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/sg/ Syria General - DeirEzZor defense-edition
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You are currently reading a thread in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 93
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Links updated for April 16
https://syriagenerals.wordpress.com (pastebin is officially obsolete)
Thread for discussion of Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Libya

>Interview w/ Assad-DEC'15
>Thread themes
>Featured Video

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Timeline map of Syria
>Twitter maps

>Khanasser (April 16)
>N. Aleppo (April 15)
>Aleppo (April 14)
>Tel al Eis (April 14)
>Latakia (April 11)
>Daraa (April 8)
>Hit, Iraq (April 7)

DEVELOPMENTS (April 16-17)
>Iraqi reinforcements arrive in Aleppo
>ISIS suffers demoralizing defeat at Deir Ezzor Airport: 48 terrorists killed
>ISIS offensive at Dumayr ends in disaster as the Syrian Army reclaims the area
>Battle for east Damascus underway as Syrian Army & rebels gang up on ISIS
>Iraq, Tunisia reject denouncing Hezbollah at Istanbul Summit
>SAA/NDF/Al Quds attain full control over the Katlatin neighbourhoods in Aleppo city
>Syrian Army ambushes ISIS in northeast Sweida, 20+ terrorists killed
>SAA defends Qala'a mountaintop in north Latakia
>SAA recaptures Badia Cement Factory & Abu Al-Shamt military research center in East Damascus

Previous thread
1st for greater Israel.
>not 'CIA visits /sg/'-edition
Kinda disappointed
Hi, guys. Back from 2 week vacation anything big happen? Last thing I heard quaratayn got liberated.

And if you get the chance visit Hungary it's gorgeous, and cheap.

fucking new thread
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nth for greater TURKEY

what the fuck?
Any recent news on Khannaser?
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Aleppo soon?
any sunni fighting for assad is a cuckold

any muslim who allies with christians and alawites to murder other muslims is a faggot

assad is a mafia tyrant who will be disposed of by the shi'a after they're done milking his faggot ass
Still okay. They never got close.
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greater syria.jpg
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Will we see Greater Syria by 2020?
Nobody cares about your extremist moronic opinion. Kill yourself.
assad is a butcher al*vi like his father. Soon he will be disposed of by Turkey and rebels
will isis be over soon?
Fuck off sectarian scum.
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Will you marry me?
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are you naughty in bed
Will I finally and successfully take the last steps on this path I've embarked on over 2 years ago?
Is anime for gays?
>"alawis and alevis are the same thing"
>turkish "education"
coming from white american who murdered a million iraqis lol
So, can someone explain this?
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Dude you're a fucking propaganda tool. How much you get ? 1 shekel per thread ? you're always present in /sg/
reminder ssnp is a christian group bent on domination of muslims
Prove it
Iraqi PMU has been sending people to Aleppo for months now.
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I support the rebels in the aleppo and idlib. Rebels are in our border are fucking stupid and cant fight
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is there any buzz in turkey about possible invasion of north syria this summer to btfo kurds
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YlVAiog_Wc [Embed] [Embed]
which one of you wrote this?

>Comrade Flutterbareervor 1 Tag (bearbeitet)
Als Person die selber ab und zu bei /sg/ vorbeischaut kann ich die erste Geschichte bestätigen und hinzufügen, dass dies nicht der erste Mal gewesen ist.
Bereits vor ein paar Monaten hatte ein syrischer Twitterer mit einer Ortsbestimmung/Geolocation eines ähnlichen Videos ebenfalls den gleichen Effekt hervorgerufen.
Es ist ein schöner Anblick, wenn durch 4chan Islamisten getötet werden.
FYI: Rebels at your border are, among others, Turkmen and are heavily supported by Turkey.
So shit supported by shit, no wonder they fail.
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Dont respond to him




I'm mexican, we opposed to the iraq war. Fuck off scum, you are the reason why so many people hate muslims.
shi'a should not be allying with christians/alawites (same thing) to kill sunnis

look what christians did to iraq

look what christians are doing with their support for israel
There is but we dont want to invade alone and dont trust arabs so its not possible i think because erdogan has no ballz

