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>Ruled and inhabited by shit skin kebabs >total control
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>Ruled and inhabited by shit skin kebabs
>total control by one or a few families
>somehow became one of the most advanced nations on the planet
>highest GDP per capita in the world

How did Qatar and the UAE escape the shit of the rest of the Middle East?
Islam is future brother

You know better.
By not falling to the secularists trap
Ever heard of this commodity called oil?
>muslim countries
>most advanced nations in the world

Pick one and only one
Slave labor from india
Yes, outside of that nice downtown area, its like Iraq.
All the Arab nations have oil.
It's a question of oil quantity per capita you stupid faggot.

How many arabs live in the emirates? Like 20 people?

They just sold their oil and paid westerners to build all this shit, while they bought golden lamborghinis.
They made use of the oil money and actually transformed it into something productive unlike saudis. Saudis will be eating sand within generation while uae and qatar will grow as hotspots for international commerce. And not to mention that they dont shun everything western (as long as it brings shekels)

>implying anything they've created is based on their ingenuity and techonology
IF you throw enough money at a piece of shit log enough its bound to become less of a piece of shit
having shiny new stuff for payed by the government doesn't equal a advanced nation.

it's the same as with their airlines/hotels, the king or what ever pumps endless money into it to hire top tier crew/staff/chefs from europe or the us so they can show it off how great their country is. They will never make a profit yet they keep on pumping more money into.
I our lifetime it will look like detroit
>got lucky with geography and built a country on massive oil wells
>used the money they got selling it to hire western architects, buying western cars, paving western style roads

Nice cultural appropriation you fucking arabs
money and oil and opened their countries for western people, little countries with a little native population.
>>somehow became one of the most advanced nations on the planet
>implying they built any of it
monitoring for rares
Building stuff is surprisingly cheap if you don't pay for the workers
Slaves. Then telling the slaves to get the fuck out once they're done.
they got lots of shekels from oil

so what they did is go shopping from the west

however they failed to create a sustainable economy and infrastructure so as soon as the oil runs dry they are fucked
Yeah it's what your sister uses to jack me off.
By importing cheap slave labour from Pakistan/India to build, and highly qualified engineers and construction firms from Europe/USA to plan.
Forgot oil money, obviously.
uae has done really well at diversifying. no, they will not get to live a life of extreme excess, but they will survive while the saudi ruling class will get their heads cut off in 20 years.
>It's a question of oil quantity per capita you stupid faggot.
>How many arabs live in the emirates? Like 20 people?
>They just sold their oil and paid westerners to build all this shit, while they bought golden lamborghinis.

This is the actual answer. Without demographics, oil, and white contractors to do shit, they'd still just be sitting around on their camels being stinking savages.
My dad got a job in UAE back in the 80's and moved the whole family out there.
He's a civil engineer.
Pretty much had to handle the workload of 2/3 people as his native colleagues were so fucking incompetent and hired only because of family connections.
>have nearly unlimited amount of money thanks to oil
>spend said money to bring in western engineers
>get them to build a futuristic utopia
>it's still socially shit because of islam
Don't give the sandniggers too much credit, their only accomplishment is living where most of the oil is.
>having a bunch of imported shiny shit bought with oil money
>being one of the most advanced nations on the planet

pick one
Damn your mom was probably getting dicked down daily
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>most advanced nations on the planet
Can someone make a Brit flag version of this. I've always loved his expression.
They're not "advanced". I bet every amazing piece of amazing architecture, every fancy car, every piece of high tech oil refining and drilling machinery was designed by an American or European.
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Part of the reason is this deal that has been honored for many decades:
OPEC prices oil in U.S. dollars;
OPEC gets U.S. military support.
This scheme is extremely scuzzy and has led to countless disasters.
It has however worked out well for Arabian peninsula elite.
Free labor does wonders for an economy
>enough money at a piece of shit log enough its bound to become less of a piece of shit
You seem to have forgot about US niggers, 99.9% of Africa, Abbos, Canadian Injuns, no amount of gibmedats has worked. This one pocket of sandniggers seems to be the exception.
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