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do we win anything at least?
>the state of catholicucks
Im not a catholic anymore cause of this tbqh
I didn't realize the pope was swedish.
What is it with black people kissing each other's feet?!
>Expecting Israel to give out anything for free
Comfiest pope of all time desu.
The pope clearly has a foot fetish.

This celibacy is hard on a man.
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>yfw the Pope is a cuck
>Living like Jesus
What a monster.
The whole point of it was that Jesus cleaned everyone of sin though the word of god. Plus these people traveled many miles to hear what he had to say.

Muslims don't believe in the resurrection. Jesus Christ is only mentioned 25 times in the Koran. Mohammed was given the Koran by an "Angel." Who posed as an angel in the bible? The devil did! And just like every villain in the bible... Mohammed overindulged and exalted himself instead of god.

Every cult leader wants a picture with the Pope. It helps legitimize their altered counterfeit versions of the bible. Having a woman in a headscarf sitting next to the Pope has the same effect for muslims. They want their religion to subvert the church. And unless these people convert and read a bible... then it's just wasted effort.
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