We can get ypg with 20000 special forces with air support
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We dont fucking care poland HAHAHAHA USELESS
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>#IS repelling an attempt to advance by #VSO in #Aleppo's northern countryside, killing several of them..

the world isn't just christians vs muslims mate
should I marry Lili?
lol nice try eternal anglo
We don't have blinis and we actually went to space once.
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You fell for a shill meme and don't realise you're an anglo country.
You don't have blinis? Really? I know it's russian thing but I thought you got them as well
Not per se, we make them differently.
FSA. (Vetted Syrian Opposition).
Ah, the terrorirst they moved from Idlib.
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Nice meme bitch
>calls opposition roaches, carrying implicit genocidal threat
>denies there's concerted christian/alawite plot to murder sunnis


you idiots don't even know when you let the mask slip you're so dumb
"Claims of Nusra capturing a T-90 in vicinity of al-Eiis. Pending confirmation." @LlamameIshmael
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what is /sg/ drinking? I'm drinking some fanta with wine (pretty popular here)

let's hope it's fake knws
as i thought. no response

let me just slip these nuts into your mouth then, faggot

there we go

lol my finnish bitch
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+10 lira
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>fanta with wine
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>fanta with wine
Banana ketchup tier.

I'm drinking this shit. Again.
Does anyone have a link the Nusra video where they assault a town with tanks
The tanks have Go-Pros and it has cool rock music while they shoot up the place
Already tried looking in the archives and its been banned by Jewtube
:D lol
Reported to the Sultan.
Hope for it to be an upgraded t-72, if it is true, that think would be in Turkey in seconds and it would be big disaster.
k, the name is ingenious I give you that

It's not that bad as the bananas with ketchup
I'm the sultan

We turks are creative people m8
>christians/alawites (same thing)

Yeah except for believing the total opposite they're like exactly the same

t. FSA Spokesman Muhammad al-Durqa
you're extremely misinformed
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We have no stake whatsoever in this conflict and we really from the start, instead of grossly antagonizing the Russians and Iranians by shipping TOW's should have done nothing and spent that saved money plugging a hole in some state's budget deficit.

If you're going to grossly antagonize Russians, you do it in Europe where we actually have some stake rather than some now war torn mostly islamist shithole created out of a middle income arab country.

Us westerners wouldn't have to deal with Jihadist movements and now, yet again, our intelligence agencies have generated enemies for us that regular people are going to have to deal with later on.

Shit's fucking ridiculous. And the thing we do need our armed forces to take coercive action on, like keeping out the Mexicans from shaking down our politics and public goods dispensary they just completely ignore.

Who actually controls the deep state and just what are they doing?

This better not end up being a draft for some oil barons in some desert far far away.

why do you think anybody buys your bs /sg/

we all know you like assad because you hate muslims
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a cheap red whine, I'm not going to waste one of the good ones we have
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dry or lovely?
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Jewdy is mad. How mad are you Jewdy?
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you're speaking the language of the people who mercilessly fried your ancestors in nuclear blasts for no other reason than you're asian
And That's why asians are manlet :DD
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Iraqi Shia militias are helping Assad among other things.
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Not Japonais Jewdy and we are going to end you. Apres nous le deluge de sang Juif.
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Guys I made some OC
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oh so you're one of those white betas who moves to asian countries because your own women wont fuck you

I'm not the wine expert of my house but I think it's lovely
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is it you m8?
Russian flag is too well made, 3/10
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pic related, it's not me but this is how we use to drink it
>nike air
Tell your friend to kill himself
lmao i've triggered an autistic finn (but i repeat myself) into making ms paint pictures to accompany every single post i make after btfo'ing him

nerves struck
I found it on the internet
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does anyone have the isis "come fuck us" gay webm on deck
ah sorry but nike air is still cancer
Makes sense. Can't buy Fanta at sunday. But next week man.

