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What is this fucking degeneracy! http://metro.co.uk/2016/0
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What is this fucking degeneracy!


>Muh body muh choice, unless you look at me you filthy misogynist
Oh no a boob? Run for the hills!
Fucking mudshits are scared of the human body
If I let loose fluids from my body on purpose people would throw a shitfit. Why is tit oozing acceptable?
Its not pleasant when you a next to a breast feeding mother. The childs sucking is disturbing.
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It was in a wave pool you sick fuck. Imagine if some of her tit milk got in the water. I don't know, man. I'm a degenerate motherfucker, but that disgusting cow's tit milk is still fucking disgusting.
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>i have a face that looks like this

that goofy bastard
>At least white children
>girls isn't a coalburner
In the wave pool, with other swimmers in there?

At least those kids look white, i guess. Could have been worse.
i've seen women feeding their kids in public as long as i can remember dæsu. biggest win was when i girl i've always wanted to fuck casually put her tit out and put it in her kid's mouth in front of everybody

nigger pls, that pool is full of piss anyway, a few milliliter of tit milk doesn't change anything
Why do people get so triggered by breast feeding?

Probably cucks that were formula fed lmao

Found something better! If she was a guy she'd get a prison sentence for this shit.
nobody did till bitches realized it wasn't giving them attention

>in a pool
>where certain STI's can be transmitted such as fucking HIV

Slap the cunt in jail
>where certain STI's can be

*transmitted through breastfeeding such as HIV, I meant to say
>Not quite sure what these are
They look like sweet potato fries.
>that pool is full of piss anywa

Might as well just let the migrants start shitting in them as well t b h senpai
Aaaaaah, this explains it
why not get out of the pool

i don't think people would have a problem then

the kid can wait the 2 fucking seconds it takes to get out of the water, what a dumb cunt hope she gets raped by an asian immigrant
also those are some big tits, shame about the face
Its always about the mother and not the child. Its always a wave pool, or a coffee shop or some restaurant or any place that's not for the child's well being but for the mother's enjoyment.
yes lets just swim in bodily fluids, its not like breastmilk transfers fucking AIDS or anything

except yes it fucking does
At least she has white children.
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