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German Minister of Justice Heiko Maas was BTFO by protesters
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German Minister of Justice Heiko Maas was BTFO by protesters in Zwickau today.



The fire rises.


disgusting eastern german communist filth

Lets just get rid of them ... build a wall and let them go back to whatever the fuck they wanna do
Heiko, find a rich man before your tits start sagging!
Keep up the good work! God bless AfD
Hahaha, nice. I love seeing politicians having to flee. Hopefully we'll see some of them hanging from the Brandenburger Tor soon.
God save Saxony. They're the only guys who don't deserve this shit because they actually protested on the streets.
Jesus Christ do something about these fucking Nazis, Germany. Did you learn nothing from last time?
Were they right wingers of lefties?
This guy >>72610017 makes it seem like they are lefties

your fucking communists are the ones leading the charge against degeneracy? holy fuck get your shit together Hans
I'm sure most East Germans would love to secede from the retards on the West
Maas represents the left wing of our socialist party. This guy is just mad east germany wont accept the cultural enrichment.
fucking based
just normal people

that guy is b8ing
What are they saying for us that don't speak kraut?
Hau ab = Fuck off
Wir sind das Volk = We are the people
How original. When are you faggots going to dress up in Hugo Boss suits and fire up those incinerators?
when whites make up more than 60% of the US population

Another article.
>Rechte Kritiker
Of course they have to talk about rightwing people. No way in hell that those people can be citizens that simply don't like that fucker.
based ossis.
serves him right, fucking leftist traitor scum
Fuck you that's a poor excuse to not look at how the situation in your country as well as in Europe is bad.

The USA aren't the former land of the White.
Europe is the land of White people and so should stay as it is.
that biased media again
>"a group of right-wing disrupters"
>implying it wasn't the whole crowd
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