If you haven't tryed it: Cold wheat beer + lemonade (like sprite)

That's what we drink in hot summer days. It is called Rus or Russe = Russian. Not kiding

Go bang your head against a wall until blind....you won't see the bullets coming. JEWDOS YOM SCHEISSER!!!!!!!!
No he probably military, sandnigger.
you realize that i'm not afraid of betas right

like you are so beta you had to move down one league to asia in order to compete

pretty much everything i need to know about you summed up there
Manlet pls, why do you browse sg go fuck some japan lolitas or send me if you cant satisfy them with your 2 inch dick
>like you are so beta you had to move down one league to asia in order to compete

That's actually quite accurate to be fair.
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>drinking the liquid Ergenekon
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Assad will make Anime real just for us
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(Sorry, i'm little bit late but I assume any (You) is good enough)
post traps
Put the US among the cancers and Fatah shouldn't be in the hero category or the cancer category. Just put the Palestine flag in the hero category.
>Said the arab
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>There is an actual bill in congress to hold Saudi Arabia responsible for 9/11

Am I dreaming?
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yeah you must know a lot about being arab
>Put the US among the cancers
That could work, but there would need some hero category to make them match.

>Fatah shouldn't be in the hero category or the cancer category. Just put the Palestine flag in the hero category.
But if we separate Hamas then putting the Palestinian flag would make it redundant. Its better to keep Fatah which stood up against the Saudis and are the largest party in the parliament behind Hamas.
>#SAA Recaptures Badia Cement Factory, Military Research Center From #IslamicState.
only pol accepted trap

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danke shoen
>implying it'll pass
It won't pass and will protect them from any fallout caused by 28 pages.
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niceeeeeeeeeee m80
ur gay
He's just ottoman
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mahmut abu musnad pls
traps aint gay
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>roach diaspora

It won't pass but I want 2 dream.
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Bad news for you my friend.
why they are talking on english? Good luck with your ranked
becuz im in slav server :Dd
Did your father teach you that?
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>mfw the red kurds are being blown out in turkey without any air or artillery support
>k/d is currently 10:1
imagine what will happen when the army doesn't give a fuck about civvies because they are not turkish citizens
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>k/d is currently 10:1
Don't worry, that ratio will fall once the US and Russia army the Kurds with shit that your soldiers never even seen before.
like what exactly? they already have european and russian rifles

what could you possibly give them that change the course of the war in turkey in the slightest?
They already have. 1 week ago pkk attacked with milan anti-tank infantry missile which came from ypg???

Nigga our army is not arab and weak we will always defeat them even though they have manpads or atgms
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do you think a few manpads and atgms will change the course of the war? a few million kurds against worlds 8th strongest military?
most of the operations are light personnel carries and infantry based in the south-east. why we even give casualties is because of remote-controlled explosives everywhere and suicide bomber attacks on police
so don't make me laugh amerifat, you could literally throw a trillion dollars worth of equipment at the kurds and they would still lose the war
your government is obviously aware of this, so they are trying to tread the middle-path: arm the kurds against isis but not too much as to not anger turkey
Fun fact: iraqi army and peshmerga they have fully modernized american equipments tanks weapons but still gets btfo by isis.

America is cancer
Milan is a 40 year old system and the Kurds do not have the most recent upgraded versions. I'm talking about systems like BGM-71E-3B and 9K133. Things that will make short work of your Altay (if it ever come to service). Throw in FIM-92Js and 9K338 to completely deny airspace to your air force. Then we shall quickly see the tide of war turn. Roach women will be out on the streets screaming for Erdogan to quit sending their husbands and fathers to certain death.
lol. what is a guerrilla war.
Will i ever fuck you??

>what is a guerrilla war.

Guerilla war doesn't work if the other side doesn't carry about civilian causalties.
Didn't you guys had a server for your own?
We have but i like to play with slavs easy win

If we want to bomb them like essad did with barrels we will see what is guerrilla war?
Oh but apparently they do: >>71169788

>imagine what will happen when the army doesn't give a fuck about civvies because they are not turkish citizens
>What is imagine
sandnigger can't read
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>sandnigger can't read
check'd and kek'd
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Movie time in /sg/ !
>Al-Nebras (The Lantern) - ENG SUB - Film on Imam Ali [HD]
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can i be the dolphin?
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well south-east is a contested region
currently the army is nice and gentle to win the kurds to turkeys side and its working so far
but if they started to feel that they are losing the war, don't have any doubt that they would drop kick the region and ban kurdishness in turkey in a heartbeat

also as i have said, turkish civvies, if the ypg attacked turkey directly they would bulldoze northern syria

guess not!
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They only reason that is happening is because the Kurds are preoccupied with ISIS. Once ISIS is gone, then Turkey will bleed and there will be nothing Erdogan could do to stop it.

