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Learning to use a plasma-cutting table, and I decided to make something to remind me of who I really am.

You too.
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Your suck at this you start the plasma inside of what you are cutimg so you don't get this crap

oh please, it looks fine for someone who hasn't used one much.
TOP KEK your boss must be a /k/ommando
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OP you are my favorite goy
He fucking did, you non plasmacam operating pleb
What are you talking about? It was a 100% inside-cut.
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Yes, but he's a bad goy.
Im so glad my employees use $20000+ of my metalworking equipment to make GOYIM signs when I have to make a hardware store run
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אללה אכבר
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use this on him. the scum!
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>this is banned in britbonistan
Good Job, Goy. Keep doing this and maybe one day you can too get a shekel.
Ban this!
-t. kike
Would this work instead?
Is this banned?
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This is how you botch a circumcision. i hope you chosen ones don't do this at home.
what bass is that m8
>fall in
I meant this >>72282863

Please do not circumcise with guns. You can't even eat the meat afterwards because it gets lost.
paying always in cash and never asking for credit

Technically you're just a GOY.
Two goy's in the same room are Goyim!
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Davison 4-string, don't know the model, it's just a beginner's bass that my buddy gave to me for free.

Nobody makes stabbings of my children!

I am of the Goyim people. I represent Goyim.
yeah this is complete nonsense.
a bunch of random letters, you even got some facing the wrong direction.
stupid goy tbqh.
It's just a font, anon. It's all english letters in the style of hebrew.
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oh. was it supposed to spell goyim? couldn't even see past the hebrew.
stupid kike tbqh.
ive been rused!
> apparently has no idea what a plasma cutter is..
>no supressor
shit knife
> being a bitch about something you'll never understand or experience responsibility for
Thread replies: 37
Thread images: 20

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