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What is your major and political party?
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What is your major and political party?
Would it be better to get a BBA with a concentration in Finance or major in Accounting?

Or a degree in CIS and do software developing/IT?
>going to leftist indoctrination camps
>belonging to any shitty political party
>no degree, good at sales so didnt need one
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i majored in fucking pussy and im whatever party trumps in
I'm a history graduate student.


pls no bully
>anthropology bachelors
>marriage and family therapy masters
>fuck parties, 100% trump
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>tfw she wants to fuck but you can't get hard 'cause a bear is eating a guy on TV

>didn't go to college

I make more money than most shitty art degree people atleast
Nice! what kind of anthropology are you studying? I remember taking a class in JC on archaeology and really liking it, but I never followed up on it unfortunately.
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>no Portuguese Party Affiliation
>US: Libertarian or Constitution Party
>EU: European Conservatives and Reformists
>its clearly black

why are women so dumb...

What's up with all this datamining lately?
BS Accounting
BS Finance
My family was Reagan level Republican before 9/11, but that title and party has changed.
I suddenly feel orphaned.

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The best one in history.
Economics and Finance
None in my country, but UKIP, Trump, Freedom Party, Front Nationale and so on
No degree, work at an oil refinery. Libertarian
>nuclear engineering

tfw libertarianism is non-existant in my country

Unaffiliated but I guess if it comes to it UKIP is actually the least meme and most reasonable party.

Brown land development is a retarded idea though.

Fine Gael
Didn't waste money on school. I am a Republican.
History and Philosophy
Registered Democrat, but I want to find a better party
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social democrats
Doctor of pharmacy

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Advertising&Political Lobbying

The Republicans

The SP is probably the funniest party that we have. They pose as fighters for the working class, yet with everything they do, they end up fucking the working class over. "Guize we fight for you, now hold on while we import a lot of unskilled immigrants" "Oh you're over 50 and can't find a job because it's cheaper to hire an immigrant? Stop complaining about it or we'll call you a racist!" And of course let's not forget the people they import sucking social security dry which results in higher taxes. It's brilliant.
jinx desu
>finance & marketing
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In High School I was pretty blue pilled but very conservative, supported a lot of neocon/war hawk policies. Wanted to study History or Computer Science.

In college, I ended up picking Biology with a minor in History, got a B.S. and focused mostly on Animal Behavior and Ecology, taking a lot of classes in Sociology and the Classics on the side. I became pretty liberal after all of that and started swinging Socialist, semi-Libertarian.

Grad school I majored I got my MA in Education and became a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed teacher in a rural town. That started to get me redpilled. I became more Libertarian as a result because I just wanted to shut out the world and not be bothered while holding onto my liberal social views.

Over the next few years, I would work in an even more remote, impoverished rural mountain town; a boarding school for troubled kids in a very wealthy, socialite haven of a beach town; and a blue collar trade school in the inner city. Those three jobs redpilled me more than anything. I went from a town where everybody was an unemployed tradesmen living in trailer parks to a town where everybody was making millions of dollars in income but paid hardly a dime in taxes to a town where everybody was uneducated minorities living off welfare.

Students in the first town were honest, hard working kids who never could catch a break and had no future in their own hometown. They ate out of my hand, but the sadness of knowing they could never go back home after leaving high school was palpable. The town couldn't afford to pay me because they were hemorrhaging money trying to cover for the loss of two industries in the town (timber and mining), and after a few pay cuts I just left because I couldn't afford to live there anymore.

Students in the second town were pieces of shit, spoiled brats, and druggies who had everything handed to them but no actual parenting. The school was a private, for profit boarding school with 120+ students and tuition well over $100,000, but I started off being paid around $35,000 to work there. The students were emotionally destroyed and shallow, empty people who would never change no matter what I did for them. I'm talking $7000 at Zumiez to buy a new wardrobe just for the month, then throwing a tantrum because your father who owns a basketball team hasn't visited in 3 months and he sent his assistant to bring you the wrong pair of Air Jordans because you wanted purple, not blue. The CEO and President were also money grubbing Jews if I ever saw one. They drove Lexuses and lived in million dollar homes on the beach, while my on campus apartment didn't have its own private bathroom or entrance. I had to share with the students, which just felt dehumanizing at times. Especially if I was having women over.

My current job is at an inner city trade school run by the state that mostly serves blue collar and low income families, and it's been the roughest of my gigs. I'm a state employee which gives me impressive benefits and a very good salary, but I'm at the beckon call of any tax cuts, pay freezes, or other shit that goes on at the government level. The school is very underfunded. The students are pleasant, but they are leeches on the system and have learned helplessness. Many of them get free meals at the school, and we have to offer medical, psychological, and dental services for their families because the parents can't afford to get those things on welfare. The first time a parent asked me for help on writing an email or when my students had no idea the White House was located in D.C., I knew I was in fucking deep water.

