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The Wall
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If Donald gets elected and the wall goes up. What stops Mexicans from going underneath the wall like el chapo?
Nothing. That's why a wall is a bad idea.
But it's a great way to appeal to ignorant people.
Do you have any idea how long it takes to dig an underground tunnel, better yet, in a fucking desert?
Laziness. That's like asking what stops Mexicans from developing a beautiful, productive, mineral-rich, geographically-blessed nation with two long coastlines into a first-world nation.

Put mines deep underground, they won't hurt anyone above ground, and if someone is below they clearly shouldn't be.
Because cross-border tunnels are extremely expensive and difficult to keep secret? Each one costs a cartel millions of dollars to build, and they work very hard to keep them from being detected by border agents. A tunnel that had an endless stream of immigrants pouring out of it would be discovered instantly.
Nothing, Trump just knows how to advertise his shit to the lowest common denominator and if he gets elected he won't even do any of the shit he promised.

Trump is a Jewish tool who literally admitted all he has said up to this point has been an act.

/pol/ Trumpcucks will still defend him up until the day he loses though.

Israel uses seimos in their wall, I assume Trump will use the same tech
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This is not CoD son
Governments need dig underground infrastructure for water and cloaks between US and Mexico.

They don't dig tunnels in the middle of the desert. They dig it in cities.
Land mines. And concrete 20 ft below. Duh. Retard yeah they can dig but it will take months and millions and we will constantly be catching and destroying tunnels.
>they loose millions
>we laugh at them
>we win.
Walls don't sit on the ground dipshit. And the wall just got 100 feet deeper
>100 feet deeper

Money will never be a problem for them, neither workers.
You build the wall deep enough to stop most tunnels and use tunnel detection technology for the rest. It's easy as fuck and all the shills itt that say it's impossible and call Trump supporters retarded for believing it are extremely hilarious.
We also have technology to find tunnels that the border patrol could use if obongo didnt give the stand down order
Just have robotic guns that shoot em when they pop up on the other side.

>Trump is a Jewish tool who literally admitted all he has said up to this point has been an act.

Citation needed
>Cost of production
>Cost of maintenance

The US can't have a Hollywood wall.
Isreal has motion sensor 50. turrets on its borders
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>What stops Mexicans from going underneath the wall

using a ladder is easier.
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About the Jewish thing?

Just google it m8, He loves his people.

Remember the AIPAC speech? The Jewish Press in the Trump tower? His BEAUTIFUL Jewish daughter and grandsons?

>still costs way less than mantaining 11 gorillions of spics illegally in the country.
Illegals don't apply for Healthcare my Pizza friend.
Tunnels would never be used to smuggle in the average impoverished spic. The tunnels cost millions to build and are for high value cargo only. If they were to allow mass transport of illegals via the tunnels then the cartels would be taking a multi-million dollar risk for a very low payout.

The drugs don't talk about how they got in the country but out of hundreds of spics flooding through, at least a handful would let enough information slip to have the tunnel shut down. It's just not a logical business move. The cartels are businesses after all.
Duur why u need gun if obungo has drone duur

Y u need wal if beenr use tennels duur
install seismic detectors along the wall so that any form of digging, blasting or tunneling will be detected
>schooling and emergency medical care
Costs, and once they all do that, its only makes it easier since we can just invest in the shit the israelis use to detect tunnelers.

Mexican drug dealers will make much less money and mexico will shit its bed.
There are ways to sense tunnels, my friend
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>why lock my front door, criminals will just tunnel under my house

>why do banks lock their vaults, criminals will just tunnel under the door

>why do gated communities have security, non-residents will just tunnel under the fences
Don't you people feel bad about this?

You're literally parasites.

Fucking apologize.
>Mexican drug dealers will make much less money

Do you know something about the Supply and demand? Or you went to Trump University?

They will love a wall.
Everytime you find one, dig down and toss some hungry big carnivorous animals down there, maybe some wasp nests and shut it. After a few times they'll stop.
There's not a literal wall you fucking idiot, and it's not just about Mexicans.

The entire goal is to cut off benefits from illegal immigrants that abuse our country. This is what is plaguing Europe.

"Building a wall" is just a rally cry. It's time to stop outsiders from taking advantage of our nation.
I'm pretty comfy actually.
It's simple. We man the entire border and shoot anyone carrying tunneling equipment within rifle range of the wall.
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Trump and the wall are memes you dip
Demand wont be the same, supply will go down..but it will be THERE supply dummie.

Every drug dealer that isn't getting supply from Mexico will profit; so most wont profit. Except weed since thats commonly domestic, but barely since its mostly domestic not Mexican.

So US made drugs dealings will be more profitable BUT those are already riskier since we crack down on them better than Mexicans do against there own. Also at least the money stays in US that way.
Detect tunnelers. Track aircraft. US Border Patrol Agents waiting on the other side.
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Good. I'm honestly glad that your shitizens made the only solution violence because I like to see you brown stubbies getting BTFO.