>tfw you are keenly aware that you are watching propaganda but you don't care because it is so perfect
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Earthquake Happening is attacking Chile
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No they are not, they just believe in the "Syrian race" without religion, think of them like the Ba'athist's but more secular, but hardly religious.

N...based Yemeni Houthi Arabs? *cries*
how strong?
>*No Yemeni Houthi's

A fucking Volcan in Villarrica

Don't die Chile Bro! Don't lose internet connection either.
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>Mossad has come for Chilebro
how far away
it's like 200 km from puerto montt, are you fine then?

850 Km, i can recive a Earthquake soon
stay safe
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greater syria ssnp.jpg
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>posts lies about the ssnp

You desicrate the American identity. Ssnp does not have any religious affiliation, it believes in the separation of church and state. Please leave my country and never return.
Guys can anyone explain modern military techniques for me?

A little background first. In the Iraq war I remember the media making a big deal of this one firefight, where insurgents were attack a US position. Now of course they said how brave the US soldiers were and one guy protected an injured buddy. But in the end it was like 8 insurgents with ak-47's and rpg's and they had to call in an air strike. What the fuck?

Is this scenario typical? Does the US and other modern countries no longer flank positions, use their own grenades and what not? Do they really call in airstrikes to take out 8 people or even less?

Uh.....what are you gonna do?
Pray to Allah to be safe

>Do they really call in airstrikes to take out 8 people or even less?

Yeah. If close air support is available you use it. Why risk your life when there is a readily available alternative?

good luck chilebro!

At your place friday night?
because US Marines are a bunch of pussy cowards. they join the military because they want to "kill all the mudslimes" none of them have any military experience or any deeper will to fight. If it was the US Marines stuck in Kuweries or Deir Ezzor, they would never stand a chance.
Yes, i will be fine, i live a 8,4 last year.

mossad probably sent that quake after you
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Here's what you do:

1. Open the Door
2. Get on the Floor
3. Everybody Walk the Dinosaur

I hope this was helpful.
your girl was fucked by a marine. its okay faggot
but aren't you a little safer in the countryside?
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standard indian swimming pool.jpg
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>Yeah. If close air support is available you use it. Why risk your life when there is a readily available alternative?
I don't question the use of available air power. I question that they seem to be using it as a crutch. Meaning they won't attack if air power is not ready.

Now's your chance. The Angolos will be distracted by the Earthquake. Seize the Malvinas.
your girl was fucked by a TUAF. its okay faggot
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>implying TUAF fucks non-traps

I'm living in Coquimbo, and the countryside the house are made of Greda, the shit don't resist a big Earthquake.

But in the city? It was more safe, thank to god i don't live so near of the beach, the tsunami destroyed were i brought fish.
Yes i fucking love to fuck traps what's wrong?
" shiism was a mistake " - Ali
as a armchair general, my analysis of the marine's tactics are.

>bumble down highways in APCS
>encounter enemy, gitsome.png
>exit APCS, get scared shitless
>dig in and call air support
>marines check the enemy is dead
>hop back in APCs and continue down the road
butthole sore in da morning
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And if you don't know why chileans doesn't give fuck about Earthquakes, is because this is our strongest Earthquake.

I don't care i just fuck
It makes sense. I mean soldiers aren't even dying from bullet wounds anymore in large percentages, but by road side bombs while they are in vehicles.
reported to the Turkish Islamic Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice
That's in the KSA. mate i dont live in ksa try harder :DD
When will Sultan Erdogan establish the khilaphat?
Never I think Because we are secular and democratic people :DD and a tourism country
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Serious question, why hasn't Chile hasn't conquered Argentina yet?