Now I'd say I'm a full on Trump supporter, and I hate that about myself because I'm actually well-educated. But Jesus Christ... something needs to be done to this goddamn country. Nothing redpills you faster than working in American public schools. Nothing.
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Microbiology, JewKIP.

>tfw no abolish democracy party
cyber defense , republican
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Construction eng..
Hardcore republican.
you are my hero
Republican and graduating next semester with a BA in business administration with a focus on accounting.
They both pay well. It's just really a matter of what you like.

I *teach* you faggots how to speak and write without making people roll their eyes at your useless, ignorant, sorry asses.

> political party
Die Linke. Cuz fuck all you brownshirt faggots.
Bachelors in Criminal Justice, slightly liberal centrist
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>Die Linke
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>what is your major?
mechanical engineering
I don't vote since I am not an official german
>Applied math
>Parti socialiste
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>Some center-right coalition in third-world Bulgaria

Would totally vote AfD if i could too.
Didn't finish high school.
Voting for Hillary this fall.
Thanks for the education guys. I am pretty sure that you don't need me here anyway.
Chemical Engineering. Im apolitical, no hope.
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Computer Science.

you are propably some type of parasitic currynigger so we are better off without you anyway.

Double Associates in Engineering & Electrical Tech
Was a dual major in economics and classics, dropped out and became a union electrician instead

Medicine, I'm too right wing to identify with any Canadian political parties.
I am from Estonia
Accountancy and economics.
Lean left on some social issues but pretty moderate. Will probably not even vote this cycle.
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Computer Science
I'm voting Trump though
Liberal Arts

Monster Raving Loony Party
Íslenska Þjóðfylkingin (Icelandic national front)
Major in software engy, no political party because finland has no nationalist right wing only cucks
A degree in CIS, now go enjoy your white male privilege


Although I agree with Canada friend, I'd rather vote for a party further to the Right.
English Literature.

No American parties far enough to the right for me. Voting Trump.
criminal justice with a minor in criminology

republican of course
nobody in the alt right likes milo
it hurts my OCD.
Teacher soon to be law student

Independent but this past year I've seen a very hard swing to the right. Refuse to register under a party though as that needlessly locks out discourse.

Will almost certainly be voting Trump though.
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Computer Science with a focus on software and network development.
Was Democrat until later last year then I finally saw, and am going to vote Trump.
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Plant and soil biology
English/Literature grad student

idk why I hang out here
computer science (programming)
New Zealand First
300k starting
alphabro party
Biochemist who actually does biomed research. Republican, but only because Trump is running. I've voted Libertarian at every election before this.
Arabic language/Middle East studies
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Major: Business
Political ideology: Right wing nationalist.
>Green party
>What is your major
Masters Degree in Philosophy
>and political party?
My political ideology is what is called "Californian Ideology", or we could call it "Silicon Valley Ideology" - basically technocracy, the belief that algorithms would be better at governing than human beings.
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Double in International Relations and BS in Economics.

Software Engineering
Glorious NatSoc
Graduate of the school of hard cocks, major in SWJ ball sucking faggotry.
Democrat 4 Hillary.
>BS in anthropology
>feel partiless but tend to go with religious right
If you do accounting and maintain a high enough GPA to get into PwC and smart enough to get the the CPA, then you're set for life. My CPA friends all make more than my engineer friends
Mechanical Engineer
No party
Voting trump
>Masters Degree in Philosophy

lmao might as well have mastered in women;s studies.
How do you put justice into an algorithm?
>the belief that algorithms would be better at governing than human beings.
I've always believed this but I didn't know there was an entire political movement based around it.
kill yourself
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Physics major
Republican Party
Computer Engineering
Hated both parties but Trump is my man.
Psychology, VoorNederland (Dutch studying abroad)
>paying to get brainwashed by liberal, anti-white kikes
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I'm still mad DiCrapio got an Oscar for getting raped by a CGI Bear. He is pussy, unlike people that act with real animals. This chimp could have torn Ronald Reagans face off, and ruin his future political career! But he didn't care. Because he wasn't a pussy, like Leo.
History, Libertarian

But I'm thinking about just learning a trade... probably will make more money.
Software engineer.
United Left/Communist Party.
Economic + Mathematics minor

Marxist, I don't really belong to any political party, might vote green party this year since I don't live in a swing state and I might as well.
international affairs major with a specialization in political science

my party is the nationalist party
B.A. International Security with a focus on counter-terrorism and geopolitics

Nationalist leaning republican.
International law
University drop out
Dating Coach
Whoever makes it easier for me to dodge taxes.

paleoconservative (though I can be a bit hawkish, in "smart" ways though). double major in history and economics with a minor in German.
why is he shooting like that?