You need to go to a different country to survive. WHAT'S THAT LIKE?
They all send their kids to private schools and drive back to Mexico for the socialized medicine when they are sick.
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How old are you m8?

Tunnels are not made in the base of the wall in the middle of the desert. They made them from hundred of meters in houses.
It can if we make you pay for it via trade tariffs.
Gee it's almost like the wall is a stupid and impractical solution that appeals to morons
The tunnels already exist and have for some time. They will just be expanded
No, only the poors and ignorants go to the US.
They can't get a job here, so they go there

What's the feel when a spic who can't get a job in a third world steal YOUR job? You don't feel stupid?
Someone has never heard of a Seismograph
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>They made them from hundred of meters in houses
It works on Mexico's southern border.
if spics put as much effort making mexico a decent place to live as they would making tunnels we wouldn't have this problem
Care to explain?
You still have to cross the wall, Paco. If need be, any sufficiently urban area where tunneling activity could be masked will have concrete down to the bedrock.

I feel bad for you guys, because you're going to be hotboxed in with all of the cartels that you complacently allowed to gain power in your country. Mexican streets will be paved with the heads of people killed be Cartel extortionists and drug runners, and you'll only have yourselves to blame.
Gee, it's like you don't understand what America represents.

You come this this country, you are no longer black, or Mexican, or from Europe. You are an American, fighting for America. The wall is a metaphor for keeping people out that want to take advantage.
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Dear fruit-picking shit-tier "human being.",

I own a business. I hire and fire "prominent mexican intellectuals." Stay extremely cucked, and prepare to have a little less money for chiclets what with all the wall building.
If your government put a little more effort in the Drug Education we wouldn't have this problem.
>possible means that the idea is economically feasible

We could also just pay thousands of employees to post up every 100 yards, it would work, especially if we gave them guns, but it's a stupid way to solve the problem and would rightly be laughed off the floor if someone proposed it
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Literally your abuleo dug this shit-ditch for your people to flow thorough, but the wall and ground-penetrating radar with make your shit-people's life's work null.

wew lad

Take it easy, no need to get butthurt.
Your women call me "papi" before I have them anonymously deported.
It's more than economically feasible. The mile of concrete needed between detectors is far more costly. It's funny because illegal spics are literally afraid of the fact that the US has the technology to keep them out and there's nothing they or their pathetic little gangs can do to stop it.
What part of the Mexican government isn't paid off by the cartels?
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Israel is defending against potential armed invasions, that is categorically different than economic migrants
I don't see why you're so mad, but Ok.
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Forgive me pls, I'm white, and I cannot understand flooding a place that doesn't want me. Nations want more of my people, and yet countries are going into upheaval about keeping you out. WHAT'S THAT LIKE??!?

I keep asking to no response: WHAT'S THAT LIKE?

>he thinks stopping one will stop the horde

Well, Chile actually has MINEFIELDS in their border with Bolivia, sometimes Bolivian families get lost and blow up in their cars and die! it's fucking awesome! that's just an idea.

It takes a village, anon.
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How much of those you have to buy for a 24/7 surveillance in all the border?

And why Bush or Obama didn't get at least some of them? If they work, theUtS should buy one. Maybe there is a reason why the Border Patrol don't have those.
It would make it more difficult

we can set up sensors to detect ground movement

set up some cameras, drones, have some more patrols near the border to pick them up when they come up from the tunnels etc

ok so we can't stop EVERY illegal from coming over, what we can do is make it difficult as fuck then deport them if they still make it across
Because nobody ever got beheaded?
Honestly how do you post something like this, there have been constant complaints about cartel violence on and well past the border.
But that's because the civil war and guerrillas, not because economic migrants.
Only if mexico was the only drug supplier to the US.

USA domestic weed production is rising and with it being legal to grow in many places, will not remain a viable source of income for drug cartels with a wall. The other chief export, poppy seeds, can be provided by ISIS and other enterprising criminals in the Middle East. Atlanta and Chicago doesnt seem to give a shit if people ship/fly it there
>And why Bush or Obama didn't get at least some of them? If they work, theUtS should buy one. Maybe there is a reason why the Border Patrol don't have those.

simple, they didn't want to stop illegal immigration
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That's just the thing--your people do literally everything wrong. Your nation is a shithole of Mixicant's -- a failed state.

You are a failed state--you need to apologize to the rest of the fucking planet for being suck a fucking drain. You had every advantage via living next to us, and you squandered it because you like putting chainsaws to peoples' necks so much.

Mexico, pls.

We use the same tunnel detection system that israel uses on their border.


>el chapo btfo
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Only a retard would think there will be a wall.
And when that wall doesn't go up in the future you are going to feel even more retarded knowing that a dumb Mexican like me was more right than you.