I don't know about the Army, but the Marines are absolute whores for close air support. There was an incident during the Pacific War where the Navy left some Marines on an island without air support and the Marines have never forgiven them. They swore from that day on, they would have their own planes (separate from the Navy) and they was always have air support no matter what. I read a lot of shitty mil-blogs and a lot of Marines are actually kind of bitter about the fact that the USMC leadership puts so much emphasis on air power now.

Commies and SJW trying to impose the Human Rights
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"turks were a joke" - allah

ripping memes
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better shot
''americans are burger''-jesus c*rist
We defended islam for 600 years while arabs eating shit
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for requesting new bread
>Serious question, why hasn't Chile hasn't conquered Argentina yet?

the andes are a rough place to fight, we already cross them once with an army but to liberate chile from spain
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>kurds are a threat to turkey
>kurds fite isis, turey suport isis
>turkey will bleed
so what diaspora are you?
armenian? kurdish? greek? assyrian?
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>defend islam for 600 years
>then destroy the caliphate which lasted for 1400 years
>immediately become euroboo

good job turks
Somebody should change the subs to something like "isn't anybody going to make new /sg/ bread for pol?"
Blame atatürk not turks m8
"Iblis was right." - Allah
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sent the wrong thing.jpg
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>become euroboo

fucking please, ataturk despised most of europe, peace and """friendship"""" treaties is not love
he also said that soviet union will fall and that turkey must create a turkic federation when that happens
he was friendly with americans, although back then americans weren't a bunch of warmongers
the current eurobooness is an 80s thing, it is passing on quite quickly though. i wouldn't be surprised if a majority turks would be against joining europeans union if you did a poll today
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>turey suport isis
That's true btw but fucking isis stop to bombing of us and should give us free oil
Xocam bokpostluyorum Ben de sıkı bir Turancıyım,Dedikleri mi ciddiye alma :D Bu saatte sadece bok postluyorum o kadar. Ama Atatürk konusunda sana katılmayacağım Atatürk turanist değil di bana göre neden diye sorarsan enver paşa'ya hiç yardımı dokunmadı.
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Rescuing his nation from the chopping block would have been enough, but Atatürk was far from finished. He envisioned a modern, progressive Turkey that would eschew the outmoded values of the Ottoman Empire in favor of real European-style democracy. Rarely in history has anyone exerted such power with such effect in so short a time. In less than 10 years, Atatürk...
aligned Turkey with the West rather than the East
separated religion and state (by removing Islam as the state religion and upholding civil law over Islamic law)
adopted the Western calendar
decreed that Turks should have surnames, similar to Western custom
changed the alphabet from Arabic script to Roman letters

distanced Turkey from the corrupt Ottoman Empire by abolishing the sultanate and caliphate, and outlawing the fez and veil
abolished polygamy, and
emancipated women (by comparison, Swiss women received the vote in 1971).
An Educated American

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>Today is #IndependenceDay of #Syrian Arab Republic 17 April 1946 from France
2020 -Turkish democratic Syrian republic
You are giving him way too much credit, whether you admit it or not the nation, being western and free, failed not because of Islam but because he tried to wage a war against it.

What's happening today in Turkey is inevitable, the nation is split between Islamic identity, Western Identity, vid related.
well it is obvious that you do not know turkish political history, for ataturks reforms are a mere continuation of the tanzimat reforms done before him. let me adress some of these
>aligned Turkey with the West rather than the East
turkey was aligned with soviet union as well during this time, closer than the european powers in fact. but mustafa kemal was a realpolitik, he aligned with who was needed, there is much evidence that all his foreign policy moves are very calculated
>separated religion and state (by removing Islam as the state religion and upholding civil law over Islamic law)
indeed, but the ottoman empire wasn't fully governed by islamic law. the islamic law mostly applied to things like marriage
>adopted the Western calendar
much needed to sync in with the western powers in trade, history and the sciences
>changed the alphabet from Arabic script to Roman letters
arabic is really shitty for turkish, i wish he moved for orhun script and roman at the same time
>emancipated women (by comparison, Swiss women received the vote in 1971).
turkey was essentially a socialist state during this period, so yes indeed
he didn't do it because of the europeans though, he believed that 'in a country where women are chained to the ground, men cannot soar to the skies'

when you look at some of his conversations with europeans, you can see how much of a 'euroboo' ataturk is cont.

