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POL, what industries, currently under the Obama administrations, are extremely UNDERVALUED and will FLOURISH under a Trump administration?

I'm moving alot of money (just my IRA) into the energy sector and precious metals

My reasoning is under a Trump administration, he will btfo China's trade and currency manipulation with more manipulation via the Federal Reserve to enact better trade policies. Right now, gold and silver are off their Ron Paul happening highs while OPEC is undercutting US Energy with cheap oil.

Would getting a head start in these currently depressed field net me some nice fat stacks?

>also /POLBIZ/ Trump Stocks thread

a few hyped stocks I've banked on
>TASR (police body camera) https://www.google.com/#q=tasr
just expecting more chimpouts and body cameras will shit on political correctness under Trump (other body cam plays would be good too)

>ILMN (23andme DNA reader maker, I'm expecting more 23andme's to pop up long term as FDA changes policies against health and DNA tests) https://www.google.com/#q=ILMN
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but this is about trump presidency

so what market will flourish?

construction? Trump is a builder, he will renovate our infrastructure and aging airports and major transportations lines
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im think agriculture/commodies would be fun to bet on

>Illegals DEPORTED
>agriculture gets temporary WRECKED
>TONS of volatility
>more subsidies
>Agriculture rebounds to great highs and TO THE FUCKING MOON as we export more food via Trump's trade policies
who is this spunk monk
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some slavic weeb with her beta provider
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You may be operating on some good logic, but I have a feeling that the controllers will go to ANY lengths to not let him become President.

Hillary Clinton is the chosen puppet replacement for Obama. I just hope Trump can muscle through all the dirty tricks and vote-rigging to win over her.
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i fall into the camp that controllers dont care as long as they bank

hence, in a trump presidency, they would've hedge their moneys in appropriate industies

like for example
Under Bush jr, one would profit from the war industry (ie: Haliburton)
Under Obama, i made a lot and lost quite a bit from the 2008 happenings via precious metals and liberal hyped stocks like Solar City and Tesla and 3D printing.
Under Trump, controllers will shift their money around in winning industries, so this thread is just to try to examine potential winners
Buy gold trust me

t. Rand Paul
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if i were american, i would change all my cash for gold and get the fuck out of there
Why gold when niggers bucks will be in
And go where? Algeria?
the banks

Trump will lift restrictions on capital returns

also if you dont own a few shares of BAC right now you arent even trying

they are going to double the div this year to about 3% (maybe 2.8%), and it will head higher next year ect
oh you are retarded
Big American cock?
Other recs?
Keep me posted
Two words - manufacturing and construction.

Expect to see a huge push to restore blue collar manufacturing work in the US under Trump.
What does everyone think will happen to the strength of the USD? I'm guessing it will fall a bit at first and then steadily rise for a long time.
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