maybe you can save what's left of your common sense.
a reminder that both Merkel and Hillary supported the Iraq war
you are getting pegida or extinction make your choice cuck and make it soon
He said taht poland, hungary and czechia are against islamisation and that they fight the hordes of foreigners with different cultures invading their countries.
anyone right of Bernie sanders
>import million of uneducated barbarian Muslims
>all of a sudden renters are getting kicked onto the streets to accommodate the newcomers
>no jobs in low skill work because now companies will take cheaper retard shitskin indentured servants then actual native Germans
>all this while entire communities become ruled by Sharia-lite and women are being raped in the streets and the government does nothing and even covers it up and encourages the barbarians to fuck white women
And you say their way of life isn't affected? Yeah go fuck yourself you turncoat faggot. People like you are why I want the Ensign back, fucking retards.
what kristallnacht? you already cry murder when you get slapped on your ass for kikebook shitposts
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No one opposes you, you scaremongering faggot. You have the privilege of living in a 1st world with a PC to shitpost on. Your livelihood clearly isn't being threateneed.

You are on /pol/. You might think you're hiding the fact that you're a racist, sexist, piece of fucking shit bigot for now but it's obvious that you are. Don't even start when you scum celebrated the drowning of children who washed up ashore.

You are evil. You are everything wrong with the world. You need to be exterminated like cockroaches.
Controlled opposition to make make anyone right seem like "le silly dumb nazis".

Not even surprised anymore
who is speaking?

Its like you claim you want to defend your country from this crisis

...but you guys act like you don't have to get dirty.

You aren't red pilled because you are still carrying the superiority mentality of "oh don't put me in with THOSE people" because they are trash and I'm better then that. Yet these are the people pushing the debate and actually getting out there. Like fuck you Hans.
this is concerning
Not bait at all. Get fucked, leaf.
why so buttblasted, justin
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what kind of a cuck flag is this?
>Merkel supported the Iraq war
and the liberal left treehuggers who were in power didn't

oops triggered the /pol/tards
Those flags they have....that look like one of the Scandinavian flags but with German colors....is there a name for that kind of flag?
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Schroeder was pretty redpilled on foreign policies
what is this faggot music they're playing wtf
Holy shit that is some serious fucking ad hom there. I bet your even okay with Trudeau importing 300k Asians a year plus 60k+ refugees who aren't even being processed correctly.
Look at Paris, Brussels and Berlin, do you seriously want this to happen to Canada? And guess what there are already extremists too in Trudeau's cabinet influencing his policies. Get out of that bubble of yours.
ignore the maple dunecoon, he thrives off (you)'s

but in German? lmao
>german protest
>barbie girl cover starts playing

the whole "movement" was led by russian shills
You sound triggered.
>racist sexist piece of shit bigot
Oh hi Tumblr.
Wait no I got the wrong song. It's this:
>Don't want to be replaced by the human version of Orcs from LOTR
>Automatically le ebil right wing nazis
Regarding his own personal goals, yes.
You meant this song right?
Not only. Not going into Iraq was one of the wisest decisions Germany made in 00s.
Yeah I posted it right the second time, even got the German version.

Stop being such a cuck and organize your own demonstration.
Oh okay sorry didn't see that.
Fucking A this is pretty boring. Why can't these speakers shout or something.
t. Hans the 16 year old neo-nazi
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Whoa there. You know who else shouted? Hitler.
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>No one opposes you
TOP KEK, you really think that straight white German males doesn't get fucking oppressed by the German government? You don't live in Germany as German, so stop pretending to know what's up.

>You have the privilege of living in a 1st world with a PC to shitpost on
Yeah and guess what? I want to keep it that way you little communist piece of shit. My people, our people worked their asses off to create that 1st world you are talking about. And I also work my ass off to maintain that society my forefathers handed on to me so my descendants can also enjoy that good life. And hell I'm ready to fight with my fucking life for it if I have to and I won't just give it up for some kebabs who demands free gibmedats. But you couldn't know that since you are the kind of person who would just run away to the next best place to live there until that place will also be destroyed by savages.

>Your livelihood clearly isn't being threateneed.
3 burglaries in my families cars, 1 attempted rape, 2 violent assaults (my cousin and me), 1 rape by a dindu down the street (she was a schoolgirl on my old school) and 1 store (my cousin's wife's store) mugging with a machete just before Christmas. And now my city council just announced that they will build a refugee center for ~1000 illegals just around the corner right next to a fucking Kindergarten. YES, I DO FEEL THREATENED IN MY WAY OF LIVING!

>You might think you're hiding the fact that you're a racist, sexist, piece of fucking shit bigot for now but it's obvious that you are.
Like I would hide anything. I couldn't care less what faggot like you call me. Like a already said, when you get called a Nazi your entire life just because you are born as a German, than it's losing it's sting after the 6 millionst time.

>You are evil. You are everything wrong with the world. You need to be exterminated like cockroaches.
>Nazi's are so evil, but it's ok when we do it!
You are a hypocrite like all other leftists
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It´s just the flag of germany with some old symbolism superinposed. Doesn´t really mean anything.
That's the idea, yeah.
>double headed eagle
>doesn't really mean anything
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Calm down, Hans. Leafs are the token shitposters of /pol/, with the key difference between them and Downunda being that Canucks firmly believe in what they smear across this board.
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>double headed eagle

That is the imperial eagle of the Holy Roman Empire of German nation; two heads signified two domains of rulership.
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Fuck yeah German bro!!

