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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Sure, I'll do the "pow pow" and you do the horizontal-death-shuffle on the floor
No I don't want to contract GRIDS
File: MZc5Dg1.jpg (43 KB, 579x804) Image search: [Google]
43 KB, 579x804
back to /lgbt/ with you

Looks 200% Slav
File: image.png (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
m-muh guns... hehehh...
No, now fuck off
Are you making a pass or do you want to fight? Genuinely confused.
And yet he would lower his head and walk humbly into the shower room by his own volition. Imagine that.

Remember that one time when 4chan made that War Machine guy beat himself and post pictures of the aftermath, just to show how tough he is, simply because they chose to storm his twitter?
Yeah. You're exactly the kind of monkey he is.
Nah mate, dancin's for poofs.
>Would glass over the head
I'm a straight non degenerate non jewish male, also i have a can of zyclon b. Care to dance
no I do not want to have sex with you, I do not Consent.
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