Fuck me that scene was horrible

that whole movie was an emotional wreck for me
>Pharmacy/Medical Biochemistry
>implying a NatSoc would waste bullets on untermensch
Degree in shitposting and creating epic memes.
English, concentration in Literature
Republican because of Trump. Otherwise no party affiliation, but am a right-wing nationalist.
Broadcast journalism, libertarian with nationalist tendencies.

I know you fuck hole, I didn't choose this path for money or success, I do what I want to do because I can.
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>shooting your enemy
>not bashing their skulls in like a true man
>Urban Planning
>Independent (but aligned with Republicans for Trump)

lol had no idea what you were talking about

yeah it was real tough to get through
Nah, it may not be as useful but i think philosophy is more respectable than X Studies
Doctorate in Physical Therapy
mechanical engineering, the party formerly known as the gop.

more specifically i support nationalism, protectionism, and socialism but i take what i can get.
>No political party. Pragmatic on economics, extreme social liberal.
>nationalism, protectionism, and socialism
You must be somewhat lost in the US political system. Not mocking you either
You'd be surprised how useful a Doctorate in Philosophy can be.
High School Dropout
Archaeology, UKIP, and whatever vaguely Falangista LARPer is on offer here in any given election.
yeah it's unfortunate but i'm not really a radical. if some other system of governance or set of policies manages to stop the slow decay of this country then i won't complain.
So are you British living in Spain? Probably lots of good archaeological sites on the Iberian Peninsula.
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>Politics and Economics
>Classical Liberal
i majored in getting baked and forgetting why i went to college
>not le Front National

why Jacques
Law Degree

My party doesn't exist yet, but im thinking about some democratic form of fascism in the elective and Social Conservatives in the executive.
>Right wing Keynessianism,
>No leftshits bullshit, Cultural Christian Moralism
>Corporativism or at least Co-Responsability with big Industry
>change the constitution so we can kick inmigrants,
>Small bussiness grants, Create jobs for the young
>6-7 shots hand-guns with a really cheap yearly inscription,
>Remove Commies ASAP
>Better social services (Increase spending in Hospitals and Specialised Doctors free for workers (Like back issues, should be fucking fixed in one month, not one year).
>those "who can work, go to work" if they want help, State will provide you with work if you have been a neet for more than one year +
>Increase influence in Uruguay and paraguay, support any "right wing" movement in brazil, >Compromise with Federal peronists, extend influence to the arcaic form of politics in the interior provinces.
>Divide Buenos Aires province in 3 parts, increase federalism but concentrate heavy power in each state/province (Governors cannot handle Buenos Aires at all)

Those are the things i really want
I majored in booty science.
Yeah, I get it. Honestly, the US would benefit from a multi-party system.
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>>Right wing Keynessianism,
Serious question Argbro, hasn't keynsianism been a factor in your country's economic problems since peron?
Comp Sci
So much booty booty booty rockin' everywhere.
Going for Associates in Combination Welding
Constitutional Nationalist (or Trumpist), whatever you prefer
Law, Republican but support Trump and consider myself a secular nationalist. I am a baptized and confirmed christian though, but think its governments job to enforce freedom of religion, but not necessarily my denomination.
>Constitutional Nationalist (or Trumpist), whatever you prefer
Not a party.
International Relations + Economics / Republican.
Our problem, according to my limited understanding of economy, is that our policies have a hard time bending (kek) to the external and global world reality. We lack that dinamism.

So Peron pulled some great shit from a economic Stand point until Europe and the US got his shit together. He wanted to keep trying when he shoulda swapped his focus, but you know how this country is. His popularity would have gone down if he had done what he had to do.

The ideal is having enough buy power to spend it half and save the rest without shitting the economy. If we have to be fiscal conservatives to reach such balancing point then we should do it, like we do it now.
But we are a thirdworld Nation and we have to react to the whims of the market, We do not have all the resources to supply ourselves or the power projection and we cannot do whatever the fuck we want to do, like americans, russians, japanese or chinese do.
This doesn't means we should bend like slaves, but the rules are the rules, Keynessian economics with "rightwing" focus, wich is what this current party has to do but first has to build up confidence and economic stability,jobs in the private sector, etc. It's the way to go, but we have to understand the whims of the market and try to follow them without compromising our national supremacy.

