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>tfw Alex Jones browses /pol/
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>tfw Alex Jones browses /pol/
Of course he does, so does Milo

And Stefan.
He's at least been browsing /pol/ for the last year
>Equestria daily
>Team fortress
>Fat fuck
You're a legitimate autist, aren't you?
>Being this new
>Equestria daily

What the fuck
>There's more then femnazi bs on Tumblr
>Teamfortress is a pretty good game
>Currently losing weight
We know. Milo steals all our ideas and then says that we're all just harmless pranksters

Fuck that faggot.
Hi Alex!

Hi Milo!
>hasn't explained equestria daily
>Pinkie Pie on friends list
I think you need to leave
Lemme guess, you read the butthurt Anglin article and not the actual article that Milo wrote? Typical; a hypocritical manlet like Anglin is a better representation for your type
No, fuck you. What the hell have you ever done? Milo is helping turn the tide, retard. He has the balls to do it IRL too.
I doubt Alex does, he shared Paul's post.
I think Paul does.
This guy is exactly what is wrong with this site.
Old faggot probably doesn't even get it
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of course although the #trigglypuff was trending on twitter til they shut it down
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>He doesn't deny being a horsefucker
I don't trust Milo the Fruity Butt Pirate. But I guarantee Alex Jones, Stephan, and Ben Garrison have stopped by here
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Holy Shit this is what the Average cuck on /pol/ looks like.
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pol faggot.jpg
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I can't handle all this autism.
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lol @ op
Lol, upvote for you good sir!
It's obviously a fake account
Alex Bros
and Savage
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and Paul J. Watson
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alex can stay, milo has to go.
Sometimes I wonder how many faggots like OP are on the website or id they're just bookmarking them for an epic meme screenshot.

>Horse fucker damage control
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what the fuck.jpg
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What the fuck OP.
Milo is covering for us hard.
sorry, i missed the whole triggly puff meme
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aryan warrior.jpg
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This desu senpai
fuck off Milo

you too fuck off stefan

fucking youtubers destroying /pol/
To be fair, he could probably be one but only if they give him a super-sized bulletproof vest.
>team fortress
Alex should be Trump's VP.
Poor OP that better be a trollaccount

Link it, even if it's fake it'll provide a laugh
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This is already well known, and a reason for /pol/s hatred towards him. Just because you figured it out doesn't all of a sudden mean Alex is "based" or whatever you faggots say.

Alex Jones and his reporters have been lurking 4chan since at least the Boston Bombing, and most likely before that.


If you listen to his show he even says /pol/ buzzwords like "cuck". Him and his reporters take /pol/ shit and water it down, turn Jews into "global elites" and make fucking bank off of our shitposting. Then retards think he's "redpilled" because of it. /pol/ is a fucking cashcow for this guy.

You idiots that think that no one cares about /pol/, someone does. Someone is making money off it. Just look up sheekyforums.
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>those favorites
>b tab

Definitely not a fake account

He's used memes including pepe as profile pic

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Behold, the Jester of the court of King Trump

OPus Faggotus
Nice try, but he's said Israel is ran by crooks, but also that you can't say all the corrupt elites are jewish. No need to have your feelings hurt.
Not an argument.
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Which confuses me. I understand vice, huffpo, infowars, mtv, and others shill their stuff here. But around this time last year /pol/ was going nuts when David duke btfo the shit out of Jones. Why so much Jones/infowars water filter shilling in the past couple months?
so much win lol
Nice try what? He also says that Hollywood is ran by the Saudis.

"Of course there's bad people in Israel, but you forget about the Catholic Church. All these neo-nazi websites hate on me because I don't talk about the Jews."

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Jesus Christ, it's troll tabs you fucking idiot.
He has my little pony pictures in his profile going back to 2013
Who the fuck these days doesn't join an image board?

You're either a /pol/yard
A plebbit
Or a tumblrina
He probably saved it from two years ago. Troll tabs isn't anything new. Just because you got here two months ago doesn't mean /pol/ just burst into existence. Stop being gay, it's the oldest joke and you fell for it. It's embarrassing that I even have to explain it to you.
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>all these old conservatives being up to date with memes and Pokemon references

Is it time the right becomes hip and cool again?
hi OP, i see you've changed your IP

((Alex Jones)) is a faggot.
This guy has it right.

Milo is a fucking faggot. A nigger loving faggot with a rape fetish who admitted on Joe Rogan's podcast he jokingly supports Trump.

And he's A FUCKING JEW. Jesus Christ /pol/ get your fucking heads out of your asses.

((Milo)) believes he's "one of us" but he isn't. I hate him. He de-legitimatizes our criticism of Jews and Israel.
He's talked about it without naming it. Three months ago or more he blueskyed about using memes to propagate abstract political concepts.

>trigglypuff being 2 words
It's sad because you don't even realize how much of a fucking faggot you are.
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Sure thing OP
He isn't a jew, sperglord.

For the people who don't know:

((Alex Jones)) is married to a Jewess and was exposed by the glorious David Duke.

((Milo)) is a Jew who shouldn't be allowed to speak on behalf of us. Milo is just like ((Ben Shapiro)) only he's homosexual.
Get out
What can be done? People aren't ready to swallow the other pills yet.
Alex Jones here, ask me anything!
>those addons in the browser

Kill yourself
Whats your real name?
Alex Jones also here, ask me anything
newfag identified
relax Halas

enjoy the pizza I just ordered for you
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All they have to do is break the glass in their mouths.

He may as well be. He's married to one who's Jewish by blood.
"Whats your real name?"
My real name is listed on my site in the members section, that you can share with upto 20 of your friends and familly.
OP started Highschool in fall of 2013 guys, we can't make fun of him anymore

Plus he shills for Israel and Jews.
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>not going on /hm/
>somehow thinking that's bait

Fuck off you massive faggot.
Snitches get stitches, faggot
equestria daily? Your a brony degenerate!
Because him and his enthusiastic crew are helping spread good Trump news.
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OP as a child.gif
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Doesn't surprise me. I imagine most /pol/acks looks like turbo autists.

Conservatives use 4chan and Libcucks use Facebook.
Did anyone ever see this about her/him/it. It was taken down after the trigglypuff video... There's no words to say, the whole page says it.
literally a male triggly puff
Pretty sure it's Paul Joseph Watson who browses /pol/.
>is a horsefucker
That's not /pol/, it's /b/.
>RDS Parent Access
You have to be 18+ to browse this site.

Would hang out with and discuss politics over a beer.

You queers are caught up on the looks of another man.
Summer begins.
Of course. Its not like that image is anywhere else online
Thread replies: 104
Thread images: 21

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