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Why does Israel get to build walls and evict illegals, but America
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After receiving a flood of about 60,000 African refugees over the last seven years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared the influx a threat to the country's security and Jewish character.

A year ago, his government launched an aggressive, multi-pronged approach to stemming the tide of migrants. Critics call his policies heartless and a violation of international refugee conventions, but Netanyahu boasts that Israel is the only Western nation to have effectively halted the problem of illegal immigration.

Thanks to a nearly completed fence along the Egyptian border, where most of the African asylum seekers cross, and a law allowing police to imprison undocumented migrants for up to three years, the number of Africans crossing the border in the first six months of 2013 was just 34, compared with 9,570 in 2012.

"This was an extraordinary achievement for the state of Israel because every Western country, to some extent, has failed to do this," the prime minister said Sunday. "Now we are focusing on the issue of repatriating the illegal migrants who are already [here].... We are acting very responsibly and determinedly. We started to move them out."

I don't care what Israel does as long as we can do the same, BUILD THE WALL. REMOVE MIGRANTS.
because their country isnt filled with LIBERAL FAGGOTS like ours is.

we just have to get them to accept cancer into their country and it will fall on its own.
Israel's Intelligence Minister: ‘Stop Muslim Immigration’ To Europe

Because they have an "Israel First" foreign policy.
Because Israel build the wall themselves meanwhile you guys expect someone else build the wall for you.
Nationalism for the chosen, mass immigration, no free speech and race mixing for the goyim.
>"Israel first"
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Because (unlike their Israeli counterparts) diaspora jews over here hate anything that even vaguely resembles non-jewish nationalism.
When you are attacked every day to the point where you can't even get into a cab if the driver looks even slightly Arabic, that tends to redpill a population pretty hard.

No you're just gonna pay for it.

Good luck, Israel.
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Those cis-scum white males in Israel.
They are literally Hitler!
Because Israel stands up for itself and doesn't care what the liberal west think. Sweden and Germany won't go to their aid when their citizens are slaughtered in synagogues or blown up on buses.

Now Hungary, Macedonia, Austria, the US are all seeing how necessary it is.
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Gee, I wonder...
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That wall is to keep the jews in. Trump built it and made them pay for it.
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Don't do what we do but do what we say
>TFW i realize today i downloaded the best Google plus extension ever yesterday
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Because Israels corporations aren't in Israel, and they want cheap labor.
that comic is incredibly accurate.
Thread replies: 28
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