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This is Lil Kim. She is a rapper that was apart of Notorious
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This is Lil Kim. She is a rapper that was apart of Notorious B.I.G.'s (Biggie Smalls) crew.

She has join the latest trend within the black community. (The Jackson Family, Beyonce, Trina, Sammy Sosa, Halle Berry, and Lark Voorhies from Saved By the Bell.

What trend? Skin bleaching to make themselves look white.

Is this racist? Disrespect of the white race and their culture?

Culture appropriation
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If only they could bleach their souls as well.
this is ultimately the root of black culture, a massive inferiority complex
Having paler skin has always been a standard of beauty in many cultures before colonialism.
It's hilarious. Lighter skins have always been the ruling class. Just look at all the Indian caste system.

The modern nogs are just keeping with tradition.
I don't blame them. I'd rather a black who wishes to be white than a black who think nigger "culture" is anything of worth.
It's cultural appropriation you shitlord
And they are more aggressive. What a ridiculous cocktail we have here.
Well just look at something, blacks, or africans, have had their own accomplishments and achievement sin the last century, big ones, and in the ancient world to say there were no true black kingdoms or societies would be false, but to say they've ever been in par with any major society like Egypt is also false, and they've lagged behind most of the world for all of history.

Rather then have their own pride, in things they can alone claim, like ethiopia, or the many strides they made forward in the last 100 years, black culture became desperate not for a positive self identity, but for one that was as great as the lore and history as the white man.

It shifted from a desire of independence and self actualization to spite, which is why they engineer stories about how whites somehow stole everything and that all blacks were once kings.

Anyway, any progress american blacks had made, has more or less been erased.
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That's some serious rhinoplasty there lads
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>when you aim for white woman but skip right to korean grandma
or a whigger. the worst

oh god why did i look at this

Hell Rhiana and Nikki Minaj both looked black as shit before they got famous.

Look at the comparison pics, they both got really white.

Lil Kim is just at end game.

Isn't Nikki Minaj already half-pooian though?
she looked a lot better before she hit the uncanny valley I'll say that much
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American blacks taking pride in Ethiopia is like Germans taking pride in Spanish accomplishments.

American blacks are Bantu. Or at least the slave/POW class that was the product of the Bantu conquests throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
she's gonna get 10 years older, 5 years whiter, adn then decide she's half cat
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But it's just their shade of color that changes
No I know that, but Ethiopians were like entirely dark skinned right?

Egypt sits at a point were it became multiracial with time but was a society built by indo aryans and greeks.

Blacks only want to claim it, because then to them it stands on equal footing with all the other stuff they see that whites built.
That left nostril is not holding up.
>blacks try to look white
>whites try to look brown/orange

i didn't know bogdanof brothers could reproduce eachothers
Mariah Carey and Christopher Reid have always looked white-ish
Jesus christ, why are niggers so ugly?
they're both half irish.
This, it was (or is) apparently to show that you are rich and powerful enough to not need a manual outdoor job.
Also, I don't know how true it is, but apparently this all changed when Coco Chanel got sunburnt on holiday and came back with a tan, and then suddenly being tanned became the symbol of being rich and powerful (because you could take exotic holidays).

Non-whites bleaching their skin is about as big of an issue as whites "culturally appropriating" dirty matted dreads (ie, it's not a fucking issue). Indians whinge skin bleaching too, and it's always somehow Britain's fault (despite it predating British colonisation).
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On that cake soap.
I think Lil Kim is far FAR beyond the celebs you listed. I don't know what's going on with her. Typical breakdown of a has-been.
Micheal Jackson bleached his skin cause he had Vitiligo and didn't want to appear as a freak with the scaring from plastic surgery and white spots.
That's just AIDS, or his credit went up
>Skin bleaching to make themselves look white.


Can we talk about what the fuck is up with that ayy lmao face though?
injections in checks, nose job, ton of makeup, botox
This is something I hate about these pictures. They choose pictures with vastly different lighting and the most extreme examples they can find. Learn what undertones are.
I'm sure she could probably just epoxy it back on anyway

Jesus when will black celebs stop carving off their noses?

And she made her cheeks BIGGER? Like a fucking squirrel with a bunch of nuts.
she looks like a burns victim
White privilege is not having your appearance judged based on white beauty standards. Just look at what you are doing to these poor men and women, fucking /pol/ I swear.
she looks cuter white.
And the nose?
She looks like a deformed chink. What a mental case.
Initially he had his nose altered after breaking it in 1979, but continued to receive rhinoplasty procedures many times as years went by. In his case I think it was his initial exposure to plastic surgery developing into an obsession with altering his appearance, as the number of operations would become greater and more varied as years went by.
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Her eyebrows were a little busted, but she was way cuter before she ever went under the knife/needle.
its just cartilage m8
>nuts in her cheeks
>latest trend within the black community
Blacks were doing this shit for centuries. How is that new?
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All it does is legitimize the damage that racism from whites have done to black women.

Since slavery the white slave masters told the nigresses who worked the fields that they were ugly because of their african features and dark skin tone. This destroyed their self-esteem, but to make things worse, at the same time, the white master would take the lighter skin nigresses into the big house, which signaled to rest of the slaves that European looking nigresses held more value than the pure nigresses, which isn't true.

Today we can see the effects of this sort of immoral social engineering enacted by whites. Dark skin nigresses value European beauty over black beauty, and as a result they destroy themselves to achieve the unachievable.

I think us white men must be the ones to fix this problem, since we created it with our racism. I propose that we start looking to the nigress to be the mother of our children. This is the only way we can undo the centuries of trauma and racism.
That fucker on the left went straight California Raisin
We can fix the problem by killing faggots like you.
Wow, such unnecessary hostility. That's a tell tell sign that you're really mad about you dick size being inadequate for a black women. Tell me, are you under 4 inches or 3, lol.
Typical "muh dik" response from a nigger.

Meanwhile you have no proof for any of this bullshit you are saying.
I'll take that as "under 3". Idk, i'm sure there are nigresses out there that find tiny white cocks cute. Don't lose your shit over it man.
I don't give a shit about this nigger singer and neither should you

Hang her from a tree!
that wirey pit hair
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I will never understand why the plastic surgery industry thrives.

How do people look at the results and think, "I need this!"?
>plastic surgery industry
it produces hideous results just about every time

That's some top notch self hatred right there.
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