enver pasa ve geri kalan eski devlet adamlariyla arasi birinci dunya savasinda kapaniyor mustafa kemalin
savastan sonra avrupaya kactiklari icin, vatan haini olduklarini dusunmus olabilir bence

Dining one evening with a party at the Ankara Palace Hotel, he observed the Italian Ambassador at an adjoining table. The Albanian envoy was also present. As it happened, the Gazi was sover. But it suited him to pretend that he was not. Leaning towards the Albanian he said, 'Asaf Bet, I see lots of funny pictures in the newspapers. What's going on in Albania? Are you performing an operetta? He was alluding to the photographs of King Zog, with his gaudy uniforms. 'Anyway' he continued, 'what was wrong with the Republic? Why did you think it necessary to have a King? And what is more you are following a dangerous policy. The Italians will use you in order to infiltrate into the Balkans.'
The Italian Ambassador tried to intervene. Turning to address him through an interpreter, who repeated his remarks loudly for all to hear. Ataturk protested at the fact that in Rome Italian students had been demonstrating in front of the Turkish Embassy with demands for Antalya. 'Antalya' he explained to him, 'is not in the pocket of our Ambassador in Italy. Its right here. Why don't you come and get it? I have a proposition to make to His Excellency the Duce. We'll allow him to land Italian soldiers in Antalya. When the landing is completed, we'll have a battle, and the side which wins will have Antalya'
The Ambassador asked, ' Is this a declaration of war, Your Excellency?'
'No' replied Ataturk. 'I am speaking here as a mere citizen. Only the Grand National Assembly can declare war in the name of Turkey. But try to remember that, when the time comes, the Grand National Assembly will take into consideration the feelings of mere citizens like myself.'

from Ataturk - Patrick Kinross
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What the fuck is that thing, /sg/? A barrel bomb?
If i was in there i fucking swear to god I would throw her off roof like isis
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the lady with the headscarf is yelling that she is a kemalist though
and the woman in the bikini is a degenerate desu
just like how islamists should fuck off to saudi arabia, she should fuck off to sweden or something
turkey is a nuclear crater and is being replaced by second byzantine empire
Syria and has formed greater Syria contorting most of the western Levant
Saudis have gone bankrupt and gone back to being tribal savages
>this will be a good century
Turkey has nuclear power and restored to Ottoman Empire.
Syria has formed to Turkish democratic Syrian republic
Israel and Turkey rule the world and americans,europeans gone back to being tribal savages
But look at how many people defended the bikini tho and kinda pushed the old lady like nothing, you have to draw the line between honor and shame.

The problem is that you can't have one over the other due to the way things are set up in Turkey, but I do believe that eventually things will blow up, and there will be no winners.
good morning, /sg/
any good news?
Eat western shit
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Quiet night
islam will win, turkey is khalifat clay
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You know, these threads have really made me conscious of how late I stay up. It's 11:30 PM and suddenly out of nowhere some russian guy goes GOOD MORNING WHAT'S UP!!!!!!!!!

Overall though, not much going on. It's been a slow day.

I think Chile Bro may have died in the Earthquake though. He sent us several disturbing messages. Something about "blood everywhere." Nothing after that.
inşALLAH brother
even if the kuffar HATE it
maşALLAH brother islam is the only religion that will bring the peace.
what now??
don't Muslims in general hate the living shit out them..
of course islam is a religion of peace

proof, even saudi arabia, a country that has a rudimentary shariah law is better than america

"Crime in Saudi Arabia is relatively low when compared to some developed nations, but may be increasing due to higher levels of foreign workers and higher levels of unemployment among Saudi residents."

— John Wilson, on the crime situation in Saudi Arabia, in the book International Security and the United States: An Encyclopedia[5]
>Chile Bro may have died in the Earthquake though
are you serious
was Chile to mossaded. Burger you better be trolling
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