Thats the balancing point

Of what im sure, Neolib is a symptom of a failed government economic policy
> Law
> Don't belong to a party but i'd vote for either Renua or Identity Ireland depends on which has a candidate in my constituency next election.
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It would be the libertarian party if they weren't a bunch of open border shills, so I guess the American Freedom Party
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> protectionism and socialism
TheRentIsTooDamnHigh Party
Double major in chemistry and chemical engineering. A year from completion

>political party?
Independent. Neocons are retarded, leftists are worse. Closest affiliated with libertarian but even they are pretty fucking gay, bro.

There you go NSA. For your collection
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Graduated with a degree in psych and work in the field.

I'm a liberal.
Computer Engineering

Don't particularity like or dislike Trump, but sort of hope he wins and crashes the Republican party, so the corporate cronies and bible thumpers can fuck off.
Majored in gender studies and I am a Republican who voted for the true conservative Ted Cruz
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International Studies B.A, Economics B.S, Minor Chinese
>Political Party
Republican voting libertarian this year because #NeverTrump
>minor in Chinese
Kek. A literal cuck
mustard race
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>being this salty because I'm guaranteed a 6 figure job after graduating
>being too stupid to learn Chinese even though it always brings you a 6 to 7 figure salary

Stay mad plebian, you're the only cuck here too stupid to take advantage of reality.
Early Childhood Education
>not realizing this dude will probably work for the CIA or State Department
>shitting on him
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Highschool dropout

Shocking, that never happens.
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I'm in tradeschool.

Process Technologies.

Whatever has the best policies. Hate the party system.
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>Computer Science
>Not affiliated with any political party, but I'm socially liberal (to an extent-- fuck all the degeneracy we have these days) and economically conservative
American Studies

Conservative Party of Canada
Medical science
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I thought it would be the opposite as my type flocks to the gibsmedats.

You can bet your ass I won't become a bernout.
Poor white people are often trained to be obedient republicans.
Sorry, uneducated republicans, I don't know how poor you are, but I know you aren't rich and probably lower middle class.
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I net $19k, so probably no where near the middle class.
>there are awoovement buttons

holy shit
You know you're being fucked right? I don't care how bad people tell you that liberals are lazy or entitled, you are being fucked over. Someone in your position has not had a wage increase in 4 decades when previously wages increased with production. You're being fucked and you've been told your whole life that's on you, when the causes of your situation are hugely influenced by society and its machinations.

Wal*Mart pays you less so welfare will cover it and the company itself is on welfare which you pay for. You're being fucked at every turn. You have been trained by your owners to think like this.
Whats it like working at a liquor store?
>poly sci, then J.D.
>working for the state
>a good thing
Is this a new meme? I've worked for the state... I don't need to shit on him. His job will do that
>I net $19k

What do you do for a living?
B.S. in Information Systems

I Love the 2nd Amendment
I don't care if women have Abortions
Fiscal Conservative
Leaning liberal for most social maters like
(i.e. I don't care what you do just as long as it does not effect me and or my family)
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>You know you're being fucked right?
Son, I work about 5-8 hours weekly FOR FREE because I need to carry illiterate niggers in my department. At $15/hr, I feel I am overpaid for my lack of accolades (I don't have a GED and I'm in my 30s).

Overnight walmart. That was annual net earnings.

Thankfully management hasn't said a word about them
MSc in Genetics
FPÖ (right wing freedom party)

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only right-winger at university, but they are probably all just very good at hiding their power level. Like me.
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Physics + Math, Republican + Nazi
Microbiology with a Pharm.D
Engineering Physics.

Communist Party of Spain.
comp sci

Law school.

Accounting and republican
(fiscally conservative/socially liberal)
in other words a true libertarian
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>having a 6 figure stable job that allows you to bounce between the government and the private sector is a bad thing

I'm really going to enjoy using your tax dollars to pay for my cushy job as a economics corps diplomat for the State Department while help U S companies make deals with the Chinese to out source your wage-slave job. Stay mad, you are truly the cuckold here.
HVAC Engineering
Libertarian, no party to join around here.
I don't have a degree. I don't have a political party.
when will this meme end.
>I'm not racist, just look at the facts
This is true. Anyone denying this is retarded and/or liberal
Finance, Republican
Law. The Liberal Party. Abbott 2016.
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I'm a fisherman. My father is a carpenter. My grandfather was a farmer.

I'm a National Socialist.
Nutritional Sciences
I majored in Economics.

