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Let's fucking settle this, what are the states that Trump
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File: Trump will win.png (213 KB, 1852x705) Image search: [Google]
Trump will win.png
213 KB, 1852x705
Let's fucking settle this, what are the states that Trump needs to win to become President?
Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania
PA, Ohio and Virginia
Very high turnout this year for republicans, Rubio endorsement helps greatly, I think it's possible.
Kasich will eventually come around and endorse Trump, but is that enough to paint Ohio red?
Isn't the Rational Response Squad from Philadelphia? Isn't Penn filled with niggers and democrats? I don't know that state at all could it really swing?
What are the chances of Trump swinging that state and how?
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Dont worry canabro
He will get 100% of the votes
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He has to win the light red states.

>Madison exists

We'll never be red :(
File: hillary btfo.png (71 KB, 782x602) Image search: [Google]
hillary btfo.png
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He's going to win PA. All you need to win PA is jobs. PA is conservative, but its hard working democrat conservatives; unions, industry, who have watched their towns become ghost towns and when they feel presidents/parties let them down they go the other way. And they are ready for Trump.

(I know, 'conservative democrats' sounds weird but its true, someone on /pol called it bipolar because PA swings in elections, they don't pull straight ticket. They vote with jobs jobs jobs, and selling PA on jobs is all you need to win PA)
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
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