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find a flaw
This thread.
>shooting sideways
Your flag.
are your people masochists or some shit?
Oh hey you posted this thread again.

Here's a (You) for your troubles.
Not enough mom's spaghetti.
I'm surprised by the amount of blood. It almost looks like something out of a movie.
>brit thinks thats a gun
hes not holding a gun in that hand you jolly yolly toothed tea chuggin faggot
They're not Turks
That's his hand you nogun faggot
The vast majority of those killed was our weakest and slowest. For everyone one you killed we took about about 40 of your children.
>40:1 ratio
pretty good odds for cockroaches
What is going on in the pic. Genuinely curious.
File: turkroaches hanged.jpg (128 KB, 1279x853) Image search: [Google]
turkroaches hanged.jpg
128 KB, 1279x853
Flaw is that those soldiers are not from turkroach land.
File: Turks.png (236 KB, 877x512) Image search: [Google]
236 KB, 877x512
Find a flaw
that was all civilians. real mujahideen deaths like 15.000
and we could kill your civilians and bomb every place in america but we don't because we can't harm innocent people
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53 KB, 368x381
I don't think so. I'd like to see a thousand dead cockroaches for every human killed.
>not posting security
>not maintaining a low profile
>army lol
>A U.S. soldier shouts at a cameraman at the scene of a suicide attack in Maimanah, Afghanistan ,on April 4, 2012. A suicide bomber blew himself up killing at least 10 people, including three NATO service members, officials said. A senior U.S. defense official has confirmed that two U.S. soldiers were among three NATO forces killed in the attack. (AP Photo/Gul Buddin Elham)
What's that yellow stuff on the dead burger on the right's shoes?

Is that piss or is that shit?
Fun fact :
France warned USA not to go and it could have save millions of young americans life

france plz greatest ally
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Besides the countless attacks targeting civilians you don't target civilians?
Here is a question? If you are a part of ISIS how does it feel to be controlled opposition for a bunch of Jews?
You hate the Jews yet your taking your orders from them.
There are brown people in the picture.
Literally OK by now for drone operators and helicopter gunners to waste camera crews. We can't loosen up ROE for soldiers too?
ISIS is part of greater israel plan
You'll fuck a 9 year old though, right? That's not harming an innocent, that's just a good time ;)
And your shitposts supports them.
i like their idead but they're still jew puppets anyway
Only 3 Americans
Thread replies: 35
Thread images: 7

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