I tend to vote republican but I'm not an official member of any political party. Kind of excited about Trump. I hope he wins, but even if he doesn't the Republican Party has been forever changed.
Someone is always in need of a good welder, also can confirm on the money side of it.
renaissance literature

Voting for Trump.

I'm finishing my BSc in Banking and Finance.
There're no tolerable parties in here, but I would vote something libertarian-style.
Dual major in physics and math, minor in astronomy.

No political party, voting Trump.
Electrical Engineering
Freedom Party
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>einfach zeitgemäß

>Master's Comp Eng

>no Portuguese Party Affiliation
>US: Libertarian or Constitution Party
I thought FPD was libertarian...

Lawyer. No party affiliation. Radical ancap but Trump supporter in the US electoral circus.

Former Democrat now voting for Trump.

PDV is the German libertarian party
Electric Engineer, Likud party (centre-right wing)
>Math former Democrat now voting for Trump

My brother.
>Marine Transportation
I have a collection of certificates from various trade schools and I'm an anarchist.
Horse/livestock science.
Democrat/california. Tempted to vote trump though. So is my mother who is hispanic and traditionally democrat.

Does anyone on pol care about agriculture?
Chemical Engineer
Technically unaffiliated, voting for Trump, and side with the GOP far more than any Democrat
Forensic science and Pirate party
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>Independent because both parties disgust me, but considered conservative for where I live (I'd be a centrist anywhere else)
Supporting Trump because he will either make America great again or bring about absolute chaos, either of which would be comfy.
Good man.
Computer Science

Mechanical Engineering

If I were in the US, I'd be Republican until the Libertarian party started to rise.

However I think Trump is more Libertarian than he is Conservative.
Major; Political Science (Thinking about taking some time to work in my states capital then go for a Masters)
Minor; Aerospace studies

I am a conservative, not a big fan of the GoP and their cuckery though. Big fan of UKIP too.
Einfach den Mindestlohn auf 100€ pro Stunde, dann sind wir alle reich.
Masters of Nursing

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Same here
Sarkasmus hat in Politik nichts zu suchen. Es geht hier um Millionen von Menschenleben, da sollte man genug Reife zeigen, sich ernsthaft mit der Ausgestaltung einer Nation auseinanderzusetzen. Bei euch Versagern habe ich immer das Gefühl, ihr seid in eurer Jugend hängengeblieben, als es noch cool war sich gegenseitig ironisch "Hurensohn" zu nennen.
how is commiefornia treating you?
Management Information Systems


Fourth post best post.
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What if he ends up annexing canada.
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Computer Engineering

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It's terrible. In the second half of the century a ton of people moved over from the east coast and took a massive shit on the entire state. I take no responsibility. My family were all decent, hardworking farmers, and we've been here since the gold rush.

If any other Californians are reading this and your family moved here after 1960, YOU NEED TO GO BACK.
Computer Science
Is there a cute little dick in those panties? :3
What's your thoughts on California ag? Or you another one one of those faggots who think meat comes from the market?
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Mining Engineering


Computer Science and business.

Voting for Hillary.
paleo-Libertarian minarchist at heart.

Give moral support to the only nationalist party. They are the only clear "go home migrants" party.
Computer Science

I would say I'm an Independent.
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I'm not registered, but I'm conservative as fuck. The liberals around me in this physics department can really piss me the fuck off sometimes. Why does everyone equivocate science with liberalism? Fucking hippies.
Psychology, Libertarian. I'm aware it's a bullshit degree. Now.
Psychology? I would say it's underrated. Sociology is full retard tho.
Majoring in Aerospace Engineering

>political party
None. No party currently holds my views.
Getting shafted by the drought right now. It wouldn't be that much of a problem, but the state didn't think ahead when people started moving here. Anyone could have seen that there just weren't enough long-term water sources to support that level of immigration, but we did it anyway.

There should have been a requirement for all the new housing developments to prove that they could be supplied even in a disaster like this. Now it's happened, and its the farmers who get hit, and all the people living in the cities don't have to see them so who cares?
>Women's Studies
You learn stuff but it's really nothing you couldn't learn on your own.

Except for neuropsych, that shit is pretty cool.

Except for statistics and experimental methods.
Don't even know if it's just joking or not when i look at your flag.
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Ya. Went from los Angeles to an out of the way college to continue my ag in California.

Even in the middle of hicksvilles, there are still people and students who believe agriculture, animal or plant, is some mustache twirling entity of evil.

Many of the liberal arts teachers arent helping either. I guess I'm also a little bitter with pol and 4chan in general that no one seems to care about agriculture.

Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
God emperor for life
I am studying geology and am a republican.
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