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Trump represents risk, say Mexican Intellectuals
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How bad is going to be since Trump is the most likely nominee?
>Mexican Intellectuals
Hello, is this the meme thread?
yes pancho
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>mexican intellectuals

>Beaner Brainwizards
>it appeals to xenophobia, chauvinism, political intolerance and religious dogmatism
[citation needed]
How many intellectuals does it take to write a letter?

>shitskin geniuses
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Enlightment of Dark Athiesm.jpg
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>hispanic intellectuals
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Mostly jews.

Source: I'm a mexican jewish intellectual AMA
>guy who wants to enforce the law represents risk, say lawbreakers
Do we really need this thread every day? We get it.
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Have these "hispanic" intellectuals considered signing a letter about how they need to address the criminal behavior in their country that has caused given power to statements made by Trump?
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>Mexican Intellectuals
All Mexican IPs should be automatically named "intellectual" until the end of the election
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>mexican intellectuals
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>mexican intellectuals
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>Mexican Intellectuals
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Build it
Thread replies: 30
Thread images: 12

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