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"white people cant experience racism"
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what do they mean by this?

They think white people can't be discriminated against. It is just racism from the other side
They realize that they are in reality more racist than other people so they have to justify it somehow or their entire narrative of poor, humble nigger being kept down by the white man would crumble.
Mandatory video

Racism is a social. Noone cares about your petty feelings. Grow up or kill yourself.
>social construct*
This meme has to end.

There happen to be very real physical and genetic differences between human groups.

I'm very sorry Pajeet but you are fucking dumb. A Sub-saharan is vastly different from a Samoan or a Japanese person.
The story was so sad. He acting was terrible though. She just scowled for an hour and a half.
Just shows how far our education system has fallen.
Why was it sad?

Stupid, terrible niggers were freed from slavery, given free housing and food and they rape their children, abuse them and generally would have been better off not ever living.

That not 'sad' that is niggers.
When you add niggers, all standards lower.

The ONLY thing which has improved since we freed these animals has been the prison system.
"I'm a racist idiot with no sense of perspective."
Who thought it was a good idea to use these fucks as slaves?
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>Scene begins with the sheboon saying "gibs me dats"
>Leads up to her stealing from a cafe
>Culminates in her eating fried chicken

let me guess...niggers think this movie is a masterpiece and it has won several awards
<sigh> why oh why didn't we pick our own fucking cotton...
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niggers don't want to take responsibility for their actions.
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Latent racism.

Niggers, beaners, kikes, gooks, sandniggers are inherently inferior and everyone knows it. That which is inferior cannot be racist against that which is superior. And this doesn't just hold for white nations.

It's got nothing to do with power or patriarchy or anything like that. You can't be racist against South Africans either even though whites are a persecuted minority. They're being literally disposed, raped and genocided. And the world doesn't give a flying fuck, because they're white and the subhuman hates the overman. Whites are inherently superior.

Racism against us is more likely to provoke laughter at the absurdity of the subhumans than offense. Racism really is just a codeword for anti-white, and is used to suppress whites' natural will to power, or even their survival or reproductive instincts in favour of the subhumans.
"I am an opportunistic, tribalistic bully who has latched onto an ideology which helps shield me from criticism and self-reflection when I shout racist slogans at people."

Pretty much >>71884238, but more liberal and (sometimes) browner.
but arnt you being subjectively racist by saying
> Niggers, beaners, kikes, gooks, sandniggers are inherently inferior
i mean its really fucked up and retarded how people think blacks or any other minority cant be racist and bash on whites but you yourself are being no different than them instead you should rise above them and not fill your anger for their ignorance and make it hate because in turn your making their point right that only whites are racist and the cycle will only continue and become worst
Don't waste your time arguing about race. If you are posting on this board, you're a nigger.

It doesn't matter if you are white, black, Mexican, whatever -- you're a fucking nigger. We're all fucking niggers. We're all poor losers that do what the powerful people tell us to do to make a few bucks so we can buy shiny new clothes. Then we go home and watch garbage reality television while the important people use our nigger labor to make $$$$$.
They claim that racism is predicated on power over a group as well as discriminating against them on the account of their race/sex/gender.

I hang out on tumblr besides here. I like seeing my far right and far left every day. They actually believe this shit. I find it absolutely self-loathing to a state I can't fathom. Imagine being white, and genuinely thinking that if someone fucks you over for being white, it's not racist?

Imagine being black and having to use "it's not racist" as an exucse to take your anger out on people guilt free.

I don't understand these delusions, but they sure are funny.
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