Wish I could post a standing ovation sound bite.
>all the Russia and German flags
noice, we would fucking rule the wotld without competition
I know what it means, I was implying >>73286700 didn't know what it meant.
In the UK, even with our rapidly deteriorating education system, we leaned about this.
Well said
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>norwegian flag with piss on

its too late to use that flag man. it just looks like a dirty norwegian one
Except it looks better and isn't irrelevant
no bad tactics, only bad targets
Berlin is rightfully Russian clay.

New oblast when?
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>tfw no cuddling with frauke


actually, if they really want to achieve something they need to do something far more crazy than that. they are all far beyond the point of "talking it out" and "making them think". and you know what that means.
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>Berlin is rightfully Russian clay.

Germanized Sorbs =/= Russians.
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Kaliningrad oblast. Just expand it to include all of Germany, not just Prussia.
german alt right is loony as fuck, can't stand it
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You have to show them how to do it, Aldi. Otherwise they will merely keep on occupying a bunch of random streets and plazas.
bumping for Germany

I can't understand anything they are saying, I am hoping one day Germans will fight back
>irrelevant rejected german flag
come on ahmet, you can do better than that
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Ruptly is already there with their doomsday videotruck, time to storm the reichstag.
stream is rip
stream is live
Last time it was some crazy brit.
Even german alt right rely on migrant workers.
Catholic southern germany would fit well in italy, what you think. :^)
Mohammed hat mir einen geblasen.
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What does this translate to?

Reminds me of Cartman in South Park

>Es ist Zeit für Rache!
>Es ist Zeit für Säuberung

> Wir mussen die Juden ausrotten!
"Protest! The time has come to unite, end the treason against our people and stop the government." Lichtenau is a place name, I wager they're a group called "Protest Lichtenau".
>Poor fuckers, unless you get someone in with balls in the 2017 election, Merkels policies will continue and you'll a Islamic nation in a generation or two, good luck with that

But that's exactly what hitler wanted.


Pol is inconsistent as fuck.
They will be smashed by antifa like always.
It is time to stop the national treason and the government together!
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well enjoy muslim right instead then
You know what I don't get.
When is it ever just right with these people?

It's always far right this, far right that, like everything is put into extremities like their every move will result in genocide or war, instead of just being usual business.
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Sieg Heil.gif
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Thanks anons!
Nazis were great at having children, just didn't last long enough to keep doing it.
Soundman should blast some NSBM to get this shindig really digging
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Wew lad

>being so left you dont know what left and right is anymore.
My pleasure.

What pisses me off is that this guy is a literal communist Jew. Up until very recently he was nevertheless the least retarded member of parliament despite that (and just let that sink in for a while); but then this happens and suddenly "MUH 12 YEARS OF HISTRUH LAST CENTRUY, MUST LET IN SHITSKINS HOORAY FOR GENOCIDE". It's like he just got the whole thing backwards.
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Yeah, it's gotten real bad with Angela's goons going around oppressing straight white German males. I hate when they do this.
>ruptly lad moves over to the antifa side
>juicy arrest shots almost immediately
Wonder why that is.

Why can't RT into high quality streams
they intentionally limit the bitrate for youtube streams in an effort to force people to pay for the higher quality VOD streams on their site
I've had enough with RT's jewry!
>The demonstrators are calling for the reintroduction of border controls in the European Union and protection of family values
Wow, you fucking nazis.
they already beat someone up for wearing an "offensive shirt"
stream is offline after some of these peaceful protesters threatened the rt guy with violence if he doesn't stop filming

you can't make this shit up
Wait, aren't those Pegida-dudes protesting?
Isn't the loud announcer the Pegida-guy? He shouted "Nimm die scheiß Kamera runter!" (Take down the fucking camera), why?
I don't speak arabic, what are they chanting?
bump for antifa-scum
east or west
down with the red pest
>Marching down the street repeating slogans will definitely work guys! It's worked every other time.

Kek. If you want it to work you need to drag Merkel out of her palace and hang her.
it worked in the gdr
This is true but unfortunately we live in a more civilized time now. We'll never see something like the French Revolution again in western nations
>We'll never see something like the French Revolution again in western nations

And this is why Europe is fucked.

But maybe it will happen at one point. The unrest and anger has been growing, and with the inevitable terrorist attacks coming, the constant rapes and murders from refugees etc, it could tip them over the edge.
the guy clearly said. I don't want to use violence at all. Just stop filming us please. And once things cleared up he let him keep filming.
>"stop filming us please"
>while shouting "lying press"
what am I missing here?
>lying press
They were referring to the german traitor media. Once they figured out the camera man was russia today they left him alone.
Any happening? Guess not since Germans are natural beta losers

>"muh I am angry look at me!!!"
>"I am here on a saturday shouting angry words!!!"
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Voting AfD and redpilling people like a civilized human being in your location.

Pegida isn't a party, it's literally a bunch of retarded Hartz IV subhumans making everyone who is against refugees look like nazis.
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>he's concerned about his image as Muslims steal, destroy and rape with literally 0 consequences and are supported by the government and the police

Germany is a dead nation, holy shit.
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women with short hair are emotionally damaged
this guy gets it right here mane

the autism is real
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Remember to learn from history

that is fair enough, I can support that
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and orkeyjar, pic related

Is this shit something they made up, or do it have a history? The flag they carry?
Ugly fleg.
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Thread images: 45

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