>I'm white

Enjoy it while you're still the majority.
We're taking over soon.
This. Just contract with local animal control to not destroy the rabid animals they catch.
Bush and Obama both want as many Mexicans as possible.
I'm sure that's what Chile says when the UN is around too!
>Give full control of the US drugs to ISIS

And good luck having a meth lab big enough to supply the US.

cant they just put up a sign trespassers will be shot, and actualy shoot them
Deep foundations, the wall will be just as much underground as above.
-will stop 90% of illegal crossings
-boarder agents will now be able to do their job (hence the Trump endorsement)
Too bad ISIS is the US goverment and they burn both poppy and marijuana fields just like the US army did! Funny right?
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>We're taking over soon.

2% jews run everything, do you srsly think that a hard-core non-mixed white contingent will be any less?

Furthermore, You're not taking over shit. Your people are a shit-people, you have no capability to sustain any type of civilization short of cannibalism, and you suck.


Suffer moar.
easily detected, just get the army to wait for them to surface
>my country is shit and I enjoy ruining another country because of my racial pride

Youre cancer
Modern technology.
60% of Illegals go there by plane m8 with a tourist visa and then they stay in the US illegally.
>60% of Illegals go there by plane

Great idea, we should shoot on site.

>yfw nobody wants to go to mexishit but your shit-tier people all want to make excuses to get away from your own people to take advantage of the things that white people built/own.

You don't want the land, you want what we put on it. Stay cucked,

t.authors of civilization (aka whites)
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>You will see mexican gangs engage in full blown firefights with pic related during your lifetime.
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-It will stop 90% of those thinking about walking over.
>with a tourist visa and then they stay in the US illegally.
-hence the border agents will be able to do their job part.
>authors of civilization


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Try harder


Cry harder

If our purpose in life is to be cancer then so be it.
You're still going down, keep fighting a losing battle.
Your womyn will learn to love the Aztec cock.
A net of underground proximity mines.
If they don't use tunnels they will use boats and planes and submarines. If there is anything Mexicans are good at it's sneaking shit into the US.

Hell, what's stopping them from flying to Canada and simple walking over the northern border, if not simply doing this: >>71949072
What's wrong with stopping 40% ?
Well, you have two choices--you can maymay in your shit language, or you can look at their art and statuary and realize that they're way more germanic than mexican't.
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>Try harder

...said the nation of manlet tryhards who have yet to surpass india with regard to poo/loo technology.

You're not fooling anyone, I've lived all over Mexico from '97 to 2011, and your "people" are savages save for the extremely white upper class who don't put their little dix in burros.

Mexican'ts = lowest form of life ever. TO know them is to hate them.
The wall goes down several feet underneath the ground. Actually digging down and then up that low is extraordinarily dangerous and I think, at that point, if you've done that, you've earned your citizenship.
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>horole vato we be niggers an' shieet!

Nobody has answered yet--nobody brags about inhabiting Mexico, but mexi-scum brags about inhabiting the U.S.

What's it like to have such an inferiority complex? (and be so short)
Can't Americans just do a Takeshi's Castle type challenge with the Mexican border or maybe like in Total Wipeout where they have to balance on those incredibly bouncy balls?

Just imagine a live news feed playing 24/7
rekt bad
This is your argument?

kek Ok
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I don't think I've ever seen a Mexican in real life. Feels good. Also I wouldn't be surprised if people just volunteered to patrol the wall, honestly it would be fun.

>not to mentioned tunnel detection tech

Also why the fuck do these people act like this will be the first wall ever built? Walls have been pretty fucking effective over the years but suddenly because someone you don't like wants to build one they're just not viable? I think a lot of you guys are underestimating what these burger eating fucks can accomplish when they put the weight of their economy and workforce and ingenuity behind it
Mexicans aren't that bad and the wall is a stupid idea.
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>being so thick that you don't understand that nobody's digging tunnels to get to Mexico.

The best part is how you guys find it a bragging point that you're trying so hard to get away from your own people (and the conditions they've created) that you're willing to get shot at and imprisoned just for a taste of th e life that MY PEOPLE created (and consequently that your people are incapable of).

As a white person who only travels to get away from actual civilization, I ask again--WHAT'S THAT LIKE??!?!??!!!?!??!?
We see you, pedro.
intelligence and the 20 foot cement base
I have blue eyes and I'm voting for Trump. Mexicans aren't the real issue.
The self hating chicanos ITT are way too easy to identify...
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The brown stubbie buthurt in this thread supasses any montezuma's revenge ever.

Never more have I ever believed that we're going to build a wall, and Mexico's going to pay for it!
make a "shoot anyone in tunnels" policy
No, as always, the kikes are the real issue--but they're using useless brown people to undermine our entire civilization. Building a wall and BTFO of all brown stubbies everywhere is a great first step.

Auschwitz wasn't built in a day.
Ground penetrating radar like isreal uses to stop the same issue.

Why is this new to you
Their is a youtube video about the requirements for building the wall, and one of them is a 20 foot foundation.
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I've lived all over America from 2002 and 2014 and I know for sure you're going down.
This is why you love Trump's cock so much, you're desperate and will believe any retard that claims will save you.
>Implying the cartels doesn't have numerous amounts of prisoners that they don't give a shit about
Is that Rhodesian camo?
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