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trump wants to deport this
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trump wants to deport this
>Trump wants to be allies with this.
I'm not gay personally but I accidentally saw one of this videos. He can really suck a dick.
You just recognized a gay pornstar. You're a faggot man
>tfw you're a top twink and love bottom muscle dads
He does have a recognizable face
File: bundeswehr.webm (2 MB, 1280x528) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x528
That guy is Greek, not sand nigger. He has an uncut cock.
whats this from

Trump wants to deport a gay pornstar and the Colosseum of Rome?
"muh evil-german propaganda give us money 6"
When did Klokov grow a beard?
what's this from
some sort of nazi